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About Felicitas

  • Birthday 08/20/1995

Other Information

  • Member Title
    Just Another KH Fan :)
  • Gender
  1. I've been keeping myself from spoiling KH 3D but it's getting hard each day OTL

    1. Oishii


      You can do it! persevere and you will be rewarded ^^

  2. Alvion simply nodded his head at Celeste's idea. Besides, he didn't want to hang around in this clearing in case more of those rabbits appear.
  3. I'm soooo sleepy but I don't want to sleep D:

    1. venxas24


      That happens to me all the time

  4. "That might be true Allen, but what'll happen when we get home? How would any of us explain to our families the powers we would develop if we end up keeping them?" Alvion questioned. Usually he would keep his more serious thoughts to himself but Alvion knew that this was something everyone in their group needed to consider.
  5. I'm living my life the way I want to, so if you got a problem with that, then that's your business.
  6. Alvion listened to the conversation, although he was still a bit unsure whether the possibility of having powers was a good thing or not. Who could say that these powers would disappear once they would return home? Alvion didn't want to end up going home with some strange ability that he knew would make him different from everyone. Even if he could keep it a secret, Alvion doubted he could live keeping something like that from his family and friends.
  7. "Thanks" he replied to Michael's comment, although he doubted he could call himself a pro. Alvion never killed anything besides the occasional bug, and definitely not with a scythe of all things. A quick look at the blade of the scythe nearly made him him feel somewhat sick. Even if it was a clean cut, there was still blood on the blade
  8. If Alvion was impressed before, then he was amazed at what Kojiro just did. It was very interesting on how he was able to use both fire and water that way. Now that I think of it, Aaron has a flame katana too thought Alvion, taking a glance at the cat-boy. Maybe Kojiro could show him how to use it, that is if he manages to gain everyone's trust. Rustling noises came from the bush just a few feet away from Aaron, but he didn't seem to notice it yet. Alvion's eyes widen a bit when he saw a rabbit was peeking out of it. He didn't waste any time, making a grab for his scythe and immediately went towards the bush. He lifted his scythe and then brought it down, effectively cutting the rabbit's head off in one clean swipe, no hesitation at all.
  9. Remember, remember the 5th of November~ Man I love watching V for Vendetta~ It's a nice movie

  10. Alvion let out a low whistle, impressed by the spar between Kojiro and Brittney. It made him wonder what he would be able to do with his scythe. Although, Alvion wasn't sure if he would like the results.
  11. Alvion stayed quiet, not really paying attention to what was beng said. His mind was currently thinking of the text from last night. It was likely it was from the one who brought them to this bizzare world. But he wanted to know the reason why. They were just a group of random teens that had no connection to each other what so ever, so what could they possibly accomplish? Alvion sighed softly. All he wanted was to go home to his family and friends. And he knew the others felt the same way. Although he won't deny Kojiro seemed suspicious, but maybe Alvion was being paranoid.
  12. When Alvion woke up, he felt somewhat sore do to he current sleeping arrangement. Note to sell, leaves make crappy mattresses he thought as he stepped out of his small shelter. Alvion took note that he was probably the last one to wake up.
  13. Oh crap... I just realized it was Easter... HAPPY EASTER

    1. replika13
    2. Roxie


      Happy Easter, I just took a video of my brother's egg, he drew a happy face on it.

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