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Everything posted by kingdomheartsFAN63

  1. actually its the god of war coo psp and i got it from a friend and he ordered it online i had it for like 7 months and it worked fine
  2. alright i think i know wats wrong. there are two little point things that are pushed down wen a umd is in the psp 1 of them are missing do yall kno anything to replace it?
  3. still trying to figure out whats wrong with it. does gamestop repair?
  4. yea im gonna in 1 week but i waz trying to avoid that haha but i guess i cant
  5. wats the point in giving the US bonus that the japanese dont on the original but later on give them it and PLUS more?
  6. There is no such thing as a game character more immature than sora. Ven is immature yes, but no where near as immature as sora. yep sora is most immature which is why i dont like him. I dont hate him he just not my fav keyblade wielder. No offence 2 you if ur a sora fan
  7. cant play bbs cuz psp wont play any game plz help
  8. try playing in a differnt area. not much help i kno but trying small stuff can help sometimes
  9. either way i like roxas better any1 agree? but these 2 characters are my favorite
  10. No, considering there probably were Nobodies in Traverse Town, we jsut never saw them. ok u got a point but since wen did sora fight a nobody at the age 14 i beat kh1 kh2 chain of memories and 358/2 and he didnt encounter a nobody until he waz 15
  11. why dont we get the final mixes? we deserve it as much as them they are using disney which is made in the US
  12. dude i agree i said the exact same thing to my bro b4 i knew bout this website and he said that im mad cuz they are just making it for nintendo. Which as u can see its a bad idea cuz chain of memories sucked
  13. does any1 agree that its stupid that thers are nobodys in traverse town?
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