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Everything posted by Marth

  1. *Looks at the number of guests.* Hello hello people of the other side

    1. WakingDawn96


      Hello people of the other side! I must have called a thousand times! To tell you I'm......oh wait, we aren't singing Adele, are we? :P

  2. Came back because of release of KHUX. Site seems underwhelming about it actually xD

    1. KingdomHearts3


      There was much more buzz about it a couple days ago, believe me.

    2. Kingdomhe


      Yeah, but there was more earlier.

    3. Kinode


      Came back for the same reason, was extremely disappointed at the region lock, and the fact that my android is unable to download it. Have been struggling for a couple of hours to get it to work on emulator to no success.

      Needless to say I'm pretty stressed.

  3. What is your game ID Number/Nickname?- Aika What level are you?- Lv33 Why did you join the Vulpes union?- It just seemed like a nice Union to join Are you a member of a party?- Yes What is your favorite medal?- Vivi
  4. *casually appears to visit*

    1. Shulk


      *Casually says "Hi"*

    2. Soul_Seeker


      filthy casual


      lol, jkjkjkjkjk

      It's a gaming joke, pls don't purge me.

  5. That's kinda big knowing how the PS1 was. Remember, this was when gaming was kinda not too popular in the world. I await this line in HD though, as a little treat
  6. But I hate you for having Mirai Nikki on your profile which I watched a ton of 2 years ago. I remember this for one reason: KLONDIKE BARS AND FURNITURE DESTROYED BY KLONDIKE BARS DX

    1. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      I remember you entering Yuki into Shulk's RP. Good times.

    2. Marth


      Omfg you remember that. Just...have my babies. plz

    3. Aru Akise

      Aru Akise

      I kill you, Marth xP

  7. I'm back, no one remembers me, but I will say this. Trailer wise: Sony. Technological wise: Microsoft. The Middle: EA.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      And thus I have succeeded.

    3. PrinceNoctis


      I 100% agree with you.

    4. Shulk


      @Marth ._. uh... i'm good i guess?

  8. Marth


    I saw it today too. We just have to wonder about what's going to happen to RWBY...
  9. Being someone who's played Puzzles & Dragons, I'm somewhat hoping this gets localized. If there's a story, which there's a good chance of happening, that would be better.
  10. There's Persona Q. As happy go lucky as it is, it does have it's moments near the end-game.
  11. ATLOW Kihara/WingedIcarus misses you

  12. Can I just say that I never ever liked Captain Falcon? This game just makes me hate him more than I should. I don't know about you but I despise that his grab literally slides him across 1/3 of stage, meaning grab spammers will absolutely love this guy. In fact that's probably the only reason people really use him along with the Side Special which oddly has KO potential.
  13. Marth

    I just noticed...act? I thought we were rivals

    1. Reyn


      Lol, i haven't updated that in forever, i should do that soon.

  14. And thus the rumors begin. Just take it one step at a time. Saying that someone said $60 can just spread the rumors far and wide. I mean will I be pissed off? Yes, but until I get an actual price, I wouldn't get mad. Plus
  15. $60? Why is there that assumption when there's barely any information? At most, 29.99. Sure Xenoblade was limited quantity, but it was expansive and so many things to do. What can an amiibo get you? A lovely training buddy. And possible use in Xenoblade Chronicles X. IF, and IF there's no change, then you're all just getting hyped up for nothing. I'm as big of a fan of Xenoblade as the next guy, but don't you think it's a bit TOO early to come to a conclusion?
  16. stahp. stahp looking so god forsakenly cute
  17. Some think you're annoying, some don't. Way of life it is. I wouldn't say you overstayed your welcome, I mean I've been here and made some trolly posts a few years ago (Oh that topic "Secret Ending in Beginner Mode" on BBS topic. Not random, the actual sub thread ). I will say this, life can be harmful but you have to keep trucking on. Best wishes.
  18. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways, so how about them For Glory matches? Ever fought someone who just runs into a counter? I.e. fast falling and countering their smash attack. And then they say you suck. It's quite fun honestly
  19. Look. 24 days till Christmilk.

  20. every single game I've ever played I would have to go with...Sonic Heroes. I would love the game...if the control didn't get me killed. It feels jittery, marathon levels, Team Chaotix (uniqueness may have been good at first...until you need to search everywhere for that one thing you need to complete the level), and the voices can sort of get on my nerves (Let me direct you to Tails). Team Rose was the best in the game (do I need to explain the deaths caused via belly flop from Big the Cat? Their Team Blast with invincibility?). Oh and one more problem: Rail Canyon. The only other good part of the game was the music. So the positives: Team Rose and music.
  21. God I can't get over how cute and sexy you are. Even after a week.
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