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FireStorm 162

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Everything posted by FireStorm 162

  1. lol, I think I may know this guy Can you send a link to it?
  2. So what did everyone do for April Fools Day (It's 5pm Friday here so I already had my April Fools Day) I trolled people Cross Country was today, so me and my friend decided to get Rebecca Black's Friday and play it full blast on repeat whenever we got near people, it was fun. Plus we started a conga line for the last few hundred metres. Fun fun fun fun day
  3. I think a lot of people are growing up and leaving this site, I'm considering doing it as well..... You were a great mod, even though I never got to talking to you, and good luck in your life
  4. like rebecca black. the cool eagle's are made out of orichalcum+, not obsidian. (I'm fine with Rebecca Black, she actually has an okay voice suprisingly, not including Friday) ah, but i'm a special eagle. and yeah, rebecca actually has a really good voice, bar friday. her voice is good, but she nearly ruined Friday for me. *points at accordian lady* Are you sure it ALMOST got ruined? Watch this, and you shall never enjoy Friday ever again (world domination Phase 1)
  5. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com.au/news/2011-03-24/higurashi-no-naku-koro-ni-kira-video-anime-launches
  6. Nothing I can say to get you to come back? eh, I'll check in from time to time, but I won't be active in stuff
  7. Wait, why didn't I mention this before, there's going to be another season coming out, but just OVA's like with Rei. Yay
  8. Hey, welcome back to KH13 (this is where I say I decided to leave the Umineko forum and all that......)
  9. so, um, this thread has just become pathetically boring and not worthy of random, I shall request to close the thread.
  10. so it's another Bieber thread? *sigh* isn't this gettting old or something? Go for something less.....annoying in the future
  11. Kudos to GlaDOS (doesn't know what Portal is) Kefka was a more awesome villain than Sephiroth, and funnier. Kefka needs to be higher than Sephiroth
  12. I saw this a couple weeks ago, Casey ftw lol
  13. *pushes Aqua off the monkey bars* WEEEEEE!!!!! I'm moving
  14. My girlfriend's name is Jessica... Point Proven. (ok not really)
  15. I know I'll get flamed for this, but eww... ? minecraft sickens me, and whenever I post that, I get the "Gamefaq's Reaction" (The "Gamefaq's Reaction" is when you get horribly flamed multiple times for stating an opinion) I doesn't like minecraft, how old is that game anyway? a few months, it's still in beta. you clearly have never played it. before i played it, i hated it too, then i bought it and play it every morning I've played it, quite a few times when my friends try to get me into it, it's on my laptop right now. just not my type of game I guess....wait why are we talking about minecraft? Back to topic.....I got nuthin'
  16. I know I'll get flamed for this, but eww... ? minecraft sickens me, and whenever I post that, I get the "Gamefaq's Reaction" (The "Gamefaq's Reaction" is when you get horribly flamed multiple times for stating an opinion) I doesn't like minecraft, how old is that game anyway?
  17. I know I'll get flamed for this, but eww...
  18. you're not allowed to beat up Rebecca Black, as much as we'd all like that, you can't hurt a girl......oh, you were talking about Kinode, then by all means proceed
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