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Everything posted by keystrike

  1. I have a childhood friend who I don't see very much any more be he is still the best friend I have.
  2. They are going to make Assassin's creed a movie? Is this a games-developed-by-Ubisoft thing, because they also did Prince of Persia.
  3. Disregarding games you can level up in, a couple. Mostly platforming games.
  4. lol To be fair music it art, if you argue video games are art, then they are a modern art, and you just called video games weird.
  5. The game is "epic" by its very nature of those plot points near the end, but I would praise the story's integration into the Disney worlds as the highlight of the game. When YMX and Xemnas showed up in the Grid, and talked about the world in the big picture that made it. Your wording with BBSV2 is too funky to understand. You just said it has both released an not released. I don't think I would have had as big a problem with their "test" in the realm of sleep if they executed that bit of the story better. As it stands, I can come up with my own justifications, but none satisfy me to have simply not been shown. Well, I'm sure we will know what goes down in a few years. Also, yea, Kairi needs to do something. I don't think you can justify the plot being excellent with the boss battles, but I totally get what you mean that. Oh and it looks like we are in agreement with the secret ending As far as the gameplay goes, again I think they were just a bit short on time. I would have liked flowmotion to feel a bit more exclusive because they set up neat little paths you could take with two second flowmotion intervals at a time but with the infinijump it all felt point pointless. I also had the most trouble with the camera in this game than any other (especially the spellican in traverse town 3rd district)... and I forgot the last thing I was going to say, but disagreements are welcome.
  6. If you capitalize it like that I think it refers to the video game. However, if you mean "Kingdom Hearts" the heart of all worlds, nobody really knows. It has been referred to as a place, an entity, a power over the course of the series. It does appear to have some sentience as shown near the end of kh2 when it summons a doorway for them to fight xemnas, although this is more like a universal will of life than an actual mind. That same sentience I imagine also controlled the x-blade to guard itself. In case you don't know the true Kingdom Hearts was lost to the realm of darkness in the conclusion of the Keyblade War, and the princesses of light took its place to uphold the realm. The "Kingdom Hearts" in KH1 and KH2 were both artificial, one made of worlds and the other of hearts of men. Because their existences were so close to the true Kingdom Hearts it assumed a duality to exist in both the realm of darkness and the realm of light. The DTD in KH1 was the result of this duality. The original Kingdom Hearts introduced it alongside, the Final Keyhole, the Keyblade of Heart, and the Seven Princesses. Since then these three things have sort of been brushed aside, but with the newfound purpose of the princesses in Xehanorts plan I think these other pieces might have newfound significance so here is some speculation on what they are. The Seven Princesses hold the darkness at bay in the realm of light as the true Kingdom Hearts is not there to do that (I guessed this before DDD so maybe the rest of this is correct as well). In this sense they are the Door to Darkness, which traditionally kept the darkness out of the realm of light before Ansem's experiments broke down the barriers between worlds. This is consistent with how the hearts were required to complete the keyhole for the DTD. The Keyblade of Hearts is not all too dissimilar to the x-blade. Instead of leading to KH it leads to the realm of darkness. Instead of being composed of shards of light and darkness, it was made of hearts of light and just plain old darkness attracted to it (paralleling kh in the realm of dakrness). I really can't say any more than this, but in the case of the possible release of BBSV2 and definite release of KH3, and honestly all subsequent games, I think an ever clearer picture will be painted... actually scratch that last part.
  7. Do I care about grades? Nahh Do I care about learning? Yes
  8. Responses in red. I really wasn't expecting to find more flaws in the game, but now that you mention it I really don't have any adequate reason why Yen Sid was so surprised.
