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Everything posted by HeartofFire

  1. I was bored, had MMD open, and this is what happened. I Want to Remember.... Comments? (Please don't be too harsh... I haven't done this sort of thing in a while. )
  2. Roxas, mostly because he's so... human. He's constantly questioning his surroundings and his purpose, like most people do. Sora just goes along with whatever, but Roxas usually wants to know why and what's going on. He's also really smart, and he's really loyal to his friends. I'd love to have a guy like him to be friends with. :unsure: I guess that's it, hehe.
  3. Depends on which romantic sides we're talking about. Sora/Kairi, definitely... and Riku/Xion. I'd love to see Ven/Nami too, but that's a long shot.
  4. Wow. Just wow. Adorable, but also oddly kinda weird... but that's just me.
  5. *Sigh* Does anyone here make MMD Models? I really want a Xion one.

    1. Naroco


      If she was real i would date her

    2. DarkmoonTenshi


      There's lots of people working on Kingdom Hearts MMD models. You'll have to watch for a few, such as NiladtheRogue or Heleanor.

    3. HeartofFire


      Yeah, I have been. A guy on dA is doing one, so I'll just have to be patient...

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  6. You're still Gizelita, right?

  7. Happy birthday, Vanitas and Sora! ^^ And happy *late*birthday to Ven and Roxas; Jesse McCartney's 24th birthday was yesterday. ^^
  8. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I can see now, and it's so kawaii!
  9. I have one already posted, silly. Or did you mean Ienzo? EDIT: Axel and Roxas, everyone! I <3 Roxas's especially. Roxas Axel
  10. Aw, thanks guys! I'll post the rest of the ones I've done when I can. ^^ So far I've got Sora, Kairi, Riku, Terra, Ven, Roxas, Axel, and... Larxene, I think. Are there any other ones you'd like to see? Soon, that is.
  11. Can't even see it. What's up with that?
  12. Yes! ^^ Nomura's been throwing us hints throughout all the games. I would love to see that.
  13. These look almost identical to the originals! Nice work.
  14. Awesome! But Heartstation seems to not have all of them up. ^^ But I'm enjoying the ones they do have.
  15. Cool! ^^ I like the last one of Hidan.
  16. Can't see it, but I bet it is adorably cute.
  17. Haha, maybe. But she's a lot prettier than those experiments.
  18. Uploaded two more to my DA. Zexion Xion Most of my faves are done. I just need to upload them.
  19. Hmmm... Larxene= Erlena, assassin. Demyx= Dyme (pronounced Deemay)?, rockstar Luxord= Rudol, professional poker player Marluxia= Lumaria, landscape designer/florist
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