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Everything posted by Exlon

  1. Coded was made for a certain mobile phone in Japan, but I'm talking about Re:Coded DS. I referred to it just as "Coded" because it seemed that the user was asking about the KH chapter itself, not which version it was.
  2. Pretty much all the Kingdom Hearts games have something important to contribute to the series. But no, Coded does NOT count as Kingdom Hearts III. First of all, if it were in essence KH3, Square Enix would call it KH3 (Notice how they started with Kingdom Hearts, and later made Kingdom Hearts II even though technically Chain of Memories is the chapter that occurs directly after KHI and was in fact released before KHII). Also, if it were KH3, it would most certainly not be put on the DS. It would be on a proper console that you hook up to a screen, probably on a PlayStation of some sort (I'd prefer it on the PS2, but it's really old, so the PS3 could be a possibility unless SE's looking for something more marketable). Coded is more of an in-between chapter like Chain of Memories, and 358/2 Days. Birth by Sleep is also major, but it's a prequel to the whole series.
  3. Yeah, like everyone else said, game guide is $20, game is $40. I'm going to go through without the guide though...like, I followed a guide through Kingdom Hearts, but I think the game was a bit less fun. The problem was I kind of needed the guide for a lot of stuff I didn't know I was supposed to do. But I think SE has changed the games a bit since then, 'cause I played through KHII on my own just fine (ok, can't complete every little thing like re-meeting Sephiroth (but that's ok, 'cause even though I tried him out like the guide suggested, I was pulverized within seconds sooo, yeah), and I made my way through the story no problem. I've done Days three times over on my own. I pretty much only check online if I'm really stuck on a hard battle. Otherwise...yeah, like khforever999 said, it's more fun without.
  4. I always start out on Standard. I might like, play that twice through then try Proud. S'what I did with my first KH game.
  5. Not a bad theory at all! Riku HAD to be doing stuff while Sora was asleep. Just a little problem...in the gameplay screenshots, Riku looked the way he did in Kingdom Hearts, but if this occurs right after CoM and is coinciding with Days, Riku should be wearing the Organization's cloak and have that blindfold over his eyes. Hm.
  6. Whenever we can snag the actual video file, that'd be great. And that is one cleva username! SonofaStitch...*bursts out laughing*
  7. Japan first. Pretty much for all Kingdom Hearts games it's released in Japan first. BUT maybe we can expect Re:Coded by the end of this year or early next year. ^_^
  8. It seems like they just mostly talk about the battle system---which is cool of course when you're playing it, but just talking about how the battle system works is kinda boring to me. And what's wrong with so many cutscenes? BUT, this just proves battle's gonna be complex enough to at least be at KHII level (not how hard, just how it's done), probably more than regular reaction commands and summons. Definitely more than Days which had no reaction commands or special attacks except for timed combos (You know the one, hit "Y" when it pops up on screen for a split-second) and limit breaks. And there are a ton of cutscenes in BBS? YAY! I love those parts, and it just means I get to see a lot of the story in Theater Mode again if I want. I was disappointed Days didn't have a ton, so watching it all in Theater Mode was really disjointed... Anyway, I CAN'T WAAAIT!!!
  9. "Haha, guess I'm headed for the games!" "Are you kidding? No way am I lettin' you in the games!" "Why not!?" "Kid, I got two words for ya: You. Guys. Ain't. Heroes."
  10. Aww, I pity you. But I know how ya feel. *nods* None of my family members like video games and so I'm on my own for expressing excitement.
  11. I am soooo excited right now! At first I wasn't sure if I'd still like it 'cause I read everything about it on Wikipedia, but these new trailers remind me there's still LOTS of other stuff to find out and appreciate about the game. I'm gonna go pre-order the bundle at GameStop sometime soon! *happy dance* So glad I saved up.
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