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  1. why would they make that like really who would buy it got it and beat it not l;ooking to get it again for some pointless 3d (I COULD JUST PLKAY AND CROSS MY EYES >_<)
  2. Yes, he did not tell anything else to Aqua. We just stated that maybe he could be already thinking about what Xehanort could do in the future. nothing that we know of something could come up in BBS:V2.....^_^
  3. ok i think his body would remain the same but is heart would be older(i know sounds werid) but since he has been with sora for 10+yrs it seems like a logical idea so he would lookk the same but with a older and much more experienced heart.
  4. i agree with ur theory i would luv n hope that sora remembers something about the castle (lol i can hope) i would like him to say "this place seems familiar" lol HEY WOULD NT RIKU REMEMBER THE CASTLE?!
  5. since the psp2 is like the psp go its not gonna be downloadable so i highly doubt itll be released on the psp2 since they didnt want BBS being downloaded( DUE TO STUPID PEOPLE WHO PIRATED IT)
  6. i belive that sora became a heartless n then found kairi which she turned him back so i dont think it could be his
  7. well they have to find aqua first cause she is the ONLY one who can find ven in castle oblivion(CoM and 358/2) and sora probably doesnt really remember terra because he just gave him a funny look and continued on his way, and it was like what 10,12 years ago i understand he wont remember sora but vens heart is in him which COULD make him feel like he remembers him n i was wondering wouldnt riku feel somthig since he was chosen by terra to be his apprentice?
  8. makes u think if its going to be like bbs cuase ull have Ricku,the KING!,and Aqua that would be three seprate storys but they could end up meging (some how idk about aqua) cuase i would thinnk that it took ricku sometme to even stumble upon the king
  9. u never know he may come back with the heartless & nobodys(cuase didnt ansem{his heartless}control the heartless and xemnas{his nobody} control the nobodys??? there might have even found a never enemy to team up(idk unversed) with i all so think he will be back with at least 3/4 of the members i highly think its likly to be briag(xigbar) is going to return,i also wonder & i now its off topic but if terra was to be returned from master xehanorts hold would eraqus return too?or no cuase we dont knpw the wear abouts of his body(if he went some were or not)
  10. lol i bet they had those to attract girl gamers lolz
  11. i wonder if he didnt think up v2 during bbs cuase this could explain why aqua said what she said( in other words did he recently start thinking of v2 after he finished bbs) whch would explain why she ask the question about the worlds.....
  12. seems fun i cant wait i love the way he comes up with thing ^_^ gonna trade in my ds lite for a 3ds (gamestop usally does thing like u get money for trading in a old ds system for a new 1 )
  13. i like its possible maybe they might find the location of ven(i was hopign something would awaken in side of him[sORA] when he saw how much xemnas looks like terra.........)
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