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Everything posted by Sephiroth991995

  1. I'm talking about being able to play the game. Any region. 3DS is region locked, PS3 isn't.
  2. Then, we will soon be able to play the JAP version. The wait might be bearable this time, unlike KH3D.
  3. I will agree with the release date point you made. As for the events they're not for all Europe. But never mind that let's just keep it to Kingdom Hearts, lol
  4. Why wouldn't we complain? You can easily find these things at any shop online, and they're not that expensive. 3DS, meanwhile, is region locked, so getting MoM edition will be pointless. Not to mention these are only for France...
  5. A demo is available on Europe e-Shop too. A demo is available on Europe e-Shop too. v Sorry for posting this two times there, I accidentally pressed add comment two times. Also Theatrhythm Final Fantasy demo is there too!
  6. For me it seems more normal for a company to release both versions for preorder, and not just one, and some months later a special edition(That's not necessary though ). Also, call me optimistic if you would want, but because it was confirmed doesn't mean it won't change. Changes do happen.
  7. This won't come to Europe, since many people have already preordered the normal KH3D. Also, 31 July is a release date that shouts: "Placeholder". Maybe USA still has a chance of releasing KH3D earlier, but most probably after Europe release, since this time USA will have this special edition.
  8. Hmm... I do think that the secret message refers to a collection game for all of KHs too.
  9. This. It's a nice theory though.
  10. Oh yeah, I head this too. But what could it be? Marluxia = Lirauma <---- No way. I'm gonna find other combinations.
  11. Roxas is no basis, as from KHII we knew only Roxas's case, and could be a coincidence.
  12. Em... No Zexion's true name is Also Namine is not Organization XIII member,
  13. I don't know if anybody else has noticed this, since last time I visited was LONG ago, but I'm sure everyone noticed that every member of Organization XIII have X letter in their names. And I saw someone making a topic about this... But I wonder... Did anyone notice that if we remove the X letter AND reorder the letters of the member's name, we will have the member's real name? For example: So, has anyone else noticed?
  14. About Terra. No. His keyblade, that stayed with him in the Keyblade Graveyard, is the Gaia Bane/Ends of The Earth. I REALLY don't know what happened with Ven's Keyblade. Perhaps by that time...
  15. Same here. My previous account got hacked. Delete Sephiroth991995 from the list and put this one instead: http://www.youtube.com/user/TehSephirothSpirit
  16. I want KH movie... Even though it will be hard. Using keyblades and magic? This certainly is hard. And for our entertainment, we'll have to wait...
  17. That would be sooo cheap... But cool at the same time.
  18. I love your theory, thank you for posting this. Seriously. But then again, Master Xehanort didn't become a heartless. He just made his heart take over Terra's. Also, at people who say that from KHI to the part of II when Roxas becomes one with Sora, Sora is a heartless, and Antiform actually is proof.
  19. I wonder when they're going to make Ven back to left handed. He was supposed to be left handed as we see in KHIIFM...
  20. Well... Actually there are a few rumors that Vanitas is a perv, but I always think they're jokes. Didn't know that the rumor spread so fast.
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