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Everything posted by Agucsoccer

  1. Although I first played Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts is my favorite video game franchise, because of it I have found great games like TWEWY and most of the Final Fantasy games. My sister bought 358/2 Days after she had seen a commercial, and now I have every game, including the remakes. Its such an awesome, literally full of awe, series that has a breathtaking story, beautiful music, and amazing fans that love it so much!
  2. Yesterday everyone got on their computers and went to KH13 and that made a new record for people who are getting on this website at the same time. im' soo exitted fo somur, im gonna go on a cruse!
  3. Try salesmanb2b.com and search kingdom hearts. There is a bunch of stuff there.
  4. cool signing here: Agucsoccer
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