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Everything posted by keystrike

  1. Whoa! Gone five days, thread is revived, and I missed all that activity to clarify some things. Sorry for the late responses! You know we are in agreement right? Anyway I consider it to go without saying that it would go without saying that the game would not be under the name "BBSV2" in the first place. That is, unless you mean the project to be scrapped while the story is transferred, which seems to be what you clarify latter... so nevermind that last part. I think a game could be considered "scrapped" or "really scrapped" and from the interviews BBSV2 definitely should not be considered as the latter. Here is everything he said about the game: That project that he mentioned in the Days Ultimania could however be considered "really scrapped" as he explicitly says it won't be started again. With BBSV2 he simply employed his master of vague double negative speak, but ultimately let us know that even if it does come into existence, it won't be in the Xehanort saga. Aside from that nuance, BBSV2 was never meant to add a whole lot to the story. It was repeatedly suggested that this 'mystery game' would tie the story together and not further convolute it. It was to be a side story in every sense of the word, filling in all the little untold pieces between the game Birth by Sleep (aka Volume 1) and its ending in blank points (aka the end of volume 2 and the story of BBS as a whole). The situation obviously has changed and now it seems reduntant if you subscribe to the possibility of and HD collection.
  2. If you really are ready to beat him, watching the cutscenes at the end of the game will be half the wait. Don't forget, this is a secret boss, and secret bosses are hard bosses. In all likeliness if the final bosses are hard, you'll have to do some grinding before you can beat him.
  3. In that case, how do you think they would fill the gaps? Given that kh3 takes two years to develop, although it could be more. That leaves it coming out in about 2016. I can't imagine a single "light" game filling the four/three year gap. Are you saying they will probably make other games aside from it?
  4. Exactly. Square should be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel which is the release of Versus, and based off of that they should know just how many games there need to be for kh3. Back in 2010, they couldn't see it and concieved their worst case sceneario plan including BBSV2 and KH3D.
  5. I'm a sucker for Riku's monologues. Beutiful, yet sorrowful, scene though.
  6. Riku actually says "what a small world," but the point could still be made that they recognized the world as "samall" and sought the outside world. These simmilarities are simply to tie their stories together and contrast their motives as good and evil.
  7. Sorry to let you know, but people knew this before the game was even out. I see you're a new member so it would be much harder to put together, but for many of us this is humorously obvious, hence the sarcasm. I don't mean to be moderatory (wow its actually a word!) but there was a nearly identicle thread from a week ago (and repeat threads are generally bad): http://kh13.com/forum/topic/39328-young-xehanortmysterious-figurespoilers/
  8. Greater success might be a better way to put it, and kh could benefit from that extra "er" as well. Also: Did people not even read what I said about my timeline? It wasn't meant to be the timeline right now, it was meant to be their worst-case-scenario-with-Versus timeline. So naturally this timeline would be much more "plausible."
  9. If I'm not mistaken, it tells you were you get the trophies, but just in case because it has been a while since I played it here is the list: Rare Prize Roundup- Break all the rare prize boxes Lord of Loot- Get all enemy drops (refer to dozingdevil's guide) Sector Sweeper- Clear all system areas Sultan of Slot- Fill the entire stat matrix with stat chips Cheater- Use every kind of cheat in the stat matrix Champion Collector- Collect 70% of all abilities, chips, cheats, weapons, and items Avatar Collector- Collected at least 50% of the avatar parts Avatar Sweeper- Clear all avatar system floors Icer of Titans- Beat Ice Titan in Olympus Coliseum Eliminator's End- Defeat the Eliminator Twilight Triumph- Beat mystery opponent in Castle Oblivion Justice For All- Get all enemy data Weapon Wizard- Power up every keyblade Converter Lv.100- Convert a command to level 100 Converter CR Lv.100- Convert a command to level 100 and have the overspec CR Command Master- Every Command To CR Closed Book- Beat the game to the end Quest Bester- Complete All Quests Proud Achievement- Complete the game on proud Critical Acclaim- Complete the game on critical Fatal Flawless- Beat a world with 1 health (you must have hp cheat on) Technician- Beat the game with Sora being Lv.15 or below W1 Speed Runner- Beat world one in CO in under 5 minutes W2 Speed Runner- Beat world two in CO in under 15 minutes W3 Speed Runner- Beat world three in CO in under 15 minutes W4 Speed Runner- Beat world four in CO in under 10 minutes W5 Speed Runner- Beat world five in CO in under 15 minutes W6 Speed Runner- Beat world six in CO in under 15 minutes W7 Speed Runner- Beat world seven in CO in under 30 minutes W8 Speed Runner- Beat world eight in CO in under 10 minutes Its not that hard at all to get 20 trophies, but going for all thirty is a pain.
