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Everything posted by BrokenHeart-less

  1. still dosent explain much, again to come back as a somebody your somebodys must heart must be taken down by the darkness THEN after the nobody and heartless are vanquished the somebody comes back, if the darkness rule diddent exist xehanort would just keep reviving leaving no end to his saga which is supposed to end in kh3. Im going to presume that braig was betrayed, killed himself, or taken by his own darkness.
  2. Honestly dont understand how xiggy came back, to come back as a somebody you need to have your heart taken by darkness, briag fought with the darkness?
  3. i really do hope its just for this game but realistically nomura never lets anything die especially in kh, i expect them to pop up in some sort of way n other games but obviously goofy and donald will most likely be main partners in the other series with sora, i personally dont mind the new enemies or the pets i just don think its kingdom hearts style in which is why im happy that this is most likely nomura have fun doing random shit, im sure lots of plot revolves around them as nomura DID say that even tho its an action game that storyline would be important since its so important to the fans because it IS
  4. there entirely new, there eyes are red so there not heartless or nobodies and they dont have the eye pattern of an unversed
  5. anyone notice the new enemies? they have red eyes and diddent someone say the unversed werent gunna be in the game? mabye its a new breed based of the red eye heartless
  6. Nomura tends to give everything a reason hence why the story is awsome, her being the princess of heart, one of the origanal three chars, and having a keyblade kairi will do somthing. kairi also is very strong minded, i mean would a girl on the sidelines run into the darkness? if anything riku and sora will see her ambition to help as freinds supporting each other is a main theme in the game
  7. id rather them not remake it, its oldness makes it so much better and thed probably make it too easy. plus thed have to upgrade the battle system a shitload which id rather them also not touch
  8. what makes them harder to navigate is the amount of new growth abilitys there are and the fact that they made the characters size compaired to the world bigger, only had problems gettin through kh1 worlds cuz i played it first when i was ten way back in da past lol
  9. using surges over and over isent a fun battle, try some restrictions which are always fun i i was able to do a complete breakdance with ventus while fighting him lol
  10. theres no question that shell fight, her heart his filled with light and was passed a keyblade by aqua, the amount of power combinded by those two will make her one strong fighter, strength in keyblade depends on strength in heart not skill
  11. he probably inhabits the relm of darkness and it a heartless humanoid like heartless xehnort was, and could possibly be the main antaginist for BBS v2 if it comes out and would prob follow up to kh3
  12. they took it out cuz squere enix likes to experement to see what works and what dosent(like how they took dodge roll outta kh2 then after people complainin bout it put it in kh2fm) same deal with birth by sleep, wouldent be square enix if they diddent change the battle style a bit every game : )
  13. the gameplay was fantastic, it was a combination of kh1 battleplay and bbs(only thing was terrible guarding) but those two being my favorite in the series the gameplay kicked ass for a DS game system. and again dont complain about what numuara has given us when he could have just gave us nothing for 9 years
  14. the other games werent spin offs, they were essential to explaining and putting the story in there. also days was essential, just because no one remembers dosent mean shes forgotton, 90 percent chance shes coming back in some importance considering numera dosent throw random crap together and call it a story, plus shes mentioned as being saved.
  15. i think the delay is a great thing, with all the experience from verses kh3 will have better graphics and as square enix always promises a great new battle style even better then the last, if ff verses looks as good as it is then kh3 will look just buetifull especially on HD ps3.
  16. who said the castle is the castle of dreams? the world of darkness is big and could have its own castle, the castle of dreams isent important enough to be the only thing shown. BBS v2 wil most likly be all in The world of darkness and have multiple characters yet to be revealed or not explained.
  17. if they do make BBS vs2 then there going to put allot of work into it so meaning there not going to one year half ass it meanwhile game reviews ar consistently anoying him about spinoffs, considering we now know the world of darkness is acually big and a "world" most maps and such will prob be done there. with everyone talking about KH3 should realize that no matter how fast the spinoffs are done kh3 wont be worked on, until the kingdom hearts team which works with ps2 and ps3 finishes final fantasy verses its not gonna come out, the PSP team has no diffrence to a main system game coming out so like all the other games numara will put effort into it which dosent really get done in a year especially considering how important aqua is to the story now and the mass plotholes in the world of darkness.
  18. to be honest i think the red eyes were just an added effect to the boss, the heartless was meant to be important considering out of all in the dark relm square picked it plus it amazing power compaired to other heartless, numoara alsways has good important meaning behind things incuding this so i doubt its as simple as some random kh characters heartless, for someone as axels heartless to be that axel wouleve had to have meaning to being at that fight and axel isent important enough to be honest. the only time red eyes were somwhat signifigant in kh was the unversed which at that point are all gone, as everything kingdom hearts has a theme which it sticks too which is yellow eyes, meaning the red is probably not that signifigant
  19. yea the gameplays not bad since i played the beta english version i was satisfied with both graphics and fighting style : ) although the fighting style could be better in my opinion
  20. its not weird atall to bring a giant oversized key on a train in fact i brought my two oversized keys on the train and got questioned nothing : D
  21. i would think saix joined in with xiggy when darkness attacked hollow bastion, considering yea he has yellow as means he went to darkness and since he did in fact die in that fight i think he and axel faught as somebodys in the final battle for a few reasons, the x mark coould be a battle scar against axel and also saix dies right before axel based on the numbers(saix #7 axel #8 ) so axel most likly won, also saix and axel dont seem to communicate as well as nobodies as they did as somebodies which could be based off a possible fight they had. also isa couldent have been takin down by a heartless since hes sidded with the darkness meaning someone of light(axel probably) had to have struken him down. theres my theory, do with it watever u want
  22. well i soppose most people who have a keyblade just enjoy showing off its awsomness whether its to freinds or at a convention. i myself made two of my own keyblades and i always enjoy showing off my artistic masterpeices : D
  23. he has his kh1 outfit because they were going threw the memory during kh1, so i guess it makes sense he wears his original clothing
  24. the main idea of kingdom hearts is morely heart, freindship, and memories. time travel i highly dobt but memory travel i guess is possible. also its called the "void" gear which has to do with space? or the space between the dark relm and light relm which aqua is stuck in the dark relm so i guess that could say somthing too.
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