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Everything posted by keystrike

  1. He did say KH3D would lead directly into kh3, but only in the chronological sense. Other games could still be released in other words. Once again, it was 2, games he said would release before kh3. These two games are BBSV2 and KH3D.
  2. The interview you are referring to came out during E3 and it actually said that there were two more games to come out before KH3 aside from recoded which we now know to be the mystery game aka bbsv2.
  3. I got the feeling that at one point they were going to make something out of it as there was leftover data for the kingdom key d, but they scrapped the idea. The relationship between all of this is fairly convoluted. For example, Ventus' keyblade looks like it is related to the kingdom key even before his heart was split. Ten years later, Riku is the owner of the key, but loses it, and Sora gains it, and then Mickey way off in the realm of darkness gets a dark version of it. I think its obvious that BBS wasn't thought of during kh1, and that this is a glaring example of that. Sure there might have had been something to do with Vanitas, but I'm going to say "meh" to anyone's idea on this.
  4. I'd have to describe it as being at the bottom end of my expectations. I am a bit curious about the cards, but other than that and the ability to say "I have the tenth anniversary box set" I see no appeal in it.
  5. The fact that all of you could be so ridiculous is disgusting. Nomura already told us who he was IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE STRAIGHT FROM NOMURA HIMSELF: —In Fantasia as well as other worlds, a mouse wearing clothes respective each of the worlds appears, who is he? Nomura: He is the mysterious man who appeared in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix as a boss who manipulated time. Just who he is will be told in KH3D. Everywhere he goes, a few people of the darkness turn up, like how Vanitas came out in the trailer. I rest my case
  6. Well of course, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy
  7. You do realize that kh3d actually came into conception the couple months between bbs's release and E3 because of nintendo right? That ending in blank points where Sora said he was setting out was meant to lead directly into kh3. The Xehanort saga is still going to end the same way.
  8. I think you guys misunderstood the interview. The fact that this ending will be unique has nothing to do with it being shocking or a crazy "what the heck just happened" sort of thing or not or aspect of its contents as much as how it is presented. Or am I just wrong?
  9. or... no wait, my idea is no where near as good as this. Interesting and appealing idea but the idea seems a bit thin. Not much proof ya know.
  10. I agree with you except the realm of sleep seems to me to be more like a sub-reality world rather than equally real.
  11. huh? You wouldn't mind making sense would you? All too certainly. I'm not so sure about them still being best buds and all, but that just makes it all the more interesting.
  12. Not legit, yet possible I think is how it was meant to work out.
  13. The idea is that the bits that were sucked up by the huge ball of darkness in the sky ended up in the realm of darkness, and when the worlds were restored those pieces must have ended up in the realm of darkness. Because Aqua transformed what was left into Castle Oblivion, the remaining pieces of that world that fell asleep and wound up in the realm of darkness allowed the Mysterious Figure to travel to that time and place
  14. Whoa, localization news and not even two months until japanese release.
  15. So, what all do we know about the realm of sleep? Well, it has something to do with dreams, and their are these new cretures of darkness that eat dreams, but their is actually two different types of these dream eaters called Nightmares and Spirits. Also some of these worlds and people are in the realm of light so... Anyone got a clue? With this last interview, I think I finally got a better idea for it all. Specifically the following quote: And this got me thinking: what could "in a dream of the world of the past" mean and why those words warranted being in quotes. Instantly it clicked as I went on to read the next question over again. Past, present, future, time manipulation, I think we're getting closer. But before we go on to think about this startling connection why don't we try to make sense of the stuff that should be more straightforward in the first place, that is, the exact nature of this worlds in the realm of sleep. At first, we had a pretty simple idea of these worlds. Worlds that were lost to darkness, that couldn't return to the realm of light, simply fell asleep and wound up in the realm of sleep. Upon closer inspection, there turns out to be more than what meets the eye. First off, Traverse Town. It was a town lost in the chasm between light and dark made up of remnants of lost worlds. Of course, when the worlds where restored it dissapeared, but wound up in the realm of dreams from the realm of light. Contradiction Correction number one right there; these worlds do not have to be coming from the realm of darkness, in fact they can even double in the realm of light. La Cite De Cloches probably was one of the worlds from the realm of darkness that couldn't return, but other than that not much worth talking about. Thirdly, the world of Tron based off of Tron: Legacy. I find this quite interesting the fact that a data world could actually be sleeping. The only thing I could imagine was that somebody put the computer to sleep and here it is, but in all seriousness I'd take it for now to just go to show how diverse of worlds that could end up here. Finally both Country of the Muskateers and Symphony of Sorcery as shown in the above interview confirm that these worlds are based off of real periods of time. Confusing stuff no doubt, but in a way it gives us backround information to make conclusions. Now lets look back at the mysterious figure in BBS. Many have noted how he appears to shift in and out of reality especially when he pops up and disappears. I think I know how he appears at this time. Take a step back and think about dreams. We have dreams of the past, dreams of the present, and even (false) premonitions of the future. Now tie this into a fact we know is true in the Kingdom Hearts universe, the fact that these dreams do exist somewhere and people's dreams are not independent of eachother. They are all connected in one big realm called the realm of dreams. Now where does this realm exist? I suggest it exists alongside existence. Specifically existence as an accumulation of every existence to ever exist (sorta like space-time, except its really not that complicated). In other words right outside Yen Sid's tower in the realm of light exists in a different realm, the world titled Symphony of Sorcery. One can fall into a dream, but the mysterious figure seems to be able to also fly out of one. Somewhere else in the realm of dreams should exist parts of land of departure (LoD gets destroyed, where does it go? Who cares! but when the worlds are restored it must'ave gone somewhere!). This is how the mysterious figure was able to travel to the past and battle TAV. In this world of dreams he flew up through the dimension of sleep into reality at that time. Of course he can't stay there because his existence remains in the realm of sleep. Well, that's it for now. I have some other ideas to, but this seems plenty for now.
  16. I get the feeling I feel to much for the Keyla.
  17. -?!?!?! I know this stuff is a matter of opinion and all but I didn't know I could disagree with a person THIS much. I guess I learn a new thing every day.
  18. The holes? oh, yea, literally. Sorry about that. I bold in the rest soon. I agree with you about the tenth anniversary (I didn't say the contrary before did I?). Remastering a lot of the games so people can go back and reconnect the series. Anything less would just feel lame. Although, not to be a nostalgia freak, I would prefer if they left the voices alone. Click the following link to see what I mean; to save time just skip to 55 sec:
  19. or better yet think whatever we want to think. I doubt it will be revealed any time soon, and in the case we do see more of her I wouldn't expect anything other than a solidification of our general view of her as a somebody. She strikes me as the sort of person who was heartbroken and eventually became the sadistic drama queen we all know and love.
  20. So square would place their game on a system which would sell it the least? I'd imagine anything but.
  21. Two years of playing Kingdom Hearts 1. I probably could have played through recoded one hundred times by the time I finished that game.
  22. My analysis of BBSV2, that should be straightforward enough, second time writing it (first got erased), call me crazy but… I hope you find it entertaining. And on to business. For one BBSV2 will not be the official title, and in fact, because we dubbed the mystery game such people have began to assume that this game is quite litterally a sequel to Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. In actuality it is anything but, it is the game of blank points. The Origin of This Game Analysis of Secret Episode Reconnect Kingdom Hearts Side Game or Not? Worlds and Timeline Scenarios Development- from origin to release Excitement and Fear
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