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Everything posted by deathrebirthsenshi

  1. O_O*Waiting for Nomura to have some special story about the stick* They were probably just to lazy to make Roxas not release hearts, since he does release them in literally every other level. But still, you almost wonder...I mean, what was a stick like that even doing in the middle of a castle? I bet it was the remnants of Terra's wooden keyblade or something like that. Not really. But still.
  2. You...YOU ACTUALLY USED SEASHELLS!!! T-T the feels...
  3. I literally cannot even. I can’t even. I am unable to even. I have lost my ability to even. I am so unable to even.

    1. Weiss
    2. Jim


      I don't even either

  4. It's annoying to me too. It's about the satisfaction of killing it yourself, you know? Also, not how they were careful about the hearts being dark when Organization members destroy them as opposed to being pink when you do...so they really have no reason to hit it for you. I also hated that pretty much whenever you glide, a member appears right above you and knocks you out of the air. I mean, seriously dude, wtf? And yes, I'm looking at you Xion, during that impossible "collect all the emblems" mission from the start of the game before you even have glide...so you have to come BACK to finish already, and then Xion just keeps stopping me from getting that one...okay I'm done.
  5. Beyond the Chaos, the end draws near...

    1. Snow


      You depressed me.

    2. deathrebirthsenshi


      "Why create, when it will only be destroyed? Why cling to life, knowing you have to die? None of it will have meant anything once you do."


      To think, all of these depressing things are said by a clown...

  6. kh2 outfit. I like them all, but the kh2 one is my personal fave right now. "Witch" outfit?
  7. It was just a metaphorical opening thing; he wasn't doing a summon, he was shining everyone's combined light to make the title appear. Kind of like in the first Kingdom Hearts; granted, they used the Simba summon there, but he ended up summoning the title instead of simba. Or maybe he's finally summoning bahamut. Who knows.
  9. Yeah, the reason Xemnas put X's in everybody's names was supposed to do with his obsession with the keyblade...of course, now that we know those members were supposed to be part of the X-blade...well...lots of implications of course, as well as the sigil representing rejecting your old sense of self. I still don't get what recusant means, though, and why the sigil is called that. This post made me lol a lot. Everyone is tracking Aqua's boobs. Everyone.
  10. Why does it not surprise me that Italy is chibimoon? This is just too perfect on so many levels.
  11. Must study...for...midterms...but...I'm here instead...UGH

    1. deathrebirthsenshi


      I would pass college with a 100%. I am so well versed on Kingdom Hearts technicalities its ridiculous. And this would be the perfect place to study...why can't physics be more like Kingdom Hearts!? T-T


      Maybe I could get away with Kingdom Hearts stuff in a philosophy class...

    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      "Maybe I could get away with Kingdom Hearts stuff in a philosophy class.."

      I cracked up. The essence of life..... is FRIENDSHIP, HOPE, AND SMACKING STUFF WITH A HUGE KEY! /wtf

