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Everything posted by Mowrt620

  1. I was going to use a texture pack, but I couldn't find a very good one. And plus, even if I did find one now, it'd be too late considering how much I've done. I'd have to go back and adjust a lot of stuff to look good. Pllluuusssss I'm in the most recent version of minecraft (1.9), and not a lot of texture packs cover some of the brand new blocks like Cauldrons and NetherBrick. And thanks everyone, btw. I might make a keyblade or like the gummi ship flying around the city. Tons of stuff like that to make it more lively. And yes, I intend to make every single part of Traverse Town, including the 4th and 5th districts once they are released
  2. Hellooo, what's up? I figured I'd take advantage of the fact that I've got this computer for a little while. So here's an image of the alleyway so far. It's not completely done yet, so if there's anything you can recommend or help me improve on, I'd appreciate it. The alleyway was actually kind of hard to do, since it's very intricate with things like the walls and the balconies. So it's not exactly the most detailed, but I definitely feel that I got it across well. Some colors were also giving me issues, like in the box corner (which you can't see in the photo) and the entrance from the Dalmatian House (again, you can't see it. Drat.), but I don't think it's the biggest deal in the world if some colors are slightly different. I did the best I could. The point is to make it recognizable, which I feel I've done well. So yeah, lemme know what you think!
  3. La'Tadaveonshinquentis da'Swag Daddyjiveswinga Shareefydougie the Third. Also known as "The Denzel" ???
  4. Minecraft is really cool because you can play it for a lot of different things. You can play it to build cool houses, recreate things (here here), survive, kill monsters, explore, go on multiplayer, build with friends, adventure on servers, destroy stuff (which is frowned upon), create battles, make machines with wiring, and tons of other stuff. I'm starting to feel like a payed speaker to advertise the game... anyways, it's just a diverse cool game. Nothing beats the first time you create a world, locked up in your dark room, having no idea what's going on. But yeah, it's just a game you have to work your way into I guess. Downfall is that the creator, Notch, is in my opinion one of the worst game developers ever. Lazy stuff. But hey, he created the game, so he gets credit for that...
  5. Hey there guys. I've been working on my Traverse Town little by little for a while now. I don't get to work on it too often since I can only use my sister's Mac. And she works a job and goes to college, so my time is often very limited. But progress is definitely being made. I've had the first and second districts mostly done for a while, and I've been working on the hotel, the alleyway, and some other improv-filler stuff between districts. For example, you know the upper part of the second district where you walk across the rooftops and go through a window to end up in the third district balcony? Well the 2nd and 3rd district end up just a little bit far away from eachother (but not too much), so I had to create some cool alley/rooftop/made-up paths to connect stuff like that. But it's nothing interfering with the actual districts themselves, and my improv portions actually add the the background a bit. Lucky me. But besides that, everything is going great. Here's a picture of the 1st and 2nd districts, showing how everything flows together. I'm actually hovering above the world gate! But yeah, lemme know what you think. Tell me if there's something I should change. And uh... order the shrimp. Peace out. (P.S. - I won't keep you waiting so long this time between photo uploads)
  6. I'm not quite sure how I'd make it downloadable, but if I can figure something out I'll let you guys know. By the way, I can't upload any photos. It always says they're too big...
  7. Thanks guys. I'll keep you posted. I sure have more motivation now...haha. And yeah, when kh3d comes out I'll prolly do the 4th and 5th districts. Aaaaand after Traverse Town I want to make Hollow Bastion, but maybe Twilight Town will be in the far future...
  8. So far, i'd say i've put 7 hours total into it. And yes, it's by myself in single-player. in creative though , i didn't want to go out and find all those blocks, lol
  9. Hey guys! For the past few weeks I've been recreating Traverse Town from the original KH. I figured this would be the place to show it off. It's nowhere near done yet though. I've got most of the 1st and 2nd district finished. But I'm trying to be as accurate as possible. I've made minor changes to some of the buildings, but it's only ever stuff like rooftops and stuff. I try to stay true to the colors and locations. The hardest part about making Traverse Town is that I'm completely going by videos and images on the internet. I gave my copy of kh1 to a friend while ago. But fear not, it's still very accurate and to scale. I'm liking how it is turning out. So yeah, tell me what you think of the image I'm gonna post... and btw, is there any way to post multiple pictures at once? If so, i'll put a bunch of pictures up of my progress. - Mowrt620
  10. I actually really like this. It's just simple and neat. Not the usual excessively-anime type fanart that you usually see. Nice work (plus I love drawing with markers, so cheers!)
