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Everything posted by RoxASS

  1. i think they just need to make a new game with like a few KH charecters and a bunch of other badasses from ANY playstation game like devil may cry and soul caliber 4
  2. when i did it i stuck with health and cp so every lvl go helath then cp then health then cp and so on cuz slates really dont help to much they just remove your cards 1 by 1 and get lvl 7 8 9 0 cloud fire ice thunder and cure cards and dont EVER get premium cards
  3. well you see the somebodies of organization xii are most likely dead and the nobodies are getting killed off but the game never ever mentions the heartless of them and maybe the reaper is marluxias heartless but then again what about the others from the organization
  4. well you see riku turned into a sagger and wears a belly shirt for reasons of wich i do not know but he still looks totally chawesome
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