    3. deathrebirthsenshi


      And the key is a metaphor for...blah blah blah. I could totally get away with it...lol.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  12. Looking for logic in MARIO of all games is futile. I mean, the dude is a plumber who runs around eating shrooms and saving a princess that can't stop getting kidnapped by monkeys, turtle monsters, and whatever else. "Future, Present and Past all exist in different dimensions"...I feel like this logic has explained time travel before. I mean, the very concept of time travel creates an endless loop of plotholes, alternate realities, paradoxes, etc. Also note that these are apparently BABIES saving the world...yeah, don't try and get logic from Mario. Its not like they have intense plot lines you have to follow.
  13. Yeah, it would make no sense for them to REMOVE the final mix stuff when the release it here. That would be extra work. I mean, usually final mix comes out after its released in the US, and inlcudes extra stuff that was only in the U.S. version plus even more extra stuff. They wouldn't take out the final mix content just to spite us, that would make no sense. Of course, when it comes to dubbing, I suppose there could be problems...was the final mix cutscenes in english? This might be part of the question of whether or not they use old audio versus redubbing it in english with the current voices.
  14. It doesn't feel real until we have a trailer; I mean, we don't have so much as a secret ending to go along with it. Its announcement was kind of out of the blue. I mean, of course, I knew they'd eventually cave and tell a story about the origin of the keyblade and/or the keyblade war...I think this will be fun, as you can customize your own character and all that because they can't possibly be related to the current storyline. It'll be something of a break from all the depression of the main story. Didn't Nomura say something about making a "light" game...? lol. There may be some more exposition on the X-blade that could be significant to Kh3 or something like that, or a secret ending towards kh3, but...
  15. Oh, internet, you never fail to amuse me.
  16. Here i am, thinking to myself, oh, the graphics can't be that much better...then BOOM. OH MY GOD. Ansem in particular looks very different. I'm impressed by the quality. And I like had a fangasm at that Days scene, I was hoping they'd have extra cutscenes done, and they didn't dissapoint. Yeah, that's a little true. I mean, I think nobodies sort of overdo their movements to make up for their lack of emotion (yes, all characters do it, but I think the nobodies all do it more. Especially dusks. I mean, what is that), and Axel in general does this more than anyone else...but that was excessive motion, even for him. And that's saying something. They could have just all been sitting down and it would have been just as good, but I guess they wanted to spice it up a bit. 'cause those three just sit there a lot lol.
  17. Plotholes ftw. I'm guessing that as the superior of the in between, he was able to create any type of armor he wanted, and made one based on his keyblade armor. The armor he has there isn't necessarily the original keyblade armor. On another note: Wow, Nomura, even suits of armor have unnecessary belts. I mean, seriously, not only are there TWO belts on a suit of ARMOR, they're just FLOATING there around his waste. Meh, its still badass.
  18. I always thought about that...you could like endlessly keep coming back. But then, that is sort of Xehanort's plot with his 13 members and all...
  19. Oh goodness yes, I didn't even think about that. Definitely a priority. Although it was a definite motivator for beating a boss in one try...
  20. Get x amount of trophies. Get kh3 secret ending. I like the sound of that... I don't think they'd really change much at this point, although we are going to get final mix content, which is a plus. Hopefully they'd do something about the camera. I am curious about whether or not they'll redub...I feel like it would ruin Kh1 for me It's just, I really liked Sora's cute squeaky voice back then, and it was the only game we got to have it...there's nothing wrong with his voice now, I mean puberty happens, but still...and some of the more classic lines just wouldn't sound as good. idk. It probably won't really matter. And oh gosh, Ansem's voice! I honestly sort of preferred the one from the first one...but the newer one is fine too, its actually not that different. Deep Jungle is a good point, I hope they can still use it...I personally loved that world. I've only recently figured out that you can do the tree sliding thing and unlock new areas lol. I wonder if they'll do more with things like that...and perhaps make worlds a little more interactive...meh, probably not, they have a kh3 to work on. And this pc thing. But Deep Jungle I felt was important to the story. I mean, the whole "friends in our hearts" speech? That line made it into a song! Significant. lol I'm done spewing feels everywhere.
  21. Seeing as people have been talking about how long kh3 could take to make...I'm honestly happy with anything. I knew they'd eventually cave and make a story about the origin of the keyblade and/or the keyblade wars. I think it could have a lot to do with current events, with Xehanort trying to recreate the X-blade, as well as with perhaps the enemy beyond the Xehanort saga. I think it will be a nice distraction. As for the hd remakes....[oaifhnou[sdbvou[AEBV[OAUEBFEwh]foneofna['oefn a]ewofna]oefinaefi MAH FEELS!!!! lol a lot of people interpreted the whole secret message in DDD as being a hint at kh3. Nope; past being awakened as a new number...kh 1.5. People should honestly know better by now lol. I really don't think days needs to me remade; the story was nice, but as a game, its just better for a handheld. It really just would be boring on a playstation 3 unless they were to completely change the game, in which case I wouldn't want to play it anyway. They have bigger fish to fry than remaking days. I really do like that we'll have hd cut scenes though, because Days really deserves it. I also hope that they do some more scenes in hd with actual voice acting, such as maybe the part where Roxas questions his existence, and important things like that. All in all, I'm pleasantly surprised. It is a little like winning the lottery and it only being $100, but its certainly more than I expected, so I will definitely take it.

    1. deathrebirthsenshi


      And this pc thing? I knew they'd eventually do something for the keyblade wars...I'm so excited!!!^^

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