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Everything posted by deathrebirthsenshi

  1. It's basically a black version of the wizard of oz. Not to sound racist, but...basically what it was lol. It was done by Motown I think. Michael Jackson was the scarecrow, and Diana Ross was Dorothy...I feel like there was a hint of romance between them...hm...
  2. "Maybe some events may turn out differently" that is like the tagline of these games. The thing with TAV was that, well, communication was exactly the problem; it's exactly why they failed, and I think this was done purposefully. Aqua, upon becoming a keyblade master, became a little overbearing and focused more on what she thought she should do, as per teachings for Eraqus, rather than actually communicating what she felt to Terra and Ven. Terra, on the other hand, didn't want to admit anything had happened, so instead of talking it out with his two closest friends, he closes himself off, determined its something he has to face for himself. And Ven...he's just sort of left behind, trailing behind and trying to help Terra and Aqua every way he can. I think that's the interesting thing about BBS: all of their stories ended up in failure partly because they did not utilize their friendship properly and effectively communicate. Despite supposedly being the closest of friends. An acceptable version of the meeting at Radiant Gardens: Aqua: Hey Terra I wanted to see how you're doing with the whole darkness thing since I care about you and we're bffffs. Terra: I STOLE AURORA'S HEART I'M SO SORRY I'M NOT WORTHY Aqua: It's okay, you were obviously possessed. And you know, come to think of it, Maleficent mentioned something about Xehanort telling her stuff...we probably shouldn't trust him. Ven: Yeah! We should stay together and not split up and defeat the enemy together! Terra and Aqua: Go home Ven! Before you get frozen and thrown off a cliff! Or even one of the first cutscenes in the beginning: Eraqus: I tried to tell Master Xehanort, but all of my attempts to reach him have failed. Terra: well, maybe that was because I was just talking to him literally seconds ago, about how I need to embrace darkness and stuff. Eraqus: Oh god, he's trying to forge the X-blade isn't he...all right new plan, everyone stay here and I go kill Xehanort! Entire game of problems avoided. So many moments like these... *Ven Frozen* Aqua: hm, I could probably just use an ignite spell to thaw you...or a lower level fire spell...nah, I'll just leave you here. The real problem with Kingdom Hearts is that everyone needs to line their freaking pieces up and connect the dots. Like honestly. I still find it ridiculous for example that no one in the story knows that Roxas looks like Ven except for the villains. And just...other little things that I can't think up right now. But there are many. Oh yeah. Like, Riku. At any point in kh2, he could have stopped being stupid and just talked to Sora. Or, like, left a note. What's with all the ambiguous clues. It's called writing. Look it up. Get it memorized. Namine. Why have you been doing between the beginning of kh2 and the end of kh2 that you didn't have time to appear and tell anybody about the whole "oh yeah, btw Sora, I found other hearts connected to yours." Like, she couldn't even tell Riku or DiZ? Srsly? And Riku. Why didn't you just let Roxas meet Sora. Defied DiZ. You destroyed your world, and now you want to follow rules. You only say "things might have been different" afterwards. They still could be! Mickey: What have you been doing with your life all this time. Just what. You need to spill everything you know. Like seriously. You could have told us about Ansem-Xemnas-Master Xehanort ages ago. And how long before you recognize that Xemnas' face looks like Terra's? Hm? I'm assuming that his time in the realm of darkness affected his memory somehow, there's just no other explanation for forgetting the name "Xehanort" after the events of BBS and not remembering the difference betwen him and Ansem the Wise like seriously. It's honestly no wonder that Xehanort is always 5 steps ahead of everyone. You don't even need time travel to get around these idiots.
  3. Ever notice how in CoM cutscenes Donald and Goofy are just there one moment and gone the next like wtf

  4. *sigh* that awkward moment when you make a noob of yourself...

    1. VanitasisKirby


      That would me in school. :I

    2. Queen Tery

      Queen Tery

      I do that all the time, you get use to it.

