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Everything posted by Way_to_Dawn

  1. (I have more randomness planned, but it'll be relevant to you)
  2. (You didn't notice Demyx running away from you?)
  3. (This is random, but I'll do it because I can) At that moment, Demyx walks in and sees Texsera. "Don't mind me, I'm not in the mood to fight!" he says sheepishly as he slowly walks past her before breaking into a run! "AHHHHHH! DOOOOOOOOOON'T KEEEEEIIIIILLLLL MEEEEEEEEEE!!!" he shouted, running out of sight before she could attack him. "Oh, looks who's finally conscious!" Xigbar exclaimed as Axel woke up, "You're a bit washed up flamesilocks!" "Call me that again and I'll..." Axel shouted angrily when Xigbar cut him off. "And you'll what, flamesilocks?" At that, Axel leaned up and placed a kiss right on his lips before turning around and wiping his mouth. (I really didn't want to do that, but you gotta do what you gotta do...) Axel thought. "AHHHHH!!!" Xigbar screamed as he ran out, Axel grinning evily. Xigbar didn't stop running until he got to the bathroom, at which he tripped on his coat, causing a bottle of mouthwash to spill all over him. "Who turned out the lights?" Xigbar moaned in pain *sob*. Thirty minutes later, Xigbar walks up behind Axel, only for Axel to say, "Xigbar, you're smelling minty fresh today." "AHHHHH!!!" Xigbar screamed as he ran away, again, Axel grinning evily, again.
  4. Because she just is. Why are you obsessed with Jessica Alba?
  5. I'll make sure to tell Axel to toast the bread like always (burnt to a crisp)
  6. Because nobody knows what 'this' is... What does Xemnas REALLY say to Aqua's Armor in the Chamber of Repose, and what does the armor say back?
  7. @MasterXemnas - It's over 9000! I have 300,000. First one to beat that gets a cookie!
  8. Eventually, the two Marluxias were exhausted, and the past one teleported away, while the future one dissappeared into a Dark Corridor, Luxord clearly being the one to open it. The two were now left alone, the Organization XIII having retreated. Marluxia and Xigbar walked into the Gray Area, with Axel supported by the two of them. He was still unconscious, but far from dead. "I suppose you lost your round?" Luxord asked Marluxia, "Oh well, at least you didn't go all in." "If my past self didn't show up, the traitors would be dead by now" Marluxia replied, "Next time, send us somewhere I won't be at the same time."
  9. Marluxia blocks the wolves and hits them back, knocking them out, but he saw something that made him stop. It was his past self, returnign from a mission. His past self stopped and stared at him. "I thought I told Vexen No More Replicas!" Past-Marluxia shouted angrily as he summoned his own Scythe, leapt high over Texsera and attacked Future-Marluxia, the identical blades of their scythes slamming into each other as they pushed each other away, the two of them attacking each other while oocasionally catching a wolf in the crossfire with their blades. (It was bound to happen sooner or later! )
  10. Maluxia fought back against the wolves, attacking ferociously at any and all opportunities, the Sorcerer Nobodies holding most at bay. "As lightless oblivion devours you...drown in the ever-blooming darkness!" Marluxia shouted, "Deathscythe!" Marluxia slashed the wolves away before unleashing Phantom Cyber, a powerful forward slash attack that placed him right in front of Texsera. He blocked her weapon with Graceful Dahlia and pushed her back. "You're fighting me, leave them out of this!" Marluxia shouted angrily, "Xigbar, get Axel out of here!" Xigbar nodded and started dragging Axel towards another hooded figure, which was none other than Luxord. In a swirl of darkness, the three of them returned to their time, leaving Marluxia alone to fight Texsera. "I will crush your heart and scatter what remains to the four winds!" Marluxia shouted as he flourished Graceful Dahlia.
  11. Axel was slammed into a wall and fell unconscious, the flames becoming extinguished. Marluxia uses Reflega and blocked both the beam and Xigbar's bullets away. "You take care of Axel, I'll handle these traitors myself!" Marluxia shouted as he summoned multiple Sorcerer Nobodies and launched an energy blade from his scythe at Dexer and Texsera, blowing them away while he slashed at Neku, his scythe being able to strike the latter because of Marluxia's power over life and death. Meanwhile, Xigbar dragged Axel away behind a pillar and stood guard to ensure he wouldn't be attacked by a cheap shot from either of their opponents. He and Axel didn't always agree on anything, but one of the rules Xigbar lived by was 'never leave a fellow soldier behind'. "You'll be okay Axel, those traitors will pay..."