  11. Well like you know how Xehanort's Heartless and Malificent and all of those guys like took over and destroyed Radiant Garden, changing it into Hollow Bastion? I'd like to play during that episode I guess, like run around the town helplessly as the entire place is being taken over and destroyed. I can see some cool heartless battles and what not going on whilst the land is crumbling beneath you...
  12. Well as far as Radiant Garden goes, I'd absolutely love to see the transformation into Hollow Bastion. Like running through Radiant garden as it's being completely destroyed would be insanely epic!
  13. So I was thinking about Birth By Sleep Volume 2, and a few things came to mind. One is that the game (if this does turn out to be a game) should really bring out the darkest KH has to offer. We've seen some dark stuff in the series before, namely in KH1 worlds and the like, but we haven't seen anything truly as demented as Hollow Bastion and the End of the World, ect. So with a concept like BBSV2, Aqua in the realm of darkness, all the darkness the series can really come out! I mean looking at the one image of Aqua looking at the castle makes you think that maybe we'll see some stuff like in the Epic Micky game, where famous Disney locations and themes are altered and darkened by the atmosphere of the Dark Realm. I'd love to see a purple goo-covered, half destroyed version of Cinderella's castle! Plus with just Aqua in the game (or so we assume), we could get a real lonely feel to the game, like in Shadow of the Colossus almost. It'd be totally new to the series, but it'd fit with the not-very-explored-yet Dark Realm. I'm thinking that since it leads up to KH1, there can be lots having to do with the beginning of the heartless invasion, and Aqua solving some mysteries leading up to KH1. I'd love to explore ruinous Disney areas for items and notes or soommething pertaining to the story. It'd be especially new for the series. Well yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say... What do you think? (Don't criticize me too much, I'm just thinking out loud)
  14. If you're talking about KH1 Sephiroth...umm... I'm just gonna call a tie on this one...
  15. I don't want to sound evil, but as far the shocking ending goes, I'd like to see Riku... wait for it... die! I love him, but I think him dying would add a lot to the series. I'unno.
  16. Well I personally find KH1 to be the most in-depth and generally best game of the series. It'd be the last game they'd need to remake. It's perfect I tell ya!
  17. I for one love this idea! And it could be incorporated in lotsa things. Like maybe you can buy them from stores, making shopping more in depth. Or maybe trade related quests, like one item in exchange for an experiment. It'd give the game a lot more depth. And maybe some could be used to reach new areas in worlds or get to places with their abilities. Just a thought.
  18. Well just because something doesn't pop up in in-game dialog doesn't mean it never happened. There's probably plenty of dialog between characters that we just don't hear. Like I'm sure Sora and Donald and Goofy chat in the gummy ship and Malifecent talks with the other villians at hollow bastion. Same applies here. Someone probly just told Ven off screen.
  19. If you're talking about upgrades, the only one i can remember is the stopga upgrade by beating the phantom in Neverland...
  20. I always liked his big smile in his health bar (young Sora that is) I draw his big smiley face on my homework often...
  21. Sha-weet. Cool guy. I always loved Ansem's voice.
  22. "It's a giiiiiiiiiirl." "You look happy Roxas." "Do not!" Yeah, that's the blonde girl for sure. It could be taken as a foreshadowing to 358/2 Days (or whatever you call a foreshadowing to something that happens before, blah, confusion). But I don't think it was intended.
  23. Yeah, maybe not from the keyblade war. But just some Keyblade Masters. I'd just like to see some people that Sora and Riku and them can kind of relate to. It'd be interesting to see some more keybladers interact. And I love rikunobodyxiii's idea about Final Fantasy keyblade wielders.
  24. ^That's what I was thinking of. And I don't recal any in the white room of Xion either.
  25. Well considering the huge success of Organization XIII (Seriosuly, those guys rule), wouldn't it be nifty to have a large-ish group of people like them, but just protagonists rather than antagonists? I think it'd be fun to have a big number of people fighting with or helping out Sora and company. Here's an idea... Maybe it could be some survivors from the Keyblade War, like other keyblade masters. It would allow the Keyblade War to be delved into a little more, and plus, it could give reason for Org. XIII to be put to rest (I love 'em, but their time is up). All in all, I just want some new characters for people to love.
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