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Everything posted by Exlon

  1. Much prefer command decks. Ever since Birth by Sleep, I haven't wanted to use any other.
  2. This is actually not the most terrible mod playing I've seen for making KH characters dance.
  3. The only person I know who really really likes Kingdom Hearts is a jerk and deserves to crawl in a ditch and stay there. No, I'm not telling them about this site. Or anyone for that matter.
  4. Do you mean rewatching old series on the internet, or do you mean rewatching old series that we had watched on the internet? I'm guess the first one, if we're to approach this logically, but I guess I ask 'cause I watch stuff online and possibly buy it later.
  5. Aww, that's great. I'm glad it went so well. =)
  6. *sigh* My point was you were talking about how your sister said the first present she got from her boyfriend was a build-a-bear and she loved it. What I was asking was "Were they already dating when he gave it to her?" Because that's different than if they were just friends and not really close yet, and therefore maybe not the same situation you're in. And Birth by Chawklet has a really good idea, I know you can find some funny/geeky t-shirts at Five Below too (just google search where to find the nearest store), and of course, it'd only be $5. Do you think you know her size though? I mean, I'm guessing it's not going to be too hard to mix up a small and a medium.
  7. I meant your sister and her boyfriend. And if you've been friends since September, maybe it's okay. I wouldn't do it, unless you really think there's a possibility she's interested already. I just don't think you should give anything too sweet too soon or she might be put off by it if she hasn't considered dating you yet. Of course, she might be delighted, but I'd be a little weirded out if I didn't like the guy slightly already.
  8. Yes, but were they already going out? That's all I'm thinking about. And you shouldn't try giving it as a "will you date me gift?" unless you're a lot better friends, since you made it sound like you haven't been friends that long...right?
  9. The problem being they're not actually dating yet. As of now, she's just a girl he really likes. I don't know if you've already done this, but if not-- WHOA WHOA WHOA, that really sounds like a gift she'd be getting from a boyfriend, not a guy friend. A normal guy friend does not just buy a girl a build-a-bear. Maybe a best friend, but even that's hard to picture. A card also might be a little odd. You can feel free to write a not on a piece of paper (that's not totally shredded looking). But you don't want to come on too strong, and I think giving all three of those things is definitely a "I like you, will you go out with me?" kind of present. Seriously, just find out her favorite candy, or asks her friends if there's a movie she wants, or a book series she likes but hasn't gotten the next one of yet. If you must get her a stuffed animal at all, find out what her favorite animal is and buy a beanie baby. But a build-a-bear is definitely overkill this early. Personally, I keep randomly hoping next time I'm dating someone that he'll get me a build-a-bear as a sweet present, so seeing as how couple-y that kind of gift can be, that's why I'm making a big deal out of it. x3
  10. Reeeeeeeeeseeee's~ But that's just me. I wouldn't bother with fancy or "high-end" chocolate (besides, that sounds more...Valentinesey). Just see if you can squeeze the subject of favorite candy into a conversation. It's really easy, actually. Ask her how she is, she'll say fine, she asks you how you are, and you say fine, but you've been really craving *insert your favorite candy here* Then be like "You know how that is. What's your favorite candy?"
  11. Camo baseball cap maybe? Unless she doesn't dress with hats like those...if all else fails, I've -always- found that getting someone a favorite snack (like, one they don't get often, like Pocky or something) or a bag of their favorite candy (I would be SO happy if someone gave me a bag of Reese's for my birthday) always works. I say a snack or candy's good, 'cause if you know their favorite, it shows you pay attention enough to care, but it's not a "big deal." And I am a girl. I would be happy as a clam if friends just defaulted to my favorite candy instead of wracking their brains and getting something that is way off of what I actually like.
  12. Can anyone say ANIMAL CROSSING?!?! And I dunno, I might pick up Scribblenauts Unlimited or some other 3DS game for fun. I was kind of hoping SE might have another random KH game out this year, even if it can't be as big as BBS or 3D...unless they think the 1.5 Remix counts as a "new" game this year, as a loophole for their "1 KH game a year until KHIII" thing.
  13. Not any time soon...eventually though. Like if/when KH3 comes out on it.
  14. I don't have a PS3, sooo no. Maybe in the distant future I'll care.
  15. coded was just...really lame plot-wise. I was really hoping it'd have at least a small section of relevant information, but it didn't. Days at least carried Xion into the picture, if nothing else.
  16. That's not so bad. I like someone who's been dating another girl for four years, and his girlfriend very subtly told me to stay away from the guy even though I've done nothing to interfere. Lovely. Isn't she nice? (And possessive, and controlling, and totally toying with him.) And don't worry, it's not like she blocked you specifically, so it's not personal. I don't know if she's from your school or whatever, but you could always try talking to her there.
  17. I'd be REALLY scared to death of the night then.
  18. "And then, we can go see Santa!"

    1. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      fine then, i'll go correct the person who said it!

    2. Exlon


      Hellooo? Kingdom Hearts II? Sora?

    3. teh lazy prince Xylek

      teh lazy prince Xylek

      pppssssht i...knew that

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  19. I feel sorry for the people who seriously don't get the reference (or that this is a joke). Even I recognize it, and I haven't even played the game. But, as everyone else was saying, BETTER GET THE OCARINA OUT!!!
  20. Really hesitated on whether or not I should choose Riku or Roxas, but I ended up voting Xion, because... Xion showed what it is to love someone so much you would give up your life for them. When Xion forced Roxas to attack her, she did it so he would live. She knew she would be wiped from existence, and that any memory of her would be forgotten, and even Roxas wouldn't remember her when she was gone. Yet she chose to sacrifice herself so he wouldn't die. That's some kind of special love right there, if you ask me.
  21. *cough cough* Kingdom Hearts I & II *coughs more* and Birth by Sleep *cough hack cough*
  22. Whatever the next Kingdom Hearts game is on. I know I'm not getting a game system though. Ha ha, ha.
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