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Everything posted by SHADOWPAIN

  1. Feed them lots of food, it gives them lots of link points fast
  2. From my experience, the abilities you get depends on what dream eaters you have. Just make the team that best suits your ability needs. You'll always have access to all of your abilities as long as you don't dismiss the dream eaters. Now that would suck! EDIT: To answer your question. If a dream eater has combo plus and it's unlocked then the ability is equiped so long as the dream eater is on your team, but when you switch out the dream eater with combo plus then the ability is unequiped. And yes, you can switch their colors
  3. Looks like I don't need those two other AR cards. The internet supplied me my extra dream eaters ;)

  4. KH3 needs to have interactive enviorments like KH1. Something that's been missed in KH3D..

    1. LightningXIII


      You're saying kh3d didn't have interactive environments? This aspect was better in kh3d than most other games. Plus, KH1 has no Flowmotion.



      That's not what I ment. In Kh1 you can examine almost anything and get cool little rewards. In each world there was plenty of things to do in each world that included setting things on fire to get special items, or hitting a switch to open a secret door. Alice in Wonderland was lots of fun because it had lots of secrets within the enviornment

    3. LightningXIII


      Okay, that makes sense! ^_^

  5. Good thing I only turn on the 3D for the cutscenes
  6. hmmmm... I' ve been thinking and I think that we'll get a KH3 anouncement at E3 2013.. If we're lucky

    1. DarkRealm20


      TGS 2012!!!! or Jump Festa!!

  7. Flowmotion mini game? EPIC! Race around traverse town agaisn't neku flowmotion style?? EVEN MORE EPIC!! Yes, I think I mentioned that in the first paragraph...
  8. I'd like to say Riku, but his defense sucks. I've died more times with Riku than with Sora. Sora has been handling proud mode like a man!
  9. That's a good question, but if that's the case they can also include FMA, which I think would be epic! But to answer your question. I don't know, sadly.
  10. With KH3D now out, I think it's time to start speculating on KH3. If KH3 is going to be the ending of the epic saga then it needs to be perfect both story, and gameplay wise. 1. Bring back Trinity limits from KH!! Those little spots on the floor were fun to look for, it also added some incentive to revisit the worlds. 2. Leave the Drop system in Kh3D. I personally don't like the drop system and find it annoying. It breaks my focus when I'm immersed in either Sora or Riku's story and it kind of ruins the pacing of the story. 3.Cloud. Enough said. 4. Keep Flowmotion but enhance it. If you're really adventurous, you'd notice that not everything intractable with flowmotion. KH3 could really benefit from this type of transportation method. 5. Lastly, Kairi and Sora need to kiss. If they don't freakin kiss at the end of KH3... May God help you Square... What would make kh3 perfect for you guys?
  11. I don't like that there aren't any NCP's to talk to. It sucks that the cast only appears in cutscenes. I'd definitely like to see a few of them hangin around the area. What annoyed you or dissipointed you about kh3d? Did it lack in an area in favor of another? How could it have been perfect?
  12. I'd like to see an enhanced KH3D battle system. I'd like to see them try a light and heavy attack system like Ninja Gaiden but Idon'tknowhow that'll fit into a KH game
  13. Finally got my KH3D copy! Gonna go hide in my cave the whole day!! >:)

  14. Anxiously waiting for tomorrow.. Breaking Bad marathon until then!

  15. Tuesday can your hurry up already!!

  16. Oceanlab- satellite (Above and beyond Remix) Reflekt ft D line Bass - need to be loved DashBerlin ft Emma Hewitt - Waiting Oceanlab- On a good day Dash Berlin ft Cerf Mitiska and Jaren- man on the run
  17. It's been a while...

  18. On the surface Kingdom Hearts is a kiddy game but underneath all that cuteness and playfullness is a deep, mature, and complex story. Sadly the average gamer does't understand that. It's best to ignore this person. No matter where you go, people will always have something to say about what you like, do or don't do. Just be yourself, don't let anyone sidetrack you.
  19. Who are those people? I didn't know ansem had more than one apprentice. Thank for spoiling
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