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Everything posted by Way_to_Dawn

  1. WRONG!!! heartless, GotItMemorized, VenRoxKH, baylaust, Keyblader, ixlovexventus or terraxaqua34.
  2. First I would find RoxSox, then I would KILL RoxSox, and finally I would burn down RoxSox's house. Is there anything wrong with that?
  3. Pulls out a giant laser cannon and blows up GIM. IMMA FIRIN MA LAZAAAAR!!!
  4. Simple; one's heartless doesn't always take a form similar to the original (i.e. Sora's heartless is a Shadow, and looks nothing like Sora or Roxas). Therefore, it is virtually impossible to locate and destroy one's one heartless. The only solution: defeat a LOT of heartless and complete Kingdom Hearts. You don't necessarilly need to defeat your own Heartless out of trillions of other ones.
  5. (Okay, I can't keep up with this. I'm dropping out.)
  6. Nope. *Releases Nerve Gas and locks you in a room full of it* Somebody who isn't a Mod.
  7. DEAD WRONG!!! I found you heartless, now DIE!!! *Shoots TBGTNW and destroys him in a spectacular explosion of the most epic proportions* I <3 the smell of napalm in the morning... Someone OTHER than heartless101...
  8. *Searching around* Where are you heartless101...you're on the top of my 1-person hitlist...
  9. Ryax's eyes opened wide at the sight of the elderly man with Texsera; something inside of him told him he was familiar...and a name appeared in his mind's eye, along with that of the girl with him, as his replica's memories were being absorbed into him...along with the memories of his ancestor, Master Ryax; unfortuneately,he believed these memories to be his own. "Reed! Texsera!" he shouted as he ran over to them, helping to support Reed, "I never thought I'd see you again!" At that moment he felt somewhat strange. He placed his hand on his chest and felt the tell-tale beat of a heart. "How..." he muttered in amazement, "My replica...I have his heart!"
  10. Ryax sat down on a branch and took a Paopu in his hand. He looked at the curious star-shaped fruit and thought about the folk tale behind it. (Right...I'll believe it when it happens to me...) he thought.
  11. "Well isn't this touching..." Ryax said sarcastically as he walked up next to Dexer and Texsera. "I believe you owe me something..." he said, hinting that they didn't even thank him. Just because he didn't have a heart didn't mean he didn't want appreciation; if anything there were two things he craved more than anything else, power and admiration.
  12. Ryax smiled and stepped down from the throne suddenly, walking to the center of the room. "Axel, what are you doing?" Xemnas asked suspiciously. "Oh...I just came up with what we'll do with her...Vexen, come here" Ryax said as he lifted her up and wispered something in her ear along the lines of "You're going to be fine. Relax." He noted the others eyeing him with suspicion, not that they could do anything to him. Noting Dexer's distraction, 'Axel' broke his cover, revealing who he really was. "Now, drown in Darkness!" Ryax shouted as the entire chamber became pitch-black, over FIFTY Invisibles appearing and attacking Organization XIII. "Now! Let's get out of here!"
  13. "Nah, we tried that with Sora, and what happened then?" Axel replied with a grin, "You ended up with my chakram stuck in your chest!" He leaned back slightly and looked at the other members. "Anyone have a suggestion?" he asked when Demyx raised his hand in reply. "Anyone EXCEPT Demyx have a suggestion?" he clarified, Demyx turning away and sulking.
  14. "Don't worry, I have a plan..." Ryax replied, "I can manipulate light...so what happens when I completely douse the lights? The only one who might be able to find us is Zexion, but he's not much of a threat. We can escape in the confusion..." The members of Organization XIII gathered in the room, each in their respective thrones, except for Vexen, who was knocked out, and Axel, who was off on a mission, Dexer and Ryax in their place. "Okay...so what to do with the prisoner..." Ryax said in the voice of Axel, "It might be a waste of time to simply kill her..."
  15. Meanwhile, Vexen had handed Ryax the file he sought. "Thank you Vexen, by the way, once I leave, you won't remember me being here..." Ryax replied as he knocked Vexen unconscious, punching his forehead to leave a bruise so that he wold believe he had hit his head on something. Ryax then manipulated the light around him to alter his appearance, making him look exactly like Axel. Being a skilled mimic from being the Organization's spy years prior, he could easily pass as Axel, even copying all of his weapons and abilities down to being able to call upon Assassin Nobodies. "Now stay here and sleep, got it memorized?" Ryax said in a voice identical to Axel's in every way. Later, in the hallway, he happened across Dexer, disguised as Vexen. "What's up Vexen? A little cold in here don't you think?" Ryax said as he walked up beside him before wispering in his ear, "I'm not Axel, and you're not Vexen, that much I know. Why are you here?" Ryax had whispered in his own voice rather than Axel's, giving his identity away to the fake Vexen.
  16. As Ryax pushed Ahxston back, Vexen's eyes widened in surprise. "What the...Ryax? Why did you save me?" he asked. "I cam here for answers, and you're going to give me them whether you like it or not" Ryax replied in a tone that was cold even for the Chilly Academic. "If its anything to do with the Organization, the answer is no" Vexen said flatly. "It has to do with your research Vexen!" Ryax shouted back.
  17. Suddenly, another person in a black coat appeared, but had his hood down; the man was none other than Ryax, the REAL one. He had been told by someone in a dream to travel to Castle Oblivion, the name of the person he believed to be Sora. "Well Vexen, looks like you made yet another error besides making a replica of me" Ryax said as he summoned Divine Valor in a flash of light and blocked Ahxston's attack. "Leave him be" he said coldly.
  18. *Uses metal broomstick as target practice with TBGTNW* Target hit! Now to find heartless101...
  19. DEAD WRONG!!! *Shoots with The Biggest Gun that Never Was, or TBGTNW, the cost to fire 1 round from which is more than the US National Debt* Somebody with a pulse.
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