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kh roxas 969

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Everything posted by kh roxas 969

  1. i know its not kh2 (well the english version of kh2)
  2. i've seen a few videos on youtube where a bunch of samuri nobody surround roxas and sora and then roxas and sora run at eachother and thats all i know what happens (and it's more than two blocking off donald and goofy from sora) sorry if i have any spelling errors
  3. You know.... thats kinda mean... BUT ANYWAYS KH RULES. That's what I was going for. just to let you know just because you dont know something in kingdom hearts doesnt mean your not a REAL kingdom hearts fan and you don't have to be mean the only reason why i made this thread is 1. was i the only one who noticed it (coz i played it recently) 2. so people who havn't played COM know this
  4. Wow. Ive never noticed that before... Probably cuz I havent seen cutscenes or even PLAYED CoM. well now you know
  5. did people who played COM and 358/2 days notice that in 358/2 days in the cutscene snarl of memories they kinda have the cutscene when riku is at destiny islands and zexion just shows up? 358/2 days zexion: "surely you must have known that this was going to happen" riku "why would i know?" COM zexion "surley you know this would happen" riku "why would i know that?!"
  6. if you ask me we all know not to have donald because he wastes his mp using the wrong spells
  7. sorry but i dont have a tip exept for use stop/stopra on the clock
  8. actually what normally defeats you when you battle phantom?
  9. nvm forget my last post (suggested) and give yourself 2 crystal crowns and atlas armlet goofy something that gives him defence and mp and enough ap for good abilitys peter i dont know for me he is always the phantoms 1st victim so dont give him your best items you could use the accesorys that i used
  10. ok you lost me with " and I think the accessory I couldn't remember was the Omega Arts". so please unconfuse me and the accessorys are what you equip
  11. i had sora 2 omega arts and 1 atlas armlet (but crystal crowns are better the omega arts) goofy holy circlet, raverns claw, guard earring and ray of light peter pan heart guard and ravern's claw how many crystal crowns do you have?
  12. yeah dont equip trinity limit, strike raid, sonic blade and abilitys like those
  14. yay ultima wepon .......... i dont know why i said that but yeah ultima wepon will be good for when you have to do keyblade attacks and it gives you one more mp
  15. i'll give u some tips 1. keyblade- lady luck 2. get accesories that give you more mp 3. have goofy with you and make sure he has the ability that gives you 3 mp 4. keep your eye on the clock try to break his hearts thing once or twice sorry i cant remember what i did 5. keep calm 6. if his little heart orb thing is red use fire, blue blizzard, yellow thunder and white normal keyblade attacks 7. quick select magic menu have fire, stop and cure 8. make sure goofy (recommended) is in your party 9. have hi potions and eithers with you or better yet elixers 10. customize goofy so he uses support abilitys alot or more often (when i've said eg. fire it means (fire, fira and firaga) and try your best i did it with kingdom key and goofy with his default sheild sora lv 61 peter pan lv 61 and goofy lv 62 sorry if i made spelling errors
  16. ok on my laptop im in device manager so should the video card thing be in there?
  17. what should i uninstall and how do i install a new one
  18. i havnt found on my laptop system updates i have windows updates i've installed all of them and still the same (with my laptop it had windows 7 pre installed)
  19. my opinions 1. yes make a monthly contest 2. sure movie maker isnt as good as sony vagas but movie maker is still good i've made some good movies (well in my opinion they are good)
  20. as you asked what company made my laptop my answer is toshiba and where should the update thing be on my laptop?
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