  10. The two cutscenes I think that are being confused are Sora's "My Friends Are My Power" and Riku's "Darkness's call. Riku says to XH "You used to be a keyblade wielder didn't you, but the darkness stole your heart and the keyblade with it," while Sora says to Xemnas "You know right, because you all have hearts." Sora's other cutscenes nearly completely concern the time travel mechanic, torment, and/or the thirteen darknesses.
  11. Haha, yes I was exagerating, point proven I suppose. But BBSV2 doesn't have to be solely between bbs and kh1, Birth by Sleep ends after kh2, and that means it has all the untold stories including Riku and Mickey's absences, which were alluded to in the secret ending as well, to draw from. I pretty much theorized on every aspect of the here when it was still going to be a game: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/28073-everything-we-know-about-bbsv2/ . Hmm, I never thought of the worlds in the realm of darkness dreaming. Interesting idea. Anyways the worlds fell into sleep after escaping the darkness so it would make sense that they had dreams in both realms. Despite DDD possibly adopting these plot points from BBSV2, I still think BBSV2 may be a game in its own right. Also, arguing can mean having a conversation with somebody you disagree with (even if its just a little) I really didn't mean it in a bad way at all.
  12. I thought about this too, but hatok has a point. Gameplay wise, fights would lose variation and become a bit stale. Aesthetically-wise I would find it neat for a Saix and Lea fight, but that's about it.
  13. Do you mean the schedule I made for the games? That was just my guess at what they might have come up with. Concerning your tidbit on Versus: I never thought of that but it could actually mean a lot... At this point, its more likely than not the BBSV2 will not be made in the Xehanort Saga, but the fact is that at one point it was to made instead of kh3d. I think you missed my point and ended up making an argument of nothing... buuut, as for this final "light" game to come before kh3, I have to agree that an HD collection seems likely enough. BBSV2 as a game is often times misconceived because of the title. You can consider the game "Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep" to simply tell volume 1 and the ending of "Birth by Sleep" as a story. In a way, the story of BBS as a whole could be considered Aqua's story, and simmiliarly to how that story was explored in Volume 1 with Terra and Ven, Volume 2 could be explored alongside other characters, namely Riku and Mickey. I don't expect you to have to dig through every interview since BBS, but Nomura previously mentioned that BBSV2 (note: at the time it was referred to as the mystery game) would likely have multiple playable characters, and even earlier he expressed interest to explore Mickey and Riku's absences. I think I've rambled on enough...
  14. PLEASE NOTE: There are two "tldr;s" near the bottom of the post. With the recent release of kh3d I figure now is as good a time as any to point out a couple things about the game. By that I don't mean to refer to game tips/help or how awesome I think this game is because there is already a plethora of experts to provide you those posts. What I instead will talk about is what this game means in the scheme of the series as one of square's main franchises and from better understanding this perspective be able to better conclude where the series is going. Lets go back to the game's origins. To many the farthest point back in time which the game may be traced to would be E3 2010, and in a number of ways this is true. However because it was confirmed that this game was not in existence at the time of the BBS Ultimania we know it came into conception over that three month period. I hope you can trust me with these facts as I won't be providing interviews for everything so be sure to take everything with a grain of salt. With the Birth by Sleep Ultimania among the completed answers and new questions Nomura left us a treat, a tease of what lays in the future of kingdom hearts. Just check out these two questions, and I think you'll see what I mean: Nomura: For now while FF Versus XIII is still being worked on, there isn't much I can do on KHIII, but we've already begun work on the next game in the series. There is one that we are hoping to be able to release within this year. Then the next year there is one more game we are planning on releasing. I think it will probably make the main character[s?] more complicated. Also, the end of 'Blank Points' with Sora leaving on a new adventure connects to KHIII. Now that Birth by Sleep is complete, we're interested in the future titles to come in the Kingdom Hearts series? Nomura: Kingdom Hearts III can't be started if the goals for Final Fantasy Versus XIII are not concluded, however development of the next title(s) in the series has already begun. There's one I plan to release within the year. After that, there's another one I'm thinking I want to release from next year