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About TheKingdomkid

  • Birthday 11/15/1993

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  1. For some odd reason I kind of want to play 358/2 Days. I'll be honest once they release Kingdom Hearts 3 I wouldn't mind them remaking that and Re:coded for consoles would be cool

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Merilly


      I probably hate on CoM the most because I just couldn't warm up to the gameplay... Xion was definitely a problem in Days and it is kinda sad to see that a character, regardless of personal like or dislike, doesn't have any importance in the story, nothing to make her last. She felt like a character shoved in conveniently to create drama and edge Roxas on, not because she was actually needed or accomplished anything in her life. Coded had a similar issue story-wise.

    3. Merilly


      At the end they make this whole deal about Sora needing to understand hurt in order to deal with the memories that are not his own. That is all great until you notice it is not the real Sora and what he accomplished won't reach Sora at all.

    4. TheKingdomkid


      Yeah that's actually how I see it as well with Xion lol

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