    3. Kirux
  5. Okay. So you know how in KH2, Demyx says to Sora: "Oh, we do to have hearts! Don't be mad..." Well. In DDD, we learn that, in fact, Nobodies do have hearts. ...so was this line just our cute little Demyx attempting to confuse the hero's morals? Was it put in as a hint for the future, perhaps just to make us consider the possibility? Or, was Demyx actually on to something? I know he seems to be one of the weaker members of the organization, but if he were completely useless, they probably would have sent him to C.O. or turned him into a dusk. There are many times where its questioned in Days why they keep Demyx around...is it possible that he's a 'nort? After all, only the strongest of the strongest hearts actually become Nobodies who retain human form. Either way, there's more to Demyx than meets the eye. ...yeah, he's probably not a 'nort, given that we see his thoughts at times and pretty much see that he really is just lazy, but...its an interesting thought.
  6. Not entirely true; Riku, while constantly stating that he did want to help Kairi...this wasn't his only motivation. He let the darkness into his heart because he was obsessed with becoming stronger, with seeing more, much like Xehanort. It's really not until DDD that he remembers the true reason he needs to be stronger: to protect what matters. At the time, Riku wanted strenght just for the sake of strength, and its this having something to protect that eventually becomes his greatest strength. Terra never intentionally gave into the darkness or intentionally did any wrong; he was always tricked or goaded. Riku was initially much more willing, even letting Ansem into his heart. Having said that...I think there may be some future things about what he's done; I'm not sure that its anything that will ever truly leave him. There may even be problems with other heroes once they save them (ie Aqua, after 10 years in the darkness I doubt she'll want to put up with any argument about how darkness isn't "all that bad", it ruined all of her friends lives too). DDD shows Riku finally forgiving himself and being ready to stand and fight in the light. However, he may still have some things to do to face up to the light, and will probably eventually have to apologize/make amends for his actions further. Just a hope. CoM was more about him dealing with his darkness in the literal sense; there were obvious character flaws that were still largely present, and he doesn't really start the guilt over what he's actually done to everyone until Days and KH2. DDD was about him further recovering from this and, really, learning that there was penance for his actions, and that he really could come back from what he was; but the process may not necessarily be complete. Basically, DDD=the badassness of Riku in KH1 and CoM, but without the evil. I was really happy with this switch, 'cause emo-Riku just...wasn't as nice. Too much like Cloud.
  7. Okay, can I just say, I was SO mad when I got on carpet and ended up with that boss. Like WTF. I had no idea Kurt Zisa existed, and when that thing popped out of the sand...I lost it. Carpet is evil. I learned about the other one before I went to fight it, so it wasn't a shock...but seeing as Peter can understand Tinker Bell, I feel like she could have at least been a little more specific about why we needed to go to teh clock tower. Like, she could have said, "There's this huge mysterious heartless thing waiting for you there." I mean seriously. I think she was just done with Peter and was trying to kill us all off.
  8. ... It's the door to the world's heart. Destiny Island's keyhole. I thought that was pretty obvious. Plenty of keyholes are hidden in plain sight, such as the one in Alice in Wonderland, or Tarzan. Heck, the one in Olympus Coliseum was just sitting under a block. In the vestibule, where people pass by all the time. You could argue that the keyhole seen by Riku in kh1 was just any keyhole...ecxept for the fact that only Riku seemed to be able to see it, implying that it is indeed the world's keyhole. In fact, I'm almost certain that Nomura said as much in an interview somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look it up. Also, I see some arguments about why heartless weren't at Destiny Islands; I think its pretty heavily implied that not all of the heartless attacked all of the worlds at once; however, from DDD, we could probably also say that the heartless didn't come there for Riku and Kairi (both important to his plan, Riku as a vessel, Kairi a PoH) until he was good and ready for the heartless to attack there. Once the heartless did arrive, they found the keyhole with relative ease and destroyed the world almost immediately. Once the heartless come, you see a bunch of darkness coming from that door, and are blown into the last ruins of the world as it's sucked into darkness; this darkness coming out of the door represents the heartless taking the world's heart and turning it to darkness as the rest of the world is destroyed. Kairi's body is sucked into the darkness as her heart passes into Sora, and Sora is eventually sucked into the darkness, arriving in Traverse Town via corridor of darkness. Sorry to post this long rant, but...it's pretty obvious that that's what this door is.
