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Everything posted by HeartofFire

  1. No more school till the 25th. :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Protoman


      Eh, I try. I could read it, I guess.

    3. Shana09


      lol xD alright have fun and good luck at ur OC x Roxas thing!

    4. HeartofFire


      @Shana- Thanks!


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  2. If someone takes their time and works hard on a piece, then it's art regardless of whether or not they used a base.

    1. HeartofFire


      When a person does nothing but recolor/slop paint on a base, or something like that, then it's what you said. But someone who takes a long time and does a good job makes art.

    2. Shana09


      what if someone draws a long ass time and still fails? or who takes a short ass time and makes it beautiful

    3. HeartofFire


      Well, then they're both good, I guess. But generally speaking. The fails occur when someone takes five seconds to dash some color on a base.

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  3. Why am I updating my status so much?

  4. One more day of exams. :)

  5. Pixel base editing is fun. :)

  6. Enough filler chaps already!

    1. Shana09


      wat ya talking about? is it bleach? because if it is then just watch the japanese one.....

    2. HeartofFire


      No, Naruto. And it's the translated scans, which are ahead of the English ones

  7. Eraqus. That reaction would be priceless, I think.
  8. Larxene= Meanest girl ever, but she kicks butt. Just sayin.

    1. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      No the meanest girl ever is my sister

    2. HeartofFire
    3. Shana09


      No i am the meanest girl ever xD


      and yup Larxene is awesome like that ^_^ she will kill you

    1. Protoman


      The proportions are a bit off here and there, such as on the legs. The legs look kinda like their more turned towards you, while the upper body is kind of tilted.

    2. Protoman


      I think it's more like shading though e.e

      and oh yeah anatomy

    3. HeartofFire


      Yeah... I'm still working on that.

  9. Does anyone have any tips for beating Dragon Maleficent KH1?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nikolasvanitas


      i hope you can beat her ,when her hp reaches critical go to her and deal the finishing blow like a boss:)

    3. Kingdom Sora

      Kingdom Sora

      Well if that doesn't work try my method it's a good one that will save you as well

    4. Nikolasvanitas


      both methods work fine ,besically you need to be defencive so tink is the best for this battle

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  10. Master Eraqus. He thought he was doing the right thing when it came to Ven and Terra, you guys! I can't hate him for that. I hate Master Xehanort, though, he's like Pedophile creepy.
  11. VenFuu: Crackiest pairing since... IDK when.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. HeartofFire


      Meh. I reserve any judgement on that one till I see them together in the present, because the BBS encounter doesn't really count towards any pairing. He's like five.

    3. Koko


      that's why it's a crack pairing

    4. HeartofFire
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  12. Oh, he will. GIRLS always go for that dark, mysterious loner type.
  13. Well, he knew Kairi was all right. He just didn't know about Riku. That's why he did that. He was worried, that's all. NOT because he's a man's man, so to speak.
  14. Dude... I think she's gonna have a fangirl moment when she runs into Riku again.
  15. Uh... maybe it's died due to the fact he's SUCH a ladies' man?
  16. Merry Christmas to everyone!

  17. Chilling and waiting for Christmas.

  18. Wow, the Musketeers world is going to beautiful. Can't wait.
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