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Everything posted by Codeman1346

  1. Hey, I was wondering if there is any reliable sites I can get a brand new copy of KH1 other than Amazon or Ebay? (Greatest hits is okay) Amazon is over $30. Hell no. I don't trust Ebay much. tl;dr Brand new KH1?
  2. Happy Holidays, Haha, I got a KH2 Blanket! My Girlfriend is amazing!
  3. Read what the card details say. Items are used to reload cards without using the charger. Potions=Attack Cards Ether=Magic Cards Hi Potion=All Attack Cards (Including premium and ones used at the begging of a sleight. Mega Potion=All Attack Cards and resets reload counter Mega Ether=All Magic Cards and resets reload counter Elixer=All cards (excluding item cards) MegaElixer=All cards (Excluding item cards) and resets reload counter. The only way to heal is to use cures.
  4. I am pretty sure it is Sora as well. But I could be mistaken.
  5. Agreed. So not wasting my money, especially because the only site we can get it from will jack up the price.
  6. Would you please explain this more? More examples maybe? This is so relevant to my interests! Eyeswideopen.jpg
  7. I Thought they would put a pokemon world in it, and you could get one of the first gen starters as a summon. And as you leveled up your summon, it evolved.
  8. I disagree, I think a Spiderman level or an X-Men level would be so legit. Haha
  9. See, this is where you and I differ... Birth By Sleep was pushing the thin line between light and darkness so hard it would take a whore long abused not to feel it. (lol) Take Eraques for example, completely and devoutly towards the light, so far towards it, he was going to kill someone he loved (Ventus), because he began to see him as a threat, and then when Terra stepped in, He tried killing him too, because he was to close to the darkness! He thought of him as a son! That is a very dark thing to do. Take Terra for example, he is succumbing to his hate and anger, and using it to fuel his power, so he can save his friends. The Keyblade chooses those with a strong heart, not based on light or darkness. And The reason MX could unlock people's hearts is because he is a keyblade master. The keyblade of people's hearts was special in the way that you didn't need to be a master to unlock the hearts.
  10. But the Kingdom Key was meant for Riku, Sora intercepted it because Sora touched Riku's light as they both left the Island. And I honestly agree with this theory, with a tweek. The Keyblade isn't your heart. It is an extension, as in, once you have a strong enough heart have your own, it just get dramatically weaker then you would be with one. (If that makes sense.) So when Riku lost his Original Key, Sora didn't have Riku's heart, just the extension he was supposed to have. But otherwise, I like it.
  11. But you have to factor that they where Nobodies before kh1. That makes it like 8-9 years older instead.
  12. No, he straight up said that they will be in their KH1 cloths. That is cannon.
  13. I thought the theme was trust. Was that just a bad translation? That would be interesting, especially because at the end of KHII Sora said, "I think the Darkness is getting to me too." when Sora and Riku are on the shoreline of the in between realm.
  14. Exactly. Sora healed Ventus' heart before being born. Because of that connection, they look similar. Sora took on physical and emotional traits of Ventus'.
  15. I thought they confirmed that the reason Sora looks like Ventus is because of their connection before he was born, and that is also why Vanitus looks like Sora (But evil). I got really sidetracked. Lol. My point is, like they were all saying, Namora was making things up as he went along, but he made sure EVERYTHING would make sense. They made Roxas look similar but not the same as Sora, just like Namin
  16. They are both likely Theories, but this is what I think. The second nobody popped out when Terranourt turned into a heartless. Just like Namin
  17. HAHAHA, me too. I think I agree with Master Xemnas. They are most likly just connected. My theory is, Just like when Sora created more than one nobody, because of more than one heart being inside him, maybe Apprentice Xehanort made 2. Mysterious Figure is just the second one. ( This would only work in the case of your time travel theory though. )
  18. Wait, I thought that Ventus' Heart was laying dormant in Roxas the whole time. Isn't that why Roxas can dual wield, and when Sora absorbs Roxas, he then can too?
  19. Well you do know that in the secret ending of KH1 (I think it was actually KH Final Mix, but whatever), there is the reference to the unversed. It would make sense that they planned this stuff out early on. When did they mention another enemy in that secret ending?
  20. I personally believe that do to some of Sora's Cockiness he has gotten over the course of the games, he will fail, and be humbled, until the end of the game where he will be accepted. Riku on the other hand has been humbled on multiple occasions and will be passed, with expectation of it. While the game has to do with Trust, I think that Riku will pass, Sora will fail (At First) and for some reason Sora will think that Riku is Sabotaging him.
  21. MX's Key is summond by Riku and given to Kairi.
  22. I just made a bunch of Crystal Crowns. Did wonders for their AP. I had every ability on all three of them equipped. I gave all my boosts to Sora, and got him Ultima Weapon.
  23. Haha, I noticed that, so I did a quick edit, and I don't feel like retyping it.
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