  9. Ever seen "The Wiz"? Michael Jackson was in that. Calling it.
  10. I give you a hamburger... How do you kill a god? Answer: You can't. He's immortal. How do you kill a blonde? Answer: Shoot her, chop her head off, throw her off a cliff...the possibilities are endless.
  11. Oh, he's totally getting a new outfit, there's no question. I'm just curious about what he was up to before becoming a heartless that he supposedly had an organization coat on...or if they just weren't ready to design a new outfit lol. But there definately will be one.
  12. SORRY MY SARCASM IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU!!! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png people on the internet are so hard to please...
  13. It was a joke. Bad thing about the internet, its hard to do sarcasm properly I've never actually gotten anything very rare.
  14. Once in pokemon gold, I caught this shiny red gyarados!!! It was so cool!!! I'm not a big gamer, so I just have to say the no name keyblade with Aqua in BBS.
  15. 1) See, I'd prefer having Sora's old voice. Those final mix cutscenes already have his english voice (not sure why...), so I'd just personally like the nostalgia of Sora's squeaky, high-pitched kh1 voice that we only have for that first game, and that we'll never hear again in the future. 2) Hm, that's interesting, but you could easily argue that Sora just happened to still remember Pooh for some reason at this point, probably because it was such a small and unimportant memory that it was probably initially looked over in the memory-erasing process (I mean, they seem to forget Hollow Bastion pretty soon despite all of the significant things that happened then, so I think some of the more important memories might have went first). And of course, if Sora still remembered Pooh, Pooh would react and remember Sora the way Leon and co. did as well as Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie did in Destiny Islands. 3) YES.
  16. "In other words, both the Nobody called Naminé and the Heartless—proof of a lost heart—are extremely unstable beings who lack the bodies needed to produce a Nobody. Therefore, they also lack Kairi's memories." From the Ansem Reports, confirms Namine was born without memories...but I think that's yet another interesting thing, considering how Roxas and Namine were born. There's so many weird situations surrounding them; first of all, Sora didn't become a heartless by giving in to darkness, he willingly sacrificed himself. Second of all, Roxas and Namine were both born from the heart unlocker--technically, you could see it as Roxas and Namine being born from the Princesses of Heart, particularly in the case of Roxas. I wonder if Namine would even have been born if Sora had been turned into a heartless another way... Thinking of Roxas being born of the Princesses of heart makes me wonder about his status as a guardian of light...hm...and there's also the fact that Namine seemed to be just what the people of Kingdom Hearts needed: Someone with powers over memory to remind everyone about Terra, Aqua, and Ventus, 3 more keyblade wielders that will most likely be absolutely necessary for the final battle against Xehanort. Ah, destiny theories...and, probably, if Xion and Roxas hadn't existed, moving so many of Sora's memories out of Sora, Namine might not have gotten down to that deeper level where Ven and his memories sleep. Why can't I study this for college. We should have a class dedicated to deep videogames like these.
  17. Oh look, the rebel bass. These are cool though
  18. Well, after the few minutes it took for me to get it, I laughed...then I almost cried
  19. when you click the link, there should be somewhere for you to play audio, and a picture of prim. Just press the audio. and don't hurt melol.
  20. Yeah, it did get slightly annoying at parts...and there was one moment that was like almost exactly copyright from Twilight where Peeta and Gale were talking about Katniss and who'd she end up with and Katniss was sort of sleeping...there was a scene almost exactly like that in Twilight and I was like "what." Of course, the romance was sort of offset by the fact that people were dying every five minutes. Kind of like how the boobies in Elfen Lied become non-issues once people start dying in a horrible bloodfest. Also, very everyone who read mockingjay, this is to ruin your day: http://itsrainingcatsandnoodles.tumblr.com/post/31509167903/ocean-of-wisdom-tylararar-joshhutcherslut (don't worry, if you haven't read it, you won't get it).
