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ReAcTioN BbS

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About ReAcTioN BbS

  • Birthday 06/18/1996

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  1. "Canon" Meaning? I dont learn big words liek that where i live
  2. OK FIRST OFF. Being able to slow down time DOES NOT mean MF is a Time Traveler. Sora can use the Fire spell! He must be a firebender! >.< ... 2. ATW Doesnt know who TVA are in BBS time period so its not him. 3. If you look at the stance/body shape of MF it is not Xemnas. Xemnas is fatter and has a different battle stance. 4. Just because he has Ethereal Blades does NOT make him Xemnas. When we saw Roxas with a keyblade the first time did we say "It must be a Time Traveling Sora!" no...
  3. i can try to photoshop it for u, but itl cut off half of MX head, and it might be hard to make it bigger, without making it blurry...
  4. Welcome to the site. Your the best cause your sig
  5. OMG i always hear about people who complain that they can't buy a Xbox so it shouldnt be released on one. That is the most awesome reason ever. A DS 3DS PSP and PS3 all cost more then a xbox. so really, dont complain.
  6. 100% Agreed, square knows now that there isnt the little kid audience they targeted in KH1 anymore, that we have grown up, and they are kinda making the games different, there more, i dunno, grown up? because i know that if they were still trying to target a little kid audience, Maleficent wouldnt say "Hell" in BBS
  7. namine cant control terras darkness, the only reason she could control riku was because he was a good friend of sora, because namine only has control of sora and his friends hearts.
  8. personally, i disagree, trying to make it seem liek everything he did was "excusable" well its not. the ONLY thing that wasnt his fault was stealing auroras heart. and anyone would know melificent is evil. the proof u provided says that hes not "shallow" enough to judge her. well, u dont know if terras shallow or not, he never shows that much of his personality.
  9. the actual site it was on or khinsider? I meant like could you provide a link Yea here it is http://www.khinsider.com/ he means a link to the interview.
  10. ^ no the guy who talks to the armor is xemnas, xigbar just overhears them.
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