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  1. i was just watching the bbs fm TGS 2011 trailer, and i noticed they changed ven's command style "fever pitch" (US Version) back to the Japanese version "Speed Rave" Why is that?
  2. Ok.. but i am not sure if theyre getting me one, i just wanted to know if this was true or not. Thanks for helping me. Merry Christmas
  3. So ... i dont get it. So whats the head of the mirage arena?
  4. So... what firmware do you have to have to make it run on a PSP 1000? Or does the BBS US UMD come with a firmware update to make BBS able to run?
  5. I wonder why alot of people on this psp gen website said the saving on the psp 1000 series for bbs wasnt working...
  6. Thanks for the tip, Keyblader. But i need proof from real psp-1000 owners that use the kh bbs umd.
  7. Hey everyone, merry christmas! I was just wanting to ask a question about bbs. I have been asking my parents alot to get me a psp and bbs, and i looked on the internet today and saw that some websites said that bbs cant save on the PSP-1000 (Phat) Anyone have a PSP-1000 that saves and works properly with the khbbs UMD? Is this true? Please Respond Ven-Vanitas
  8. Um.... well i found this... it looks like kh days final mix.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&v=0_oXt2kvwj8&annotation_id=annotation_510345
  9. I was looking through some BBS FM screenshots and i came across this... http://kh13.com/zenphoto/screenshots/4gamer-net/birth-by-sleep-final-mix/010.jpg.php is it a possibility? CLOUD IN BBS FM??? Share your therories about this here and your findings.
  10. Thanks everyone!! *gives everyone a cookie*
  11. I was just now going to get a PSP for KH BBS and i was wondering, will it work on a PSP-1001? Will it have some compatibility issues? Please Respond! I have been waiting so long for KH BBS and A psp
  12. hmmm... good point... i DO wonder what happened to Vens heart when Sora was lost in the Darkness.... also... maybe vens heart was released back to him and he is awake and stuck in Castle Oblivion wondering where he is....
  13. hey what about ven he still has to take the mark of mastery exam (spoiler)
  14. When Sora or someone rescues Ven from the chamber of awakening, would his voice be changed due to puberty? also would he be older? Wouldnt he be 25 because BBS took place 10 years before KH1.
  15. Hey i was thinking.... if the new secret boss in bbs fm is Master Erequs, Maybe you can get his keyblade! I think it may be called "The Mark Of Mastery"
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