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    spenskh89 got a reaction from Keyblade King 12 in Is it just me?   
    I feel the same!
  2. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Koko in Question about gay people   
    I'm gay
    I'm a woman
    Not exactly a lesbian, but basically I'm homosexual biromantic, meaning I'm a lesbian who can be romantically interested in men, but not sexually interested.
    Now my girlfriend and I are probably the most feminine looking girls ever. I don't like masculine looking girls. I like feminine girls. And I think feminine looking guys are aesthetically appealing. I enjoy femininity.
    I also have a lot of guy friends, and I might as well be one of the guys since I do get along with most. So I certainly do not hate men.
    It's all a matter of preference.
    Just like how some straight people have preferences (like my best friend finds Asian men the most attractive), gays have preferences too (like I like more femininity over all).
    This is false. No true lesbian chooses to be gay because she had a bad experience. Sexuality is not something you choose. Sexuality is fluid yes, this is true, but it's not something like 'OH GUYS SUCK IM GOING TO GO LESBO'
    Not only is that offensive to actual lesbians but it makes you look like an idiot.
    The whole uke and seme thing is slightly false as well As far as I've seen, male/male relationships are not like that at all. Just because a man looks more feminine does mean he's gay first of all or that he is an 'Uke'. Just as if a man looks masculine, you shouldn't assume he's straight. He might be as gay as a rainbow. Hell, he might actually be a woman. Masculinity doesn't mean he's a 'Seme'. Those terms should only apply to anime because it's kind of offensive, since GAY MEN ARE NOT LIKE THAT. Yaoi is unreal and stereotypical.
  3. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Mirr0rVS13 in Question about gay people   
    "Anyway, why does it seem that gay men are attracted to feminine men?"
    Not all of them are attracted to feminine men, some like the masculine kind I think.
    "and lesbians are attracted to masculine women?"
    Some like the more feminine woman, not all of them are attracted to masculine women.
    ^^^^I guess it all in the end really depends on who they're into or how they were raised could influence their choice.
  4. Like
    spenskh89 got a reaction from Snow in The nerd and the prince   
    DX please stop THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Always in I wish   
    Nah, "real men" actually do feel things, but they're just really good at not showing it (at least in American culture). NOT to say that you should develop such a skill. This is actually pretty sad, because when people don't allow their feelings to come out they withdraw and become depressed. Depression can lead to negative outlets such as violence, and poor health, which is also a possible explanation for why women have a longer lifespan than men on average in the United States (men think they have to "tough it out" and wait a long time before they see a doctor, only to find out they have, say, Stage IV cancer). Sadly, most of the men who experience depression in the U.S. go undiagnosed because 1) They're too embarrassed or ashamed to go to the doctor in the first place, or 2) Doctors (especially male doctors) don't like the idea of diagnosing men with depression, and try to come up with some other explanation. That's not to say all doctors suck--some are, of course, very good, and say it like it is, while others are misguided. I could go on and on about this (I've been researching this topic a bit lately), but hopefully you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.
    Don't feel bad because you don't hide your feelings. It's actually quite healthy emotionally and physically to express yourself. Don't let cultural norms tell you otherwise. You don't suck. And there are girls who appreciate the guys that aren't afraid to say how they feel--you just have to be on the lookout for them. Being macho and cold and insensitive isn't a universal trait that only "real men" around the world have--it's a narrow cultural expectation that is distasteful and sad. Um, haha I hope that was at least somewhat encouraging for you. Fight the cultural expectation and prove that real men can actually have feelings!!
  6. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Luna☆ in UPDATE!(With topic poll) A good preorder bonus.   
    A keyblade stylus!
  7. Like
    spenskh89 got a reaction from Weedanort in Hypothetical question #2   
  8. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to P50L in I think my couch is gay   
    I think my chair wants to rape me, Whenever I sit on it when I use the computer, it keeps hurting me when I stay seated for a long time...My poor bottom..
  9. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Kingdom Sora in Respond With Pictures!   
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    spenskh89 reacted to rikunobodyxiii in Respond With Pictures!   
  11. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Junko in Respond With Pictures!   
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    spenskh89 got a reaction from TheApprenticeofKingMickey in I NEED YOUR HELP!   
  13. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Junko in I have CAKE!   
    Haters gonna hate on my iphone cake :P
  14. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Weedanort in Moogles   
    I eat Moogles for breakfast.
  15. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to P50L in I NEED YOUR HELP!   
    OH.......No....the right answer was Jigglypuff
  16. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Amon in Heres my number!   
    BRB... stealing all of your personal info and using it to apply for credit cards.
  17. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to kalnet in Spiderman   
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    spenskh89 reacted to DChiuch in ;)   
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    spenskh89 reacted to waytothexdawnx in My "sexy" Death the Kid Sketch xD   
    He is so SMEXY
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    spenskh89 reacted to Weedanort in What's YOUR ninja name?   
    How do we do this?
  21. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Mirr0rVS13 in Should Nintendo continue on remaking popular titles?   
    NO since people like Sony fanboys, Xbox fanboys, IGN, G4, and countless others always bash Nintendo for making SO MANY REMAKES (*rolls eyes >_>*) , they're latest example has been the 3DS. Nintendo has only remaked two games I REPEAT 2 GAMES yet they still find it reasonable to say Nintendo has too many remakes. The Vita will be filled with mostly console ports and some remakes yet they don't receive any bashing since they're cool and hip cause they have HD graphics and two analog sticks. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png Just to end this rant no they shouldn't (though the last one I'd be fine with is a remake of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask since the assets from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time already exist so they could use those to make Majora's Mask. )
    From Nintendo I'm looking forward to Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus Uprising, Paper Mario, Mario Kart 7, Mario Tennis 3DS , and Super Mario 3D Land.
  22. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to J. Severe in Should Nintendo continue on remaking popular titles?   
    I'd honestly love a proper remake of Super Mario 64 after SM3DL comes out.
  23. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Grimmjow in What do you think of the gameplay in KH3D?   
    I don't know what to think about it. I really liked the gameplay of KH I. It was slower but way more tactical.
    With KH II and KH3D I see how the priority changes from challenging, strategic gameplay to fast, button-mashing gameplay with as much action as possible. I still like it tho' I just think the fighting mechanics in KH I took more skill.
  24. Like
    spenskh89 reacted to Amon in I'M A BIG FAN OF Kingdom Hearts.   
    I think kingdom heartz is a pretty cool guy. he fights heartless and doesnt afraid of anything
  25. Like
    spenskh89 got a reaction from marly2 in Canada   
    I have no problems with Canada. I love Robin from How I Met Your Mother.
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