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Everything posted by xXFire22x

  1. Under the apple tree?? that was in kh?? when did we hear that one? I'd like to hear more of CCs songs in kh. That game had some pretty good BG music and some of it would probably fit kh. Although, The price of freedom is bomb! I wish they would add that one for sure:3
  2. I have one:p its the front cover of kh2. I've yet to post it on a wall, though...My whole room is covered in postersxp I'll have to make a special spot for it. I really want a poster with Axel on it though...Then I'd stare at it all day:3
  3. Its a pleasure to meet you! welcome to the forums. Glad to see Axels in one of your favorites;3 hes MY most favorite:D and 358/2 days is my fav kh game:3. Hope ya enjoy your stay here:3 see ya around!
  4. Aww man! getting to fight Lea would be so cool!x3 I hope they add that in! but they better not make him a really easy boss fight like they did in kh2(I know Axel was "subpposed" to be easy but still...Unless you fight his data battle which kinda doesn't count). Everything else I want/wanted is already pretty much getting added...There doing a great job so far:3
  5. I think it'd be bomb if they re made Days!! that was my favorite kh game yetx3 its to bad everyone else found to boring, annoying or not important...Even though its probably not very important to the story line, it was important to me:3(major Axel fan"girl" plus a org.xiii fan!). I loved everything about itxD(cept a bit of things of course) and enjoyed both the story line and multiplayer:3(Axels OWNS!). I wish they would do it...That'd be a dream come truex3
  6. *gasp*! Really? that'd be so cool! I haven't seen the Re:Coded secret ending yet(trying not to spoli it..) so I have no clue whats going on and what not...But I'd love to see the org.xiii somebodies again:D I was so happy we got to see them in BBS(1-8 anyways). I know Leas(probably) coming back(<3) and as for Master Xehanort...He pretty much has to come back:p. 2-6 have a good/half chance of popping up...But I wouldn't hold your breath bout the others
  7. Its always a pleasure saying "hi" to the new members:3 hope you've been enjoying your stay here! its nice to meet you:D
  8. Welcome welcome welcome! to the forums:p I take it your enjoying your stay:3 its nice to you meet you! hope to see you around:D
  9. I totally understand how ya feelxp thats happened to me LOTS of times...I really wish SE would have changed the freakin multiplayer door thing if your playing alone:p I mean whats the point of having it if your doing "single" play? its not even called "multi" if your alone...
  10. Huh. I never actaully read the subtitles...I just listen to everybody talk. But when Donald talks, its all mute:p. Even if I would have read the subtitles though...Nothing still would have clicked(cept maybe wth)
  11. Really?!0_o dang! and this whole time I thought I was using it... lol. Anyways though, yeah. I'd totally use it if I were ya;3 can't say I've used it though...But I'm it will be great!(and a heck of alot faster)
  12. Hiya! welcome to the forums! hope you enjoy your stayx3 I know I am:3
  13. Wow...I actually never noticed that:p then again, I don't really notice anything Donald saysxp(can't even understand him verry well. Who can?). I've never watched the POTC all that much though, so even if I would have heard him and payed attention nothing would've registered through my brain:3
  14. @VenRoxKH Sorry if the flashes were to much...I had a friend once told me that I should stop doing them so much. But I can't help it, cause I'm probably what people call a flash freak:p. I tried using the right clips at the right time and to me, it fitted pretty well:3 knowing Axels personality the way I do, I think it matched<3 @Zexion's_Lover_46 Thankies:3 I'll be sure to post more when I make some! its probably gonna take a bit though:p
  15. I guess you could make a boss fight outta if she ended up flying to outer space with her car(magically) and you had to chase her down with the gummi ship and shoot her, while she throws bombs at yaxD ... ... ... But that wouldn't have any logical sense. Would it?
  16. Let me know if ya find anymore...I'd like to read'em:p. I'm not really to sure why people love Xion so much(like ya said, were out numberedo_o) I never really liked her cause she was so depressing, another Sora copy(no offence fans) and broke the friendship between her Axel and Roxas. Those topics did get pretty ugly though...I never hanged around them, but I did see a couple. I felt bad for Axel during the whole thing. While Roxas was being...Roxas:p and Xion was...Well Xionxp Axel had to deal with all the trouble and keep his butt(plus theres) safe. I thought it was pretty wrong of them to totally ditch him at the same time, and leave more empty then he already was(being a nobody and all:p)
  17. Uhh...I wouldn't know to be honest:p I haven't seen the Re:Coded secret ending yet(I didn't want to spoil it from the net). However, I am aware that 3D is about "trust" and "comes after kh2"...Maybe it will involve something about the nobodies and what not. I know that Maleficent might still be kickin...Maybe were gonna see her again to
  18. Thats a really good theory right there. I give you my props:p lol. Personally though, seeing as we probably got all the info were gonna get about Isa, I guess were never gonna now how he got the "yellow eyes" and "Pointed ears". He probably did try something like that...Cause I doubt Lea has anything to do with it
  19. Well...I did see somewhere that SE(Square Enix) said something bout having Sora and Riku twitch back and forth between the gameplay. But the games still being made, so maybe there change theres minds or something:p. If I "cloud" pick, I'd choose Sora. Never really liked playing as Riku very much...From the past the games, I thought Sora was better:3
  20. Sweet! I'm totally gonna get it! I get such a kick out of those Ultimanias:p I read somewhere that its supposed to contain all the secrets and help tips for the game(obviously:p) very helpful when I play it. The covers pretty nice to
  21. Did Sora see her when she was standing next to Roxas? cause I'm pretty sure he saw both Roxas AND Namine. I don't remember clearly, but maybe he heard her name and wanted to thank her for opening up a portal for everyone. If he is talking about the whole C.O. deal then...I guess SE made a mistake? dunno
  22. I think it'd be cool if they added Cruella de Vilx3 I mean they already add the dogs in it, but she made no appearance...She would've made a great kh villain, but I guess making a boss fight outta her would've been more difficult...Awell:p
  23. Thank you! it took awhile to do, but it was worth it!. I was hoping it would be brighter for other people since my PC is so dark, but I guess the effect was alittle to much:p awell. I'm glad you liked it!
  24. Probably, if the game was still written the way it was. I've read a bunch of alternate scenarios for Days involving a nonexistent Xion, which imo, would've made it more popular with the fandom. Why, Kanemaki, why did you have to make your self insert a Mary Sue? And one that causes so much controversy at that? D: Really? I've never seen any of that. Although, I would love to read them:D I'm not really a big Xion fan, and I've been to a couple of places where everybody seems to love her. Picturing the game without Xion seems interesting:p
  25. Wow...I never really looked at him like that. But I guess now that you mention it, he does seem like one of the nicest ones. One of the reasons he was nice to Roxas was probably because "Ven" saved his life:p. If anything, like you said Roxas AND Xion were the ones being depressed. I do kinda think there emo a bit though...Zexion doesn't act the way they do
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