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  1. Thnx :) I'm really your mom xD (happy april fools <3 glad its almost over...really i am xD; lol)

  2. It was more of a question around privacy, nothing more.
  3. I know it lets you view your old chats with people from now on, but anyone else able to view them?
  4. In KHBBS there was a quotation: This is the quotation that i am talking about about the "Keyblade of hearts" it said: There was a war going on between the keyblades of darkness, and the keyblade of light, and i could have sworn that they said that there was not only those 2 types of keyblades but a third kind, keyblade of heart. Which the keyblades of darkness, and keyblades of light were TRYING to get to join their sides. I don't see how a keyblade of heart does not exist when it is specifically brought up in BBS from my understanding. Just because it hasn't happened: Yet, doesn't mean that she won't be the keyblade of heart that they were looking for during the keyblade wars. The point of the matter is namine was never chosen as a keyblade weilder, she was chosen as a witch. I mean: Kairi willl in fact be using a keyblade in KH 3/3D or w/e next game KH has coming out with. I know what the Keyblade of hearts is, and a princess of hearts is. I've played the game 1/2/Re:com/358/2 days/KH BBS, and i know what the keyblade of peoples hearts is: its not a keyblade of hearts its a Keyblade made to unlock peoples hearts. Revealing their true self in the process. Keyblade of heart and keyblade of peoples-hearts are 2 entirely different things. "There are three families of Keyblades: the Keyblades of light we wield, Keyblades of darkness, and Keyblades of heart." However, then he goes onto how the keyblade was created when the world was "redone" and the only way to make it is by gathering 7 of the purest hearts: however...those two phrases seem contradictory. "It was made when the worlds were reorgonized" and..."It can only be made by gathering 7 purest hearts"...
  5. I know she hasn't gotten the keyblade of heart yet: but still there is no reason for her to wield a keyblade in her "nobody" state, she is in fact...using her art as a weapon. Odd as it seems, but that is her weapon.
  6. Namine was a special case, and Kairi's keyblade is a keyblade of heart. This being the case, namine's power was over memories which is closely attatched to the persons heart. So: in a sence namini in no way needed the power of the keyblade, but namine had the power over hearts anyways.
  7. Very interesting: i did not know that greece was that bad of a place to go to as far as economy. Has it been that way for some time? I've allways wanted to visit there for my honey moon, or just for a vacation. maybe this institutes a change of plan.
  8. The person died in 08. They rioted in 08, and they decided to riot again today in honor of the person who died. I'm intreaged...so the 83 people arested was today?
  9. Alto sax is the bomb! personally i wasn't in the band, just played alto sax.
  10. lol: thats ok:P i know p lenty of p eople that don't have a heat tollarance at all.
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