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Everything posted by Kinode

  1. I'm greatly proud to announce that i know the creator of www.akuroku.com

  2. Please take care. I think leaving was the best choice you could have made for now.
  3. I kinda have a crush on 3 people but actually dont? like it's actually only crushing and not liking and i've never actually only crushed before i always ended up right on the "like" part

  4. Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground

    1. Kinode


      dont any of you think im funny laugh

    2. Brightag123


      *awkwardly laughs*

  5. now i'm lying on the cold hard ground
  6. i have these weird earphones that only play the music in videos, and not the voices so im just listening to Vector to The heavens from the days movie and fdwfdsf

  7. I have this huge sceience project to do but i'm really lazy and dont want to do it

    1. Geralt


      Been there, done that xD

    2. Col.Random


      make a baking-soda volcano xD

  8. omfg no Rule #1 of the random section: Never take anything seriously. any official news will be on the homepage.
  9. remember when all youtube videos used to be 240p

    1. Rob


      240p was so beautiful back then.

    2. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      Haha it's alright.

    3. Jilly Shears

      Jilly Shears

      I miss the days when people just made Youtube videos and it was easy to just stumble on something random, rather than the focus on partners.

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  10. Well i guess have fun having the best of both worlds!
  11. i changed my tumblr url to xion-is-dead and now everyone's reacting like this http://chickenwuss.tumblr.com/post/45518605312 and i keep laughing so hard

  12. i did a thing (actually still am doing it)

  13. The Xion Battle didnt make it as a cutscene. They had the "Xion attacks" cutscene play Vector to the Heavens and the beginning of "Xion's end"
  14. starts shipping akushion and akusai

  15. Making a Days GMV. Turning out good so far!

  16. If you haven't heard the Xion "I knew you were trouble" version yet i feel really sorry for you

  17. Do tough guys like drawings

  18. I wouldn't have my precious Days movie, then. But maybe they'd take their time to actually remake it.
  19. Watched the whole Days movie. Kinda. I had to skip a part. I was gonna watch everything today but they took it down when i was halfway through.
  20. if i cant find an alternate download link ill firetruckign shit

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