onwards, and I think there will be more than one main character again. By the way, the scene 'Blank Points' in Birth by Sleep in which Sora ends up setting off on his journey is planned to connect to Kingdom Hearts III. (This whole quote deserves to be bolded but I think its also worth mentioning there exists another translation that forum member grass of khinsider used in predicting bbsv2 at E3 2011 )However a couple months later, we get something interesting: So lastly, can you please give a message to the players? Nomura: A while ago I mentioned that there were 'two titles' in conception (Sleeping Keys: BBSV2 and Re:coded), and it might look like those two titles were put on display at E3 this year. However, that has actually increased by one title with this (KH3D). (Editor: the remaining one title is still a mystery.) Our goals behind coming to E3 this time wasn't just for the announcements, but also in order to have some business meetings. We plan to go to E3 again next year, and there are still some hidden treasures, but first of all, please enjoy Re:Coded, of which we are planning to explain the release date soon. I think you see where I'm going. Re:coded and the mystery game, which we now know to be bbsv2 were originally going to be the only two games preceding KH3, but after recognizing how unlikely it was that a single title aside from Re:coded would satisfy the wait for Versus XIII to be completed, let alone for KH3 to be completed, they trashed that approach to discover a plan to maximize the potential amount of games to sate the fans hunger until kh3. The plan that happened was strikingly similar to what many fans jokingly derive to make kh3 not release for another 20 years only Square's was slightly more elaborate to create a tighter story. Japan's schedule: 2009: BBS 2010: BBS Final Mix (hints at BBS volume 2) 2011: Re:coded (hints at kh3d) 2012: KH3D/Coded/Days box 2013: BBS volume 2 (hints at new saga) 2014: KH3D Final mix/CoM e-shop (free with a code from KH3D Final Mix!) 2015: HD collections part 1: KH1 and KH2 2016: HD collections part 2: BBS and Re:com 2017:KH3 FINALLY!!!!!!!! And just for the heck of it: 2018: KH3 Final MixNow, do I honestly think that it will take another six years for the Xehanort saga to be completed? That's the same amount of time that has passed since kh2 came out! Even I admit this is crazy, but I sadly wouldn't be surprised if some of the staff joked up this same schedule when thinking about the worst case scenario with versus. As for what they seriously came up with, well, all we have to do is look at all the games that came out after BBS. Re:coded included the secret ending to patch up (smooth out might be a better way to put it because Nomura's vagueness came in use to avoid a contradiction) their little mistake about the ending of blank points being Sora setting off on his kh3 journey. Released shortly-there-after, Birth by Sleep Final Mix hinted toward Birth by Sleep Volume 2. However, then BBSV2 was slowly forgotten. Some people argue that DDD simply replaced BBSV2. However it is indisputable now, even more so now with the DDD Ultimania that BBSV2 was to be a game in its own right. So why does it appear now that we will only have one more small game aside from kh3d before kh3? My only guess would be they got some real progress in on Versus XIII and with DDD already in development threw BBBSV2 back to the shelf of possible games. Tl;DR: -Original Plan: Re:coded, BBSV2, KH3 -New Elaborate plan: Re:coded (establishing a premise of kh3d within the series), BBSFM (establishing a premise for BBSV2 within the series), KH3D, BBSV2,... *how many other titles it takes to kh3, Kh3 -Current plan (due to the development of Versus XIII): *first couple titles of the "New Elaborate Plan": Re:coded, BBSFM, KH3D*, "the small title", kh3 (<<but I'm still betting on a KH3D final mix) And if anyone read Grass' amazing (yet wrong) theory on BBSV2 being at E3 2011 it was because of this fact of multiple plans. He sewed together an amazing amount of quotes and evidence but never considered that many of the older interviews weren't as valid. Let this be a lesson to remember that things change. So will we ever see BBSV2? As of now, not even Nomura knows the answer. However, what he does have is the perspective to tell sooner than any of us yes or no. What we now hopefully have is a perspective much closer to his. Because BBSV2 concerns itself with the new saga it has a completely reasonable basis to be in that saga, albeit with significant differences of course. And what about how many more games until kh3? The answer is obvious if you know what has already changed. It entirely depends on the development of versus. And so to complete the tldr TL;DR: -Future Plan: Up to KH3 it is dependent on versus. Beyond KH3, its a new set of mysteries with BBSV2 in the balance of development. Thoughts? Comments? Insults or flaming? Leave it all below
  15. I think I understand it now. No use in explaining what the casual fans won't get and what everyone else already knows.
