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Everything posted by Pandora2721

  1. Name- Ace Age- 19 Gender- Male Instrument- Drums Bio- Ace ‘s parents died when he was only 11 and has been on his own ever since then. When we was in the 9th grade he met a girl names Charity and they were friends ever since then. Now that they are older they both live in an apartment together. Appearance- http://i942.photobuc.../AnimeGuy16.jpg ~Snickers~
  2. Ai's eyes were opend wide. "no....no...NO!!! i dont want to die.......i dont want to be here......" She thought to herself. She looked at all of the heartless. "i'v got to get out of here.....i have to find Shadow......" Ai tryed to get away from the hearless.
  3. "huh....!?" Eiji pulled out his cell phone( the skull thing) out of his pocket and looked at the name. "who is this....?" He picked it up and put it to his ear. "hello?" Eiji said in questioning voice.
  4. Eiji looked at the man and took the cup. "thanks......." He said and looked at it for a while then took a small sip and leaned against the wall and looked out the window. He sighed. "sooo......" Eiji tryed to break the silence.
  5. He walked over and followed behind her glansin at the man. He stoped walking as soon as they got in and he looked around. There was a small fire with a chair and a couch around it. There was another room that was the kitchen and then a bathroom. "not a bad place....." Eiji thought to himself still looking around.
  6. "oh......" Eiji shuved his hands in his pokets and walked down the hill with her looking down. "......am i ever going to remember anything.....?" He thought to himself and glansed over at her. "at least i have her....." He smiled a little to himself and then they made it to the bottom of the hill. The town was pretty empty mostly because it was really late. "so.....are we staying in this town for the night......?"
  7. Eiji looked around as the wind blew his bangs over his eyes. He moved his hair and glansed back over at her. "Taji......did that guy know who we were?" He asked still not sure who to trust and what not. He sighed a little and looked out into the distance.
  8. Eiji looked at her and noded. "ok......." He said as he took her hand and glansed back at the other guy. "hum......" Eiji shook his head and looked back at Taji. "yea...lets go"
  9. Eiji turned around and looked at him. "huh...!? Comrade...?" Eiji looked confused. "does this guy know me....?" He thought and just kept looking at the guy.
  10. "Taji-" Eiji slaped himself in the face. "you dont just walk up to an angel and tell him this....he could kill you....." Eiji sighed and stood up and walked over slowly.
  11. Eiji glansed over at her. "im not sure who he is.....but he might be...." Eiji said looked back over at the man. "if he is.....theres no way im leting him keep his life......" He thought.
  12. Eiji opens his eyes and looked up at her a tad annoyed. "hi Taji...." He said smiling back at her slightly. "its perfectly fine out here........" He sat up and looked at her. "im older then you....i should know whats safe and whats not..." He said under his breath and then glanced over at Paul.
  13. Eiji heard soneone and opend one eye and glansed over at him. "who is that guy........and why is he here.....?" Eiji thought to himself. He decides to ignore him and closed his eyes again.
  14. Eiji was laying in the grass looking up into the stary sky thinking about things. "its quiet.....its nice....." He thought to himself as he closed his eyes relaxing in the calming night breeze. "i wonder where Taji is......"
  15. -Sign up sheet- Name: Eiji (Eternity) Deity of Death Appearance: http://i942.photobuc...a1122/wwrqw.png Weapon: Sythe Power: Darkness Bio: Eiji has always been alone until he met Taji. They have been together for as long as he can remember. He woke up in the middle of know where not knowing who anyone was or anywhere he was all he could remember was his name. He is very quiet around people but when he gets to know them he is outgoing. Side: Lord Death
  16. Ai kept trying to get out her eyes filled with sadness and fear. "let me go!!! let me go!!! just leave us alone!!!!" She thought and started brething hevily and shaking. "Shakdow!!!!" She knew that it was all mumbles but she was scared. The feeling was over welming to her and she didnt know what to do.
  17. Ai tryed to get away as the scared feeling came back to her. "why! why now!!! not again!" She thought to herself trying to get out of this. Her eyes widend as she saw what was happening to him. "NO STOP!" She screamed but it was all a mumble since her mouth was coverd.
  18. MY 3DS CAME IN THE MAIL TODAY!!!! *extreamly happy*

    1. Pandora2721
    2. Sora's Baby

      Sora's Baby

      I leave for two seconds.

    3. Pandora2721


      help me im going to get stalked! *hugs behind sotasbaby*

    4. Show next comments  105 more
  19. She noded slowly smiling a little. "yea...i agree...." Sheblinked slowly and rubed her eyes a little. She breathed softly and just kept loking up at him.
  20. She blushed lightly and stayed laying in his lap. She was geting thoes wierd feeling again in her. "ok...." Her eyes closed for a breef second. Then she forsed them open again. "i....cant...wait to be free........" She said her voice still really quiet.
  21. Ai moved a little and opend her eyes half way and looked up at him. "hes......still here......" She thought to herself trying to stay awake. "are.........we safe...here.....?" She asks in a quiet sleepy voice.
  22. She felt someone touch her a little but didnt wake up she was to tired. She curled up and blushed lightly in her sleep. Her brething finly was normal and she wasent shaking anymore. Her body finly relaxed. She felt like she could trust him and not get hurt when with him.
  23. i dont want to go back to school tomorrow......X_____X

  24. Ai stayed close to him. She looked at the heartless and tryed to stay calm. Her hand droped from his shirt. She layed on the cold ground not moving. She was still shoked from everything that happend. It seemed like everything was moving so fast. SHe watched Shadow but not long she could feel her eyes geting heavy and stat to shut. "will everything be ok....when i wake up.....? or will he be gone.....will i be by myself......i dont know......but i want to know....i want-" She thought to herself but soon everything went black as she feel asleep unable to keep her eyes open any longer.
  25. She held on tight to him. "i-i-i dont like....it to.....much......b-but...im happy....to feel something......" Ai was brething a littly heavy but the shaking went down a lot as she stood there in his arms.
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