  12. Xigbar began manipulating space, reducing the Black Hole down to nothing before opening fire with his Arrowguns from above. Marluxia, meanwhile, appeared behind the pair and attacked while Axel moved in from the front, the flame barrier's intensity increasing. The flames from the barrier turned from orange to yellow to blue, the heat becoming noticeable to all combatants, even Axel. "Hey Hothead! It's a bit chilly in here, could you turn up the heat a bit!?" Xigbar exclaimed sarcastically.
  13. Mike Tyson crushes Keyblader's throat with his bare hands, much like he did to pidgeons when he was a kid.
  14. "Well, it's kinda funny when you have something called allies" Xigbar replied, gesturing to Marluxia, "Marly here has power over life, which he used to revive me, while Luxord, controlling time, sent Marly, Axel and I back here to take you out!" At that, Xigbar loaded his arrowguns and aimed, ready to shoot within seconds. "You're not escaping this time" Marluxia chimed in as he flourished Graceful Dahlia. "You'll be lucky if you're not turned into Dusks!" Axel shouted, his arms thrust out to either side as he created a barrier of flames surrounding all of them.
  15. At that moment, two Organization XIII members blocked their exit. It was the Freeshooter and the Graceful Assassin, Xigbar and Marluxia. "Where do you think you're going?" Xigbar asked with a wide grin as he summoned his arrowguns, Marluxia summoning his scythe. "So where's Ryax to help you now? Oh yes, he's dead." At that moment, Axel then appeared behind him, chakrams summoned. "You should learn you never betray us, got it memorized!?" Axel shouted angrily.
  16. I don't have a problem with cats so u know. Sends terra flying with a FALCOWN PAWNCH!!!
  17. Forces terra to listen to the Barrel Roll Song for five hours straight. In his insanity, he kills himself.
  18. There IS no Anti-Roxas, fool! Kills Luna w/ a noob tube (grenade launcher in CoD: MW2)
  19. come on! cloud is awesome, dont scrutinize his awesome scifi clothing or he shall beat you up to infinity!, lolz Lol, I don't mean to scrutinize cloud. I just think that in reality, and square enix character would look silly in real life. In video game world, cloud's outfit is fine. Lol. woops, lolz, i guess i wasnt truely thinking about that, but if you really think about it, cloud might get away with the one he uses in kh2, Yeah, maybe, but I think people might wonder what's up with his hair,lol. Also, yes I have heard of cosplayers. If it was halloween or if cloud was at an anime convention, then no one would say anything, but then it would be hard to seperate him from the fake clouds, lol. Until he sees a fake Sephiroth (or perhaps the real one) and tries to kill him!
  20. Sora turns into Anti-Form and turns on Terra, ripping him to pieces
  21. You're not. You're just narcisistic. Who would win a one-on-one paintball match, using equal equipment, guns and ammunition? Me or Xigbar?
  22. I have an AKM that I use for target practice at the firing range (An AKM is a modernized, more accurate version of the AK-47 Assault Rifle).
  23. (Alright, I'll just type myself an intro. Also, I'll be Xigbar and Axel as well.) Meanwhile, back at the Castle that Never Was, the twelve members of Organization XIII (I'm assuming Roxas isn't among them) sat in its circular meeting room. "Ryax is no more..." Saix said flatly. "Hah! So much for the Darkness Incarnate!" Xigbar exclaimed sarcastically, "Just as I thought he'd come back!" At this, Xemnas (or Xehanort, depepnding on whether he's whole again or not), noticed Marluxia deep in thought. "Marluxia, is there something on your mind?" Xemnas asked. "Ryax defeated me...but I shouldn't have lost to him, even with his Keyblade" replied the Graceful Assassin, "I must train more and become stronger..." Xemnas nodded and said, "Very well, I give you, Axel, and Xigbar the job of disposing of the traitors. Dismissed!"
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