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  1. I'm very disappointed that I didn't see 3DS games at a Wii U event.
  2. His voice doesn't sound anything like he does in Kingdom Hearts I. I can somewhat see what you're talking about if you're referring to his KH2 voice, but even then, it has changed since then. RE:COM and RE:Coded to a drastic effect showed his new voice. Really, go back and watch cutscenes of Kingdom Hearts. I still have no idea where we are getting the conclusion of him sounding like his KH1 voice.
  3. Oh god, now I won't be able to play the game. D=
  4. I doubt it. I'm probably expecting Square's titles (Not ones that partnered with other companies such as KH) to be released as the remaster program. (FF titles) Square didn't even release Birth by Sleep for digital download. I don't expect to be excited even if it does get made. This is the PSP remaster program that Capcom/Kojima are doing, right? Gameplay shows that not much of the game has changed. Monster Hunter/Metal Gear Solid look like PS2/PSP titles that have been tuned up a bit. Nothing outbreaking and a bit outdated.
  5. Yes, but Traverse Town wasn't in Birth by Sleep. Did they recreate Traverse Town in BbS just for the trailer? Hmm Yes, the 3DS is more powerful then the PSP. Expect the 3DS to have many more animations, more detailed areas and characters, short loadings, and more. With Resident Evil recently released, you can see that you can pull off 360 looking graphics with the 3DS with a few tricks. The model for Sora is probably going to be the same one from the PS2. Although, I'm expecting them to polish up the model so it looks more tuned up.
  6. I beat the game on Proud mode too. I actually died several times. Those Angry dog things could eat my health in one hit.
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