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Everything posted by Pandora2721

  1. Dee ran over and took the seat next to his brother and smiled. "yay tea!" He said happily and looked around at all the different cups and plates. Rin rumped off Ayano's sholder and landed on the table and sat down. She had a smile on her face as she saw Masato and Alex walking over. "hi Masato, Alex" She said in a happy tone and waved at them. Alex walked next to Masato and then sat down. "thanks" He said and then looked at Rin. "hello" He said with a smile.
  2. Alice had her eyes shut tight as she ran. She coughed as she breathed in the smoke of the fire. She opend her eyes and then just stoped. "what.....whats going on.....is this even posibal....." She looked around but all she saw was darkness. "Haven....where is he....." She tryed to yell for him but nothing came out. Her hands droped from her ears as she put one of them on the poutch that had the dagers in it.
  3. "oh...that explanes a lot" He said then noded. "yea, sure" Alex followed behind him. Rin froze up a little when she saw the bird. "its not going to eat you...." She thought to herself. Dee smiled. "YES!!! I want to see Human! He grabed his brother wrist and ran down the path with him. Akane glansed around a little and sighed. "we need to get that boy back! If he goes with the white queen we over here could be doomed.....!" She was frustrated.
  4. "haha....yeaaa...." Dee scrached the back of his head. Rin climed onto the hatters sholder. "i think we should go have some tea" She said. Alex noded and then did the same thing with his sword. "well im glade he thinks im good at this....." He thought to himself. "wait another day!?" He looked around. "did it even get dark out....!? im losing my mind again....." He hit himself in the head.
  5. Alice jumped and then put her hands over her ears. "go away!! go away!!!" Her hold body felt stif. She watched the trees set on fir as her eyes widend. She looked over at him seeing him start to run. "body...move...MOVE!!!" All of a sudden she feels herself run really fast and pass him her hands over her wars still. "it wont hurt you!!!"
  6. While Eri was walking down the street he heard some people yelling. “hummmm…..” He walked a little faster and then stopped at the sight of a huge fight. An evil smile appeared across his face. He glanced around to make sure no one was looking. "looks safe to me….” He thought to himself and pulled the cell phone out of his pocket and pressed 1. He put the phone to his ear and waited to see if she was going to answer the phone. “come on…..we made a deal…answer!”
  7. Run rand over to her and jumped onto her leg. "you got druged so that you coulc get fixed." She said looking up at her. "yep....you went even more crazy then you normily do..." Dee said crosing his arms. Boris walked into the woords and climed a tree and sat in it. "i wonder where that human is...."
  8. Alice puts out her hand and feels water fall onto it as she looks into the sky. "the sky...its sad again....." Alice pulled her hood over her face more as it started to rain hard. She froze up a little when she hurd the thunger crash. "..........nothing is going to hurt you.......im older now....why should this stilll be freaking me out....." She thought to herslef and continused to walk.
  9. Alice glanses back at the castle. "im still sorry......all thoes people....im sorry...." She walked behind him and glansed around a little. She stayed really quiet. "....."
  10. Alice held onto the book tight and then looked around. "anything.....i need......" She shook her head and then put her hood on anc overd her face again. "we can go when your ready...." Alice said in a quiet voice. "i will be strong....i cant let things get to me...or i will be the one dead......" She thought to herself and looked at the book.
  11. Dee looked at Ayano and then back at Dee. "i dont know i dont wat to get introuble with Masato if we just leave her here...." Rin looked at her. "i hope she wakes up soon." Alex looked at him and shook his head. "no...never......" He swalowed hard and glansed around and then looked back at the sword. "why does he look so shoked......?"
  12. Rin felt herself fall back. "ow....yea..i was just making sure she was ok...." Rin ran onto Dums hand and sat on it. Dee looked over and smiled. Alex jumped back feeling him pich back. He looked at him. "did..i do something wrong....?" He thought to himself. "ummm....."
