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Everything posted by mo9

  1. mo9


    @UPDATE added hulk , Chinese guy and fixed broken links thanks for the tip butterflylexi , school started -_- so i wont be that active , i finished bbs wohhoo :D:D (got secret movie) update : my current sigi's link is broken trying to re-upload it
  2. mo9


    thanks wanna use it ?
  3. nice stories ( thinking of becoming a writer ?)
  4. hey ur signitures are amazing but u just need to work on the pic background blend and the txt background blend other than that they are great
  5. hey i am new to the forums but i think that jenny's sigies make the colors speak to u bec they pop up and cricket has gr8 graphical features and if u (both of u ) have any advice for my thread i would love ur advice
  6. mo9


    ok i'll put them all in the first post and check out the new one its sora
  7. mo9


    do i post all my sigis in the first post or do i keep adding them ?
  8. mo9


    i madde my first avatar i knw it sucks but i wanna hear it from u guys
  9. mo9


    well ty i will try to do more , and about the off colors thanks for the tip i will try to fix them
  10. mo9


    thanks , the problem is i take a lot of time to do them or else they turn out really bad
  11. mo9


    hey everybody this is my signature thread i don't make them a lot but tell me wat you think (signatures are not related to kh) btw i dont make avaters as you can see i got mine from google cause i suck at them my current signature : a new one i made : this is from final fantasy : sora yellow: sora : red and black conner : cold milk : Ice cold : Silence: Hulk: Chineese guy : tell me what you think i dont do requeasts but if u like any ones i got (exept the one i am currently using ) u could use them all the names in them are for previouslly requested stuff , i cant change the name cause i dont have the sorce picture i only have its old link , the other stuff i did for my self and any other person who likes them
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