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Everything posted by Codeman1346

  1. Well that's just the thing, it is my belief that Roxas is actually using Ventus' body. Perhaps this is what is implied in the BBS FM secret ending, when we see Ventus' body disappear from the Chamber of Waking. Perhaps it went to Roxas when he was... "born." I think it is important to understand that it was not Ventus' heart that was consumed by darkness when Sora became a heartless. It was Sora's alone, and the heart(s) that had taken refuge within him were released (as is the power of the Keyblade of People's Hearts). Kairi's as we know, was released and returned to her body. Ventus', too, we can assume, was released. So Ventus, his heart not having been consumed by darkness but purely been released (like Kairi's), does not have a nobody. It is plausible, however, that Ventus' heart, due to its residence within Sora's body, naturally migrated with Sora's body as it went off to become a nobody. HOWEVER. We know that Sora actually got his body back when Kairi miraculously saved him. This does not, moreover, negate his nobody having been born. We can speculate many things, perhaps from the beginning Sora's body changed its form to resemble Ventus as it became a nobody due to Ventus' heart, and furthermore remained with Ventus' heart as Sora' nobody after Sora regained his human form. This, however, would mean that Sora now has TWO bodies: the one which he uses, and the one which his nobody uses (that has taken a form resembling Ventus). This doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Rather, it is my belief that after Sora regained his human form (thus getting his body back), his nobody (now lacking a body)/Ventus' heart naturally migrated back to Ventus' own body (meaning that initially, Sora's nobody, using Sora's body, maintained Sora's actual appearance, until that body was returned to Sora). Thus, Roxas is born, harboring both Ventus' heart and body, but yet still being Sora's nobody. Or something along those lines. I honestly like this theory, good references, proof. Without good proof as to why it isn't true this could be a plausibility. Ventus =/= Roxas So, Roxas is Sora's nobady, had his body, but Kairi got it back, so Roxas stole Ventus's body?
  2. I know mechanically they are there because essentially it is a save file that continues off of Aqua's, and you are really supposed to just go battle the final boss. So it would take WAY to much coding to take out all those re-spawning unversed. Also, it gives you a chance to train up if needed.
  3. But it is his KEYBLADE MASTER EXAM, they are hindering him. Unless they reveal some crazy way that SoulEater is actually a keyblade or something along those lines, I wont be okay with it being used in his test.
  4. My eyes could be deceiving me, but I swear I saw Soul Eater being used against those shadows... If this is truly the mark of mastery test, shouldn't Riku be using Way to the Dawn? Or do you think this game is going to reveal some secret as to why Soul Eater turned into his key?
  5. Yea, and watch out for Diamond dust and One-winged Angel, they are rare random drops in castle oblivion after you beat the Riku Campaign.
  6. My theory was that although it looks like they are fighting heartless and such during the game, but every confrontation with an enemy Sora and Riku are actually fighting each other. This would make life so much easier if you were to switch characters mid battle. Then the area in which you were as Riku, is the same area that you are now in Sora. What do you guys think?
  7. I was thinking that same thing, to be honest. But half way dismissed it.
  8. My question is that when you switch back and forth, do you pick up directly where you left off? Or when you go from Sora, to Riku, back to Sora, will Sora be exactly where you left him, or will he be somewhere completely different as if AI took over. THAT would be annoying.
  9. I know this. How? I would like proof..
  10. The theory I always was fond of; just like how Kairi's Princess of Hearts powers crafted Sora a body after being turned into a Heartless, her powers created a body for Namin
  11. You're pretty much right except for why Riku wears the Organization cloak. He actually wears it so that the Organization won't sense any sign of him. He also uses it to protect himself from darkness. Right, the cloak works the same way the armor did in BBS. Question..? Does anyone know why they both do the same thing? Is it just coincidence?
  12. KHWiki has been known to be wrong. But I agree. There are relations between the two, but nothing has been set in stone. All of this is speculation. @KingdomHearts12, you really shouldn't shoot down someone's theories for not haveing evidence, if you don't have any either. It even says "super theory" as the title.
