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Everything posted by HeartofFire

  1. Because Lea/Axel is too awesome not to come back. Duh.
  2. Grrr... when is the next Naruto chapter going to come out?

    1. SoraGR
    2. HeartofFire


      I don't know. I don't watch Freeman.

    3. joku760


      you should. they're one of the best videos from machinima in youtube

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Comment from my mother while I was drawing Axel: "No one is that long and skinny in the torso. He's very disproportionate." "No, he's not, Mother, he's supposed to be like that." "No one is built like that." Shows her game art:"Oh. Well, he looks like a girl, like the rest of them."

  4. :'( Some people just won't leave me along. I mean, my gosh, I get it already!

  5. Okay... so maybe I won't leave. But I"m def gonna be more careful about who I talk to.

    1. Protoman


      lol you came back

      Just remember, a lot of peeps here are probably gay too.

  6. Well, it was nice knowing (most) of you guys. I don't plan on ever returning here.

    1. Koko


      Sorry for the opinions lol

    2. Protoman


      Peace out, hommie.

    3. DChiuch


      Don't leave because of a thread in Random. That section is meant for fun, not to be taken seriously. :)

  7. Not trying to be. I'm just thinking Koko has lost it if she thinks I'm jealous of a "gay" man. Haha. You've definitely lost it now.
  8. You honestly think I'd be jealous of a gay man? Not on your life.
  9. I don't find gay men fabulous. At all.
  10. Is making KH Girl Yukata dolls on Rinmaru games.

  11. Frankly, Axel isn't Axel without those marks, and it's strange to see him looking like that without them.

    1. HeartofFire


      And yes, I realize he's Lea there, but still.

  12. Okay, gosh. I posted that earlier before I realized it was over.
  13. Those people have no clue how lucky they are to be that close to the video. When will it get recorded?
  14. Does anyone here use MediaMonkey for their music? Mine's menu is screwed up, it's pushed all the way off to the side and I can't seem to move it. If anyone knows how to fix this, it'd be appreciated.

  15. That trailer needs to hurry up. I can't wait to see it!

    1. AnsemTheWise


      I know! I was so let down that we only got a script. I need the video!

  16. So cool! I was actually writing a fanfic about this world, with Sora, Riku and Ven in the Musketeer's places... and now they added it to the canon! AMAZING~ I'm so happy~
  17. Attention all dA artists! I need crit on this pic: http://alianafireheart.deviantart.com/#/d4ix7rq

  18. I'm kinda wondering what Eraqus is going to make of Riku if he meets him and finds out how he mastered the darkness without turning from the light, because as you said, he was very hard on Terra.
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