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Everything posted by deathrebirthsenshi

  1. Nothing. The world will have ended by then.
  2. "Seat Belts everyone!" Wait a minute. School busses don't have seat belts... It really is magic! O_O
  3. I don't want them to change voice actors It's too late for that, Haley is Sora and that's that. Having said that, I don't want them to redub Kingdom Hearts 1, I'd prefer squeaky voiced Sora, because its the only game we have a squeaky voiced Sora!!! The nostalgia just wouldn't be the same. It's just not KH1 without it. I mean, just imagine Haley's current voice...actually...that wouldn't be too bad I guess...I highly doubt they'd get someone else to do it, as Haley has been voicing Sora even when he's younger for...huh, 10 years has it really been? So yeah, no one else. Also, Jesse...Roxas...
  4. ... Going to hell to look for Ms. Frizzle is sort of pushing it... But its still a pretty cool concept!^^ Plus tons of awesome nostalgia.
  5. Too lazy the worlds would be so doomed if I were their hero. I like the wording of all that; like, remember people this is what Sora had to go through. Sora's life hasn't just been rainbow and cupcakes.
  6. Yeah, realized that later sad, you'd think that a game like Kingdom Hearts done by Disney and Square would be relatively free of such errors...especially when Nomura likes to slip in little things like that just to mess with our heads. "Why did it pick you" makes a lot more sense when you look at Roxas' history; he wanted to know why he and Sora had the keyblade. Also he obviously does not know about Ven lol. Now, if he had said "she"...well, that would have been really brilliant, that Roxas could still just faintly remember Xion, but that would be seriously pushing the envelope. Especially since no one is supposed to remember Xion at all...
  7. I like Riku a lot...and Kairi a lot...but Sora wins in the end. I don't think its necessarily fair to judge someone just based on growth; Riku hasn't had to endure any problems he hasn't made for himself, and honestly has received nothing but love and support from those closest to him despite what he's done. I love Riku, I think he's pretty badass and certainly has had very good character development. I just like Sora a little more. I like his optimistic attitude and his ability to keep moving forward, even when he's losing everything around him--he's suffered through the loss of his home and friends and betrayal on more than one occasion. And he just has such a pure desire to help those in need that I admire about him too. Not that every main character doesn't do this to the best of their ability, but...yeah. I just like Sora. I'm dull and boring because I always choose the main character
  8. That strange and unexpected moment where Adventure Time's plot becomes too intense for you to handle...

    1. Oniaku


      oh, God, the ice king... that's just... wow.

    2. Hei


      I like how he was a normal guy before he went all.."Ice King"

    3. Oniaku


      yeah, its an impressive story there.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. I like all of them, but...idk why, but Aqua left the biggest impression on me. Probably because I love magic users (Terra from ff6 and Shantotto are like my favorite characters ever) and Aqua just really made an impression as a very strong fighter. Plus she was the most fun to play as^^
  10. But they were looking for Roxas. Sure, they would steal photos of Roxas because they were data of Roxas. But as far as words are concerned...wouldn't it make more sense for the to steal the word Roxas? I mean, why on earth would they have stolen the word photo? What does the word photo have to do with Roxas? I just cannot believe that the Dusks are that slow. And, honestly, if the Dusks are THAT stupid, they seriously probably should have put a couple of members on Roxas patrol besides just Axel. I mean, granted, it only took them a few days to track him down, but... And photo. Like, the word photo. Who uses photo. People usually say pictures.
  11. 1) I'm wondering if Eraqus could possibly do this...afterall, right now he's just a heart... 2) I'm curious about whether they'll save him before or after stuff goes down...I could see Terra being brought back during the last battle, after it was too late and the X-blade forged, but he'd help in the end to destroy it. 3)OMG That could be more epic than the battle of Hollow Bastion...I mean, I'd envision something less epic, but then, when you think about it, you're going into the Realm of Darkness with no idea of where Aqua is, and the RoD is heartless central...it'd be awesome that when they find Aqua, there's suddenly a large amount of heartless that show up to try and prevent their leaving, and then EPIC BATTLE WITH AQUA ON YOUR SIDE!!! Either that or Aqua ends up finding her own way out... 4) In Castle Oblivion? Possible, but...I don't think so. It's not really her style. If anything, I'd say she's hanging out in Hollow Bastion, the Organization's castle (assuming its still vacant, or perhaps she's working alongside Xehanort again now), or her own castle back home in Enchanted Dominion. After all, there is a local princess of heart there ready for the taking...lol. It's been, what, 27 years? Maleficent will figure out how to get Aurora eventually! 5) Heartless army as well as the super scary Sora heartless...that could apparently absorb energy from other heartless and was actually too much for data-Sora to handle alone. It's said in the first game that the closer to the light you get, the greater your shadow becomes, and Sora's about as close to the light as you can get (oh look, even then they were predicting Sora's eventual fall to darkness). Very relevent with Sora's recent "fall" (although it was not by choice or any wrongdoings on his part, it still happened, ironically partly because of his kindness.) 6)Well, naturally^^
  12. DiZ: lol you're not Ansem I'm Ansem lol. I totally see that.
  13. What is friendship? When you and your friend can just belt out disney songs together out of nowhere and with no explanation.

    1. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      That sounds nice.

      If that's real friendship, I've never met real friends.