  13. That's because Riku didn't have a Keyblade in KH1. Plus it probably wouldn't take three Keyblades anyways to close Kingdom Hearts, only open it. didn't riku have soul eater at the end of KH1? or did he only first acquire it in CoM? He did, but that isn't a Keyblade. It is a sword summoned by the darkness in his heart. Just a Sword. But it did turn into Way to the Dawn sometime in between the second visit in Land of the Dragons, and the last visit to Twilight Town.
  14. I honestly LOVE this Theory. It would also explain the connection to why those three The Kingdom key D, the Kingdom Key, and Way to the dawn were all picked up by the three in the initial secret video, at the end of the english version of Kingdom Hearts 2. Is it unlikely, yes, do I like to think it is true anyways, because it is BAD@$$, Hell yea! @Terranort, actually it has been confirmed that most everything that Xehanort, Ansem SoD, and Xemnas used had some sort of relation to his past. All the symbols were variations of the symbol all of Eraques students wore. It doesn't matter that he didn't make the symbol yet, because he got the symbol from Somewhere.
  15. No you guys who appose this Idea, prepare to be proven wrong... Here is a way it would work out, and still flow as a KH game.... With Tron in power, he created a new program in the image of it's original creater, so Clu would look like AtW. Clu takes over, turns Tron evil, makes empire, purges all the people (forgot the names of them...). Enter Sora. Sora gets put inside new tournament, the girl saves him, and basically follows the storyline of the move, minus having a dad in there. When Sora Realizes it is Tron, then they fix him, and they all team up and beat Clu, and Sora makes it back to the portal with the Girl. Girl becomes a Character inside Radiant Garden. Exit Sora.
  16. I don't care about age inside the game, but I would like it to mature with the audience, considering we were all in 3rd-8th grade when the first one came out, I think that they should add some more mature/dark/tension. I want there to be at least "Hell" said once or twice, I want Sora to be tempted by darkness, and I want there to be a love interest between two characters, and an open mouth kiss in a cutscene. I hate the fact that WE are his main audience, even though we are 10 years older than when we were his original audience. The games should start maturing just a tad...
  17. I was thinking the same thing. Sora even says at the end of KH2, "I think the darkness is getting to me too.." It has always bugged me, because I thought there wasn't any relevance behind it... But with the meaning being Trust, and you playing more as Riku then Sora, it could very well be that Sora gets tempted, maybe by his Jealousy of Riku? Or Maybe he over stresses himself about needed to save all those people, and goes to an "easy way out". tl;dr I agree. Lol. Nice theory.
  18. If you ask me sliding dash is useless in battle. I only use it when I am trying to avoid moves that can't be blocked, and unless you know something I don't, half his moves (other than his sonic or regular combos) are unblock-able.
  19. Like Azure flame said, plus when you meld commands, if you use a crystal, you need to max it out before you can make the ability passive and forever equipped to you. And if the commands are maxed out you have a better chance at getting the more rare commands from melding. For instance, "Quick Blitz" and "Slot Edge" get you "Blitz", but if they are both maxed out, you have a 10% chance at "Ars Arcanum" instead. The level also affects the amount of damage you do, and in a "Dash" or "Surge" how far forward you move. Or, like what Azure flame said about the mines. The movement ones can be fused once again, and all of the above applies as well (Just likely you will fuse them, and you have to have a second one to fuse them.), "Glide" maxed out, would go faster and farther then if it isn't. And for shotlocks, what Azure Flame said sums it up. Good Luck buddy, Birth By Sleep is my favorite Kingdom Hearts game yet.
  20. Most of his moves are unblock-able. My advice is to make sliding dash your best friend, and try to regular attack, and finish commands, more often then your command style. He only takes 25% of darkness damage. That in mind, use your shot-locks, and make sure you have both "Once More" and "Second Chance". Hope this helps.
  21. This site has all the manga in it. LMAO
  22. To be honest, I went to my local gameswap, and they didn't have it. So you think I will have better luck at a later date? And They do still have new ones on ebay and Amazon, amazon was way to expensive and I don't trust ebay that much. I might end up giving in. Does gamestop have an online store?
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