  13. Alex took a deep breath and then lunched forward swinging the sword at Masato. Dee smiled and then looked at the sky. "thats a good question...." "aww all the fun is gone...i wonder where that white rabbit went" Boris walked off. Rin looked back at the queen. "things got quieter...." She said and stood up and jumped off the table and then bowed to the queen. "thank you for the tea" She ran over to the door and out it and ran over to Ayano. "Hatter!? She pulled on her shirt a little.
  14. Boris looked over at her unimused. "as you can see im not a bired....i cant fly...." He rolled his eyes. Dee put his hand over his mouth. "i think iv sait to much..." He watched Ace walk away. "yea and you better stay away!!!!" He yelled at him. Alex stumbled back a little. "oh..i see..." He siad and looked at Masato. "should i try again then....?"
  15. Dee put his gun down and jumped back once she shot. "AH!" He sighed as it missed him. "never give a druged woman a gun...." He looked over at his brother and ran over. "calm down calm down!! dont die on me!!!" Boris leaned agenst the castil and watched this. "looks like i came at the right time." He said to himself. "the hatter looks a little more crazy then she mormily does..."
  16. Rin looked at the queen and then back at the door. "Hatter......." Dee glared at him. "why isent she moving then huh!? tell me!!!" Dee held his finger on the triger of the gun. "TELL ME NOW!!!!"
  17. Dee ran out with his brother and glared at the card. He pointed his gun at the other side of Ace's head. "YOU KILLED HER YOU KILLED HER!!!!!" He sounded really mad. "YOU KILLED AYANO!!! AND NOW WERE GOING TO LET YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS!!!!" Rin's eyes widend as she looked at the door. "should we go see whats going on....?"
  18. Dee looked at her and tilted his head. "what did you do to her......?" Dee stood up. Rin's eyes widend a little. "Hatter......?" Dee watched her leave. "Ayano wait....!" It was to late she was already out of the castel. "Dum i think we should follow her incase something happens"
  19. Alex noded and then took a few feet forward and swung his sword at him. "am i even doing this right....?" He thought to himself. Rin looked over at her and then back at the queen. "shes is going to be alright.....right?" She said in a small worried tone. "sleep well Ayano" Dee said with a smile and then grabed a cup of tea.
  20. Alex noded. "ok...so control myself but yet have confidnece.....i think i can handle that." Alex took in what Masato was saying. He glansed at his sword and then looked back at Masato. "keep focaus Alex....." Rin looked at the cute teacup and the chair. "aww there so cute!" She sat down in the chair and smiled and then looked over at Ayano. "there just trying to help you Hatter....." Dee sat next to his brother and looked at him. "shes going to be ok...Suzu knows what she is doing" He tryed to make his brother feel better.
  21. "thank you" She smiled softly and then followed behind him holding the book in her arms. "im..happy....i have someone that wants to help me...." She thought to herself.
  22. "oh..." She said and closed the book. "i wasent alive dring then...." Alice looked at him. "can we go there then...just to see...if he is still alive...." She asked but she didnt want to be a bother. "i mean if you want to....we dont have to....." She looked down.
  23. "wha!" Alex jumped back a little. "ok...." He picked the sword back up. "what if he ends up killing my by accadent....." He sighed a little and moved some of his bangs out of his face. Dee looked at the horse and smiled. Akane stared out her window of her room. "......." She walked over to her night stand and picked up a picture of her and Ace when they were little. She sighed and then put back face down. Akane walked out of her room and into her thrown room and sat down on her big chair.
  24. Alice started reading the story and smiled a little. "that was so long ago....i dont think i was even born yet....was i....no i couldent have been..." She continued to read. After another moment she finished. She looked up at him. "do you think the guy who wrote this is still alive...?" Alice asked him.
  25. Rin sat on her hat and looked at the queen. Dee jumped upp and help Ayano aslo. "yay i love going to the castle!" Alex looked at him. "i dont have to fight it!!! thank god!" "really...i dont have to....good...." He sighed with releaf and his grip on the sword losend.
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