  21. Twilight isn't that horrible when you take it for what it is: a romance. The real problem with it is that romances in general are often horrible, but because its vampires, its somehow a popular romance. And really, reading through the novels...there is very little other plot besides the romance. Any other problems that occur are very minor background things that are easily dealt with, ie the ending of breaking dawn was just silly. The Host was similarly dissappointing; it kind of gives the feeling that the writer just wasn't sure where they were going with it or didn't know how to handle anything big, so they made it small. The Host became pretty much all about romance, in a somewhat intersting way, but you have to keep in mind what it is you're reading. Hunger Games, on the other hand, is definately not primarily a romance.
  22. Yeah, at first when they noted the whole "nobodies grow hearts" thing, I kind of thought, "well, that's all there is to say about that." But...ugh, Nomura logic, there are just so many more mysteries, and none solved. I mean, everyone totally thought we'd learn where Terra is, and that didn't remotely happen...But yeah, I actually thought 24 days was pretty generous for the amount of time between when Sora stabbed himself and when he appeared at Castle Oblivion. I know there are a lot of peculiarities about her because she's the nobody of a princess of heart, and its hard to say what she even is...I just wonder if its ever something that will be expanded on, or something we're just supposed to accept Hm, that's something I considered before but conveniently forgot...while I don't think she had her own memories of Kairi, just through looking at all of Sora's and Riku's memories and tampering with them probably had a large impact on her character, seeing the way things were supposed to be like. She probably just initially wanted to take the place of Kairi, naturally feeling like she should be with Sora...only really understanding the implications of her actions later...huh. That makes sense. Its sort of a similar thing that happened to Xion basically.
  23. I think the reason they used so much disney in kh1 was because it was a pilot; they also had Final Fantasy characters play sort of a large role in helping Sora start off his journey. It was probably more just to get the series kickstarting; now, since Kingdom Hearts is pretty much hugely popular, Nomura can get away with pretty much anything, even time travel http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png; Its also because Kingdom Hearts now has enough of its own characters that Disney and Final Fantasy characters don't need to be featured as much. I think more of that would be interesting, I really love what they did with Beauty and the Beast there. It definately gave disney characters some validity. I think the disney worlds could definately make more of a comeback in the next game; afterall, probably all of the worlds will be headed towards ruin, so all kinds of things could happen. The plots of some of the other games didn't really allow for roles like this
  24. So, I was just randomly laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to fall asleep when something hit me. I went to look at the secret reports for confirmation. In Chain of Memories, Namine complains about being alone for "so long." Well. In the secret reports, on Day 24 Zexion mentioned that Marluxia had succeeded in luring Sora to Castle Oblivion. Day 24. By the time Sora gets there, Namine had only existed for 24 days. About 3 weeks. Now, okay, sure, this may be a long time to be alone...but not all like Namine was making it out to be. And she's apparently much higher functioning than Roxas to even have grasp of the concept of "alone" and to be able to feel things like "loneliness" and "guilt" in just 24 short days of existence. That's an awfully short amount of time for Namine to sprout a heart compared to Roxas and Xion's almost year (granted, though, they definately had hearts way before that). And also, I wondered: did the organization really figure out Namine's power, and Marluxia and Larxene come up with a plan to use it, in just 3 weeks? Could there be more to the things that went on in Castle Oblivion? More about Namine? The Organization did discuss that they used C.O. to do experiments on memory... I don't know. Am I over reacting? Over reaching? Possibly. My brain is sort of fried right now...
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