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About StrangeFamiliar

  • Birthday 01/31/1995
  1. I've had mono for about two months now (it can last up to four months) and I've been coping/fighting it well enough until about a week ago. From that point forward I've been so tired I can't wake up before twelve (had to stay home for three days) and usually I get tired again at around 4. Its become really difficult for me to keep up with school and all the work involved. However, when I try to stay home and ask to do homebound (system in which if a student misses more than five days he/she may opt to get altered classwork assignments to do at home for the grades they might have missed and all days missed are not counted) my parents think I'm just being slack/faking to get out of going to school. They know I'm sick and all but they think if my sister (who had it a while ago) can make it through a semester of college and still maintain a 4.0 GPA while being sick I can make it through simple ol highschool. I'm just at wits end with all this schoolwork piling up (approximately 3-4 quizzes, 3 days worth of notes in two seperate classes, a project, a current event/composition in spanish with 2-3 tests coming up) and barely making B's in most of my classes. I just don't know what to do anymore.
  2. i marched in the parade in my uniform with my battalion
  3. Dead Space 2, Resistance 3, Portal 2, and Killzone 3 and the most important one: THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM.
  4. A Storm of Swords Your favorite president?
  5. obviously you fail at spelling "explanation"
  6. none, reality shows don't exist. for they are all staged what is your favorite comedy?
  7. -must answer twilight question- GO Team Tyler the only person who almost successfully kills Bella Favorite emote is >:} What is your favorite class?
  8. well i'm safe since i'm pedo bear approved....oh da*n
  9. Angelina Jolie What's your least favorite genre of music?
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