      "WTF, is that Disney? SO gaaaaaaaaaaay" -fake friends

      (Don't misunderstand, I'm on your side)

    2. King Riku

      King Riku

      I'm just that crazy everyday.

    3. deathrebirthsenshi


      Aw that's so sad :( Usually one of us will start and then the other just jumps on and continues.

      May you someday find friends that will sing disney with you...

  14. I would usually just put the psp on sleep mode, but yeah, I found that highly annoying. I can see the reason for it when you're on multiplayer, but they should have made some feature where you could pause if you were just playing by yourself. It just makes no sense to go through all of those unversed without pausing...
  15. Ugh, so hard...especially between Axel and Roxas...I love Xion but she doesn't come close to the Roxas Axel love...ugh...gotta go with Axel, just for his coolness in Dream Drop Distance. I mean dude. He blocked Xehanort's heart. Even the almost-keyblade master couldn't do that.
  16. UGH IT IS STILL A HARD CHOICE I mean like okay Bulbasaur is boss for the first two gyms, but then grass types aren't that useful Then its like okay Charmander Charizard is boss plus you don't find that many fire type pokemon so I usually go with fire BUT BROCK IS HARD TO BEAT UGH. Why did they make the FIRST GYM a ROCK TYPE, at a point in the game where you're likely to have only normal type moves... And, of course, squirtle is useful because you always need a water pokemon to be an hm slave, but I don't like using my starter as an hm slave plus you could always get the magikarp and make gyarados I usually go with charmander though
  17. Sora Skyheart Kairi Seabass Riku Landtraitor Aqua Megawaterboobs Terra Earthshine Ventus Windblowwoosh Half of these sound like ponies...
  18. Old knews already saw it on tumblr Oh whatever its still the funniest Sailor Moon related thing I've seen in a while. Not quite as god as the iron man one though...lol.
  19. Ooh, missed that one! Well, I'd assume Namine would be able to wield a keyblade the same way Roxas can because of Sora; she just hasn't so far because Kairi herself didn't unlock this power yet. It's personal headcanon that she's too fragile/will never actually wield one, but that doesn't mean it will never happen in the game. Although this does bring up a point for both her and Roxas: the fact that unlike Sora, the keyblade Roxas wields doesn't actually belong to him. Depending on the mechanics of how they will come back, if they come back as their own people...they would need to somehow acquire their own keyblade. It's been implied that Roxas was using Ven's while Sora used his own, and we still don't know the official status of Kairi's current keyblade (if it is indeed even hers or Riku's, that's been strangely ignored, unless it was answered and I never saw it lol). So, long story short, Namine has the potential to wield a keyblade, she just lacks an actual keyblade. I feel like she and Roxas would only be able to get their own if they became their own people and got their own hearts in some official way.
  20. 1) Implied that its a resurrected Braig, although, when looking at the reason Xehanort had for splitting up into a heartless and Nobody, both could easily be there. 2) They may know that Aqua is in the realm of darkness, but are unsure of how to find her and how to get her out. 3) I feel like it was implied somewhere that Xehanort somehow temporarily lost his keyblade wielding ability once he became a heartless and nobody...but this may not be true; it may have been just a ploy to keep up the deception. Actually, I think Riku may have said something to that affect, so probably untrue... 4)No, Sora would not lose the ability to wield a keyblade; while Ven's heart did give him the ability in the first place, the ability to wield a keyblade doesn't just go away. Ven's heart gave Sora's heart the ability to wield the keyblade; Sora's heart has been wielding the keyblade this whole time, not Ven's. The biggest proof is when Sora gets the keyblade from Riku; the keyblade chose Sora's heart over Riku's. Ven's heart only provides the second keyblade. Now, you could argue the influence Ven's heart had on Sora (Friends are my power...) but that's another story. 5) Well, they didn't really tell us what the data contained; I assume there will be more on it later. 6) That always bothered me too; it makes me wonder if Vexen recognized Roxas as looking like Ventus. He and Zexion/Ienzo would be the only other people besides Xehanort and Xigbar able to make this distinction, though Zexion was likely to forget because he was so young and Vexen only saw him once 10 years ago. And, oddly enough, both were sent to Castle Oblivion...perhaps for this reason? Although the fact that Vexen seemed to be able to sense somehow that Ven's heart was stripped of darkness may imply that they were already conducting experiments before Xehanort came along. After all, Ansem the Wise had said that their original goal was to cultivate darkness and get rid of it; Xehanort headed these experiments and pushed them forward, but they may have already begun by the time he stepped in. (Maybe even instigated by Braig, since he seems to work there...who knows how those two met and what else Master Xehanort did in that world). 7) I think it is partly because of Ven's heart...but I think that perhaps the reason that Terra and Aqua's sorrow have found their way into Sora's heart is because he is the main defender of the light, and its sort of a message that they are needed in the upcoming battle. idk I love my destiny theories lol.
  21. Thank goodness, something actually of substance being spread throughout the internet...
  22. idk, I'm actually rather proud of Nomura for not using Time Travel in an obnoxious way; like really, all that Xehanort used time travel for was bringing his past selves to the present. I'm just hoping Nomura never does get to the point of buliding alternate realities and craziness like that, then I will probably just be done with Kingdom Hearts as well lol.
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