  16. So if they do act like that was the bottle they got what happens to the one from coded?
  17. I couldn't agree more about gathering the thirteen darknesses only to have to gather them again, but the time travel thing makes a bit more sense of you think of it as traverse time in dreams and dreams in time (ie dream of a world in the past and the traverse the dream to the real world at that time). I have a theory about it here: http://kh13.com/forum/topic/39387-how-xehanort-spoilers/
  18. The same thing happened to my friend (more of an aquantence actually but meh). The girl didn't know he wasn't wearing underwear though so it was nearly just as embarrassing for her to. Advice: Don't make a line infront of the volleyball team. Just about the worse thing that happened to me was spanish class. I've had more nightmares about that class than dreams of kh, and that's saying a lot.
  19. I feel for these long forgotten questions that never get answered. It makes sense to me that this is in a way Terra's heart, but its mostly a matter of what you personally feel what it is. Also... This is a pathetic response and a lame excuse for not having an opinion.
  20. I think we all know what the secret episode of KH3DFM will be...
  21. I can't help but smile at the irony of this situation.
  22. I don't think your really getting what I'm saying. It was entirely irrelevant weather or not the fight was cannon or, as I recall it being put, simply "possible." Its a discussion in and of itself whether it really happened. Also (and in this rare occasion I do find caps necesary) WIKIPEDIA DOES NOT PROVE ANYTHING. Wikipedia summarizes evidence, and this evidence isn't even in English. If you use google translate and search the Dengeki interviews concerning the NA version of BBS, this is what you can figure out they cited: (Thank you KH13) No where in that interview is there any proof at all that this fight was cannon. This however is proof that you shouldn't cite it. Always check their sources if they even provided it. Aside from that redundancy where were we? Well, let me once again reiterate that it doesn't matter weather the fight was cannon or simply a "possible" event. Oh ya. Could you PLEASE (I'm begging you here) explain how this fight allegedly debunks my theory (and never cite using wikipedia again, but that's another story).
  23. 1) From his perspective, he wouldn't be able to know that his past isn't really real. Consider the possibility that the world we live in isn't really "real." We can't tell because we don't have the perspective to see it. (Once again this is under the assumption this theory is correct). Also that first response was specifically toward Xehanorts explanation of how it happened. Were you were trying to point something else out?2) Ok 3) I checked all the interviews since the games release and Nomura only said this: Weather he considered it cannon or simply "possible" in this statement is a matter of opinion, so I wouldn't jump to conclusions that this truly happened. Until a reference of the battle is made in game or if it is explicitly stated I personally wouldn't consider it cannon. Either way it should still debunk my theory if your reasoning is correct so let me get on to defending my theory. When you look at YMX in the secret boss fight his appearance is very unstable. This is because the sort of timeline he exists in (simmilar to how Nobodies only truly exist in the realm of nothing) can only overlap so much. The situation is annalogous to Sora and Riku's adventure in the realm of sleep if Sora is considered to be exploring the real (sleeping) worlds and Riku is considered to be exploring the dreams of the (sleeping) worlds. The two realities are seperate yet they overlap to some extent. Now, with all sincerity, why would this fight being cannon completely destroy this theory? Edit: Did anyone else even consider the idea that time travel was connected to dreams when playing through the game?
  24. Both Traverse Town and the Mysterious Tower are worlds that exist in the realm between which go by different rules than those of light. The idea is that Yen Sid separated his tower from the Symphony of Sorcery, but when it became a spleeping world it dreamed up what was missing including Mickey and the Mysterious Tower. As far as Traverse Town goes, it is a world made up of other world's remnants so when the worlds were restored it disappeared. Its fairly hard to find where that fact about Traverse Town is confirmed so the argument could also be made from the fact that it appears only to those in need of shelter and that nobody needed shelter after the worlds were restored. Pixie Hollow is a part of Neverland just like The Mysterious Tower is a part of Symphony of Sorcery. The only way that it could be a sleeping world would have been if it spontaneously broke off only to be swallowed by the darkness, but that just doesn't make probabilistic sense. The Grid was the original program that Space Paranoids in Radiant Garden was based off of. So while The Grid fell asleep, Space Paranoids wasn't affected at all.
  25. It makes sense if you think of dreams weaving together the sleeping worlds. So basically Sora's dreams were extending the realm of sleep.
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