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About CjmonXIII

  • Birthday 12/27/1996

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  1. Confetti everywhere!!

  2. This game is gonna go on until like 1:00 or something LOL

  3. Did they lose power or something? So confuzzled

  4. Destiny's Child wassup!!

  5. They need to make the playstation store an app pronto!

  6. I thought that too, but I'm not sure what else it could be, any ideas?
  7. Sony is announcing something big on February 20th 6pm EST. All signs point to the reveal of the PS4, but we won't know for sure until then. Along with this, they've posted a link to a teaser website, with a short video. http://m.us.playstation.com/meeting2013/ Or if you're too lazy you can just watch it below If it is the PS4, lets just hope it's not $600+ cause we all know how THAT turned out.
  8. In terms of gameplay, the series is getting better. Sure there are still a few "press X to win" moments here and there, but with the introduction of flowmotion, deck commands etc. the series has given you more ways to fight. So I'm excited for what the development team will think of next. Now with the story, I had no problems with it until DDD. The introduction of time travel threw me for a loop and I still don't completely understand it yet, but we'll see where that goes. Personally, I would like the Xehanort saga to end so the series can make a fresh start. A reboot of sorts if you will. Have Sora and co. finding a way to return the true light to the world, or something along those lines.
  9. Just got my copy of ni no kuni. Time to play this beast ^.^

    1. I♥KH


      good gameplay! this is awesome game.

  10. The mustache one is the best. Also your avvy is very......interesting to say the least
  11. There will be a Nintendo Direct broadcast tomorrow at 9:00 AM Eastern/6:00 AM Pacific. IGN has been informed that the Wii U shall be covered. http://m.ign.com/articles/2013/01/22/nintendo-direct-coming-later-this-week What else do you guys think will be disscussed? I'm hoping for more info on Pokemon X and Y, and some new game announcements for the Wii U.
  12. ~That legendary place, that the end of the map reveals, is only legendary til someone proves it real~

  13. "Your heart will sleep forever in the folds of darkness, and your body will become another vessel for me." -Young Xehanort
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