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Everything posted by Way_to_Dawn

  1. I topped 450,000 just 10 minutes ago, and the most I made on a single mission was exactly 4217. BEAT THAT!!! >:]
  2. Attaches laser scope to TBGTNW. It's time to see if all that Modern Warfare II made me a better marksman...
  3. Nope, that would be Chuck Norris. In other words, you lost the game which means I lost the game which means we ALL lost the game!!!
  4. Like Master Xehanort said, "We know so little about the Keyblade War..." I know this is off-topic, but what do you think of my new sig?
  5. Meanwhile, a portal opened in Twilight Town at the top of the clock tower, and from it stepped a man in a black coat, but he had his hood down. He had nothing to fear from others, as to him, it didn't matter what they thought of him, as long as they left him alone. Ryax had arrived in Twilight Town, this time for real. (Twilight Town...a town right in the middle between Light and Darkness...) Ryax thought, (Sounds like home to me...) He sat down on the ledge and looked out at the sunset, remembering times long ago where he and his only true friend in the Organization, Xigbar, would sit here and watch the sunset.
  6. (next stop for you guys, Traverse Town!!! I gtg. See yah tommorow afternoon!)
  7. Reloads TBGTNW and summons Way to Dawn (go figure) "I'm hunting heartless tonight!" >
  8. Guess what? You're right! I guess...an Organization XIII wannabe...*cough-heartless101-cough*
  9. Canadian money is worth more than American. ($1.00 Canadian = $1.01 American, so $100 Canadian =$101 American).
  10. The lower the chance of you not saying something stupid.
  12. I was underground, so I tunneled my way out of the blast zone. "TRAITOR!!!" I aim TBGTNW at heartless' plane and shoot him down. "TAKE DAT YOU MUDDA......!!!" (I gtg. c yah sometime tommorow afternoon.)
  13. At this moment, Past-Ryax warped away, but was still hit badly. Upon reemerging, he was far away from the fight, and so he slowly crept away, out of the fight. "Fake...what does he mean I'm fake?" he said bitterly, "Wherever that replica is, I'll show HIM...and I'll show the others too...I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!!!" At this he slashed through a dusk that happened to be within arms reach and walked back to 'his' room. (Just so you know, Past-Ryax, the replica, survives and becomes the Ryax that is killed in the future, the REAL one is in hiding in Traverse Town)
  14. *Blows it up with the Biggest Gun that Never Was (I'll call it TBGTNW from now on)* Oh yeah, take DIS!!! (I'm siding with you heartless so u know) *Fires cheesewheel bazooka @ Axel* Take THAT Flamesilocks!!! X3
  15. *Eats Spam* Thanks, now here's MY weapon! *Pulls out the Biggest Gun that Never Was and blows up Axel and heartless with its 10000mm ammunition rapid fired! * Game, Set, Match.
  16. Yes, really! (srry, I just had to say that in response to your sig! )
  17. Pulls out minigun. EAT LEAD B****ES!!! (Mows the two of you down) I win!!! X3
  18. Ryax kept walking backwards until suddenly, the future Marluxia returned from a time portal opened by Luxord when he noticed Ryax and his replica fighting each other. "No way!" Marluxia exclaimed, "TWO of them!?" Ryax, meanwhile, was being pushed back, Replyax now having the upper hand. He was charged with darkness, and was using the darkness at every opportunity to attack Ryax. Ryax was on his last legs, unable to fight back when he heard a voice in his head. "Don't ever give up, my Son..." said the voice of his father in his head, "no matter how deep the shadow, a light shines within..." Ryax, despite having been abused, was still compassionate towards his father, and so took his words to his non-existent heart. "It's time you saw the light!" Ryax shouted as Divine Valor became enfused with light energy before he lashed out at his replica, striking him down with a flurry of rapid attacks. Replyax was far from dead, and was slowly rising to his feet, but Ryax saw a portal that he knew was his only chance of escape. He made a mad dash for it and dissappeared into it. "Uh-oh, he's in the portal!" Marluxia exclaimed as he jumped in after him. "He should be returning in 3...2...1..." Luxord said as Marluxia suddenly came flying out of the portal, landing on the floor in a heep. After that, another person stepped through, wielding a Keyblade that the Organization recognized all too well. "It's Ryax! Stop him!" Saix shouted just as Ryax warped away. "You're too slow!" Ryax taunted as he openned a Dark Corridor and escaped, the portal closing behind him. Ryax reemerged in an alley in Traverse Town, a world he had been assigned several missions to before. He knew the sights well along with the people, so he knew he could blend in perfectly. "Well, here's to a new life..." Ryax said as he recalled Divine Valor and walked out of the alley. Meanwhile, back in the past, Replyax (I'll call him Past-Ryax now), had recovered and was now focused on Texsera. "Well well, a traitor..." Past-Ryax said as he summoned his naginata and lunged at her to attack from behind.
  19. Ryax watched in horror as Xemnas was attacked when suddenly he heard a laugh behind him. "Don't move..." said a voice he recognized. Ryax spun around to see no one other than himself. "A replica!? Why would Vexen replicate me!?" Ryax exclaimed. "Replica, YOU'RE the replica!" replied the Ryax replica (I'll call him Replyax for identification purposes), "Xemnas told me you were going to betray us in the future, so I'm here to take you out!" Ryax was stunned; (I...become a traitor!?) he thought as he summoned his naginata, ready to defend himself. He didn't want to betray the Organization, but if they wanted him dead, then he would do everything he could to ensure his own survival, including killing every member if he had to. "No...no! I won't be destroyed by a fake!!!" Ryax shouted as his naginata glowed, suddenly transforming into a weapon he never had but certainly recognized; it was Divine Valor, a Keyblade. (Whoa! I have a Keyblade!) he thought as Replyax attacked him, Ryax striking back, and so the battle between the Darkness Incarnates began. (Just so you know, the past Ryax goes with you and returns to the future, but Replyax also lives, in his case, he believes he is the real Ryax and later learns to wield the Keyblade. HE becomes the Ryax that is killed, and the REAL one lives. That is the consequence of Texsera's meddling.)
  20. Ryax heard the word 'future' and exclaimed "what the!?" He caught back up to them, this time with a naginata pointed at them. "Okay, what the heck are you talking about!?" he shouted angrily, "I demand an answer! What's going on!?" He had no intention of letting them go without an answer, and so he was prepared to fight to get his answers.
  21. "What the...what explosion?" Ryax exclaimed in shock, stumbling back in recoil and causing his hood to fall back. His appearance was obviously younger than the one Texsera knew. He ran up in front of them and stopped them. "Uh...who are you? Are you part of the Organization?" he asked in confusion.
  22. At the end of the hallway stood a tall hooded figure. "What the...what's going on!?" he exclaimed in a voice that would be all too familiar to Texsera; this was the PAST Ryax, still a member of Organization XIII at this time and very much alive, unlike his future self, who was now the equivalent of a smoking hole in the ground.
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