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  1. It's always been Square and Nintendo for me. I grew up on Final Fantasy, Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong.
  2. I talk about Kingdom Hearts every now and then whenever someone brings it up, and I'm not embarrassed at all by it, there's no reason to be.
  3. Chopping off your foot is going to cost a pretty penny itself, and a whole lot more in the long run. If it's something that needs to be done soon in order to save nervous tissue or something like that, then just take out a loan. It shouldn't be too terribly hard to get one, and I'm sure, if you need it, you can find someone willing to co-sign given your situation.
  4. I ended up going to a Veteran's Day program at my school. We ended up having a pretty good turnout. We had the mayor say a few words and had a good guest speaker.
  5. The first thing I played was Duck Hunt on the NES when I was like 4.
  6. You probably already know what I think about it. I do think she is just a friend, but you still have to worry. It's not at all hard for him to start developing feelings for this girl, especially if you're not around. You know, I've went through the same thing, and eventually my girlfriend broke up with me so she could be with the "friend"... If he is serious about your relationship then he needs to learn to draw a line with other females and not cross it, and he needs to guard his heart. I'm sure you've already told him how it makes you feel, and I hope he has made some changes. If it keeps on, don't put up with it. You deserve to have someone who is completely focused on you.
  7. Haha, that's funny! I really like the avatars
  8. I'd just go to the dance, and if people start on you about dancing with that girl, just go ahead and ask her. Trust me, when you look back you'll realize that's is really not that big of a deal, and you'll probably regret not going.
  9. Stop being so rough on your electronics!!!
  10. Yeah, just try and get the cat to the vet. It's very unlikely that it contracted rabies, but you never really know, and you can't risk it being transferred to a person.
  11. Dude, I wish I knew that spell! It hasn't rained at my house in AGES!!!
  12. I <3 swimming! I always wanted to be on a swim team, but my school never had one. Good luck tomorrow! I hope you do well
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