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Everything posted by Codeman1346

  1. Yea, I have always thought that made no sense. Roxas didn't spend that much time in the organization before he feel asleep, then stayed asleep until Sora went into the pod. Could a Memory Card really be forged by a few days in that world by Roxas? That Didn't make sense to my when I was playing CoM. I like the idea that it came from Ventus. Didn't see your new post... Roxas isn't the other side of his heart though. I think you just proved yourself wrong. "The memories from the other side of his heart.", has always been Ventus. Since he was 4.
  2. Actually they can't be used as proof of this. The KEYBLADE chose it's wielder during those switches. It Chose to be with Riku because he had stronger heart at the time, because of Sora's doubt, and because Riku was the initial chosen wielder. Then when Sora believed he could do it with his friends behind his back, the key chose him again. That is when it became HIS Key. Neither of them technically "Summoned" it.
  3. REversal, he was talking about all of their Key's not their hearts. I understood. Tjm. Oh and that is interesting about that whole Xehanorts Key going to Kairi.
  4. She copied everything from Roxas, (my theory on her) even a heart (fake).
  5. but vanitas was created before sora helped ventus. and i dont think vanitas looks like sora i think sora looks like vanitas Mind = blown!!! O.O I never thought about that! Lol.
  6. 1. Who is Xion and how was she created? She was Created by Vexon as one of his cloning experiments in Castle Oblivion, she was a failed model of Sora. Her name is an anagram of "No. I". 2. How did Mickey get Kingdom Key D and how did he get star seeker? He got KKD in the realm of darkness after surching for it, and it choosing him as his weilder. He got Star Seeker from Yen Sid. 3.Why did master Xehanort take over Terra's body? He needed a younger body "Vessel" so that he could continue his resurch on the Keyblade War and Kingdom Hearts. 4. Why does Ventus and Roxas look alike? Ventus' heart found refuge inside Sora's when Ventus destroyed Vanitus. And when Sora released Kairi's heart, he also released Ventus' heart into Sora's shell, who was then modeled after Ventus instead. 5. What is the best way to defeat Ice Titan in KH1? Spam Square for COOL!!!!!!! 6.Who is created data Sora and why did he get created? He is the reanimation of Sora when the Journal was digitized, because Mickey needed someone who could traverse the digitized reanimation of their first journey to get the locked away information. 7.What is the best way to defeat Sephiroth in KH2? Ummmmm, Be good at reaction commands, have berserk on, and mash the "x" button!!!!!!!!! Fly away when low on health and mana is on cooldown. Lol. 8. What is the X-Blade and why does everybody call it "keyblade" instead of saying "X-Blade" and how can the X-Blade be made? "X" is actually one of the oldest letters in the greek alphabet and it is actually spelled out as "Chi" which is the perfect balance of light and darkness, or Energy. It can be created when two beings of pure light and Darkness respectively, if they wield enough power, battle.
  7. I am curious... Where did they imply that? When Terra saw Riku all grown up on Destiney Islands? Or did I miss something?
  8. Hahahaha! Thank you. ) I just lol'd so hard.
  9. I am guessing Pixar worlds like Toy Story (Andy's Room) or maybe MONSTERS INC!!!!!!!! I just Nostalgia-ed so Hard!!!! Also, they own Marvel now right? That would be so bural if they did a Spiderman level, or a Justice league. Haha. Idk. Just the new company's Disney bought out makes this question entertaining to me.
  10. Actually, Vanitus and Sora are voiced by the same person, Haley Joel Osment just got carried away with the "bad guy" deep voice thing. Lol.
  11. I always thought it would be cool if they made one, and based it in the plot for the Keyblade Wars before Birth By Sleep, or if another War starts.
  12. Only the earliest models of the PS3 are region free actually. I got that quote from an older article, but my point remains the same, if it is a japanese game, it wont work here. Unless you have a japanese ps2/ps3 then you need to get a voltage converter, because they run at 100V.
  13. "Unlike the Sony PS3, the PS2 will only play games within your region. For instance, if you own a North American PS2, you cannot play Japanese games." I thought it had more to do with this?
  14. Wait, I thought that Namora said he can't remember, ever. Lol.
  15. How would character development occur then? Would each character have their own abilities and customization saved separately, or would they have the same growth, abilities and equipment?
  16. That's Nothing, I have beaten the second one so many times that I have every treasures location memorized, and I can beat it with every form and Summon maxed out, Ultima Weapon, and Sephoroth, in less then 21 hours, on proud mode. Lol. I think I am slightly Obsessed. Lol.
  17. What would have happened if the Original Riku Lost, would the Replica really have absorbed him? And how do you think Sora would react when he saw him, and he said that he did defeat the real one?
  18. I agree. Especially Lea, lol, he will probably help Sora out, then Isa will join them. (Because they are friends.)
  19. I know, but not a lot of people know you need to have two.
  20. And two blocks because the game wont let you not have one. Lol.
  21. Yea it does. Lol. That is one of the reasons why I thought she had one of their Keyblades. And I didn't know the part about Roxas going to sleep at the same time as Sora being in CA, Lol. Didn't make that connection. Thanks for the info. )
  22. Would it shock you if I told you Xion's Keyblade, like the rest of her, is artificial, fake? Because it is. From what I understood, Xion siphoned memories from Roxas, and with that, came Ventus' Key, because if I remember correctly, She couldn't use a key until after awhile with Roxas, and then stopped being able to again after being away from him for a little while. Then, when he defeated her, he got Ventus' key back. Hence dual-wield. Correct me if I am wrong. Just a theory.
  23. That sounds extremely amazing. Lol. But I would get my butt handed back to me by priority FedEx Shipping. Lol.
  24. I am curious who said that Cloud was from Radiant Garden. Has anyone but me played KH1? Hades pays him off to kill Hercules remember? I know SE wont let that friendship pass away. They had to at least crossed paths during those 10 years.
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