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Everything posted by DarkmoonTenshi

  1. Given the number of people in black cloaks, it will most likely be the Mysterious Figure
  2. I was watching the subtitled version of the trailer, when something caught my interest. Sora is shown on what looks like a closed in shore, and he is talking about how this world is a dream that you can't wake up from, and if you don't, you can never return to your own world. Maybe... Could it be... that Sora is trapped in the Dream Realm, and that's how he "falls?" (Of course, he couldn't be trapped there forever. He is the main hero, after all.) There are also other moments in the trailer that make me think of the "Sora that Falls" idea. Him talking to all those Xeha-villians, for one thing. And then there's Vanitas...
  3. It's gonna be Simple and Clean. Sorry, but it was in the trailer, so...
  4. It was better than I thought it would be!!!! And that's saying something, since I already knew it would be epic!!!!! *turns outside room* Dad! Buy me a 3DS right now!!!!
  5. "Meddle not in the affairs of the dragon; for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup."
  6. Riku, of course! Did you see the way he threw Xemnas in a full circle in the last fight?!
  7. Yep! I'm used to it. Now I have the KH3D Riku background, the Soul Eater cursor, and the blue color scheme. Hehe...
  8. I just set it up! Now to get used to it...
  9. My dad went out and bought a real one, that looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss story. It has a fat bottom, and a super skinny top. My mom hates it.
  10. This like a prequel to all pokemon games... wait... Was that Mewtwo?!
  11. Prankster's Paradise is another good example. And doesn't Tron Legacy take place way after the first Tron?
  12. ...My mouth just fell open. KYAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! OH THE SUSPENSE!!!!! I WANNA SEE THIS TRAILER RIGHT NOW SO BAD!!!!!!!!
  13. *fangirl screams* OOOOOHHHHH MY GOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHH!!!!!! That sounds TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!
  14. I got some weird stuff Xemnas is Kim Possible Xemnas is a star wars Xemnas is Mansex Xemnas is old Kairi is useless Kairi is hot Kairi is Ansem's daughter etc...
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