  9. This is in part response to the thread "DDD makes every other game worthless" but I figure it has enough merit on its own to warrant a thread. You don't have to agree with everything, but I think most of what I said is game for consideration as I have tried to keep away from as many subjective topics as possible. This should be clear but these are just my knocks against the game. Praises can wait to another day. Where to begin? I'll begin with the fact that this shouldn't even have been a game in the first place. Not in the sense that it was so terrible that it shouldn't have been made in the first place, but in the sense that it litterally popped into being over a brief course of at most four months. Why do I say this? The Birth by Sleep Ultimania released some three months before E3 2010 when kh3d was announced in it, there was no mention of kh3d, in fact it suggested that the ending in blank points when Sora sets off on his new journey was kh3 by saying it "ties to kh3." Despite the truth of that statement still holding today, I think its clear what they were going for. Yep, it was KH2-->Coded-->KH3, and not Dream Drop Distance. They say that a specific game would be released before the tenth anniversary, so that was kh3d and it was going to release before the tenth anniversary instead of on it? No that was Birth by Sleep Volume 2 and although at one point they planned to release both kh3d and bbsv2 in the end only kh3d made it. Now for the actual story. The best way to describe it is that they botched it. Birth by Sleep ended beautifully with the promise of hope. Sora confirms to Kairi that he has to go away again to help those who made him who he is. Kairi accepts this and gives him the lucky charm saying "hurry home." Fast forward to kh3d and... they are taking a test? Wait what about saving those in torment? "Oh, well this is a necesity." If they make it a necessary in KH3 you must remember that this would all be after the fact. Because the game hasn't been set in stone a number of methods may have been used of rescuing Roxas and Xion (who's torment I would claim to be the hardest to heal). The continuity between Birth by Sleep's ending and KH3D's opening almost makes me sick to my stomach. Another big knock against the game: Where is Kairi? Its extremely ironic that the main trio is actually the weakest (Hayner, Pence, Ollete included!). Sora had his good luck charm with him the whole time and didn't look at it once, he didn't think of her once. Imagine if Sora took out his good luck charm when he saw Kairi during his nightmares and suddenly it turned into Ven's wayfinder, what an effect that would have had? (or not, but you can bet they could have done something with it.) The story had its redeeming moments: Riku confronting XH, Riku meeting Ansem the Wise again, Sora telling Braig "my hearts are my power," and honestly the incorporation of the overall story into the disney worlds, but the overal plot is poisoning. You might have guessed that time travel would be my next target and you would have been correct. What it makes up for in not throwing the whole series' timeline into question it loses pretty much everywhere else. The game reduces time travel to a set of rules for the avid fan to memorize and then trip over himself trying to figure out what happened in the game. Not even the opening scenes can be deciphered and so the base for theorizing on kh3 is swept from beneath our feet. The whole thing with time travel as it is now is just plain stupid. Now for the secret ending. What can I criticize? Because most of you have probably recognized this I'll keep this brief. Why do Donald, Goofy, and Mickey all freak out when they see Kairi? You'd think it was Roxas or one of the BBS trio who showed, but no its Kairi. I'm sorry, but that was just so stupid! I hope to one day see Kairi as more of a plot device but considering her role in this ending as building up anticipation I don't see her role changing in the very near future. (To cut them some slack on this scene they did have to change it last minute but the end product is still the end product) Oh and the gameplay was a bit messy.
  10. I thought they just said they were getting back into real gaming and moving away from the mobile games, and now they are moving back to mobile? In the case this article is accurate why can't square make up their mind? So? Some employees were just fired, its not like the company is blaming its fans.
  11. Nobody has mentioned katamari damacy? Now that game was weird.
  12. Just saw the movie "42." Not a fan of baseball, but that movie was really inspirational.

  13. I thought food fights only happend in movies, but your school had seven? Sorry for you man.
  14. I guess it is out early enough but its right after summer vacation ends so thats too bad.
  15. It wouldn't make sense for her to have stayed the same over those two years as all of Spira changed too, but not to the extent she did. Although her motives in x2 were personal it wasn't at all selfish as you make it sound in her becoming a "thief/treasure hunter who is really only concerned about gaining wealth." She is a sphere hunter hoping to one day reunite with Tidus. I vaguely remember her being quite modest in x2 as do I her getting a bit more sassy. I'd be curious playing through ffx with a mod making yuna wear her gunner outfit from x2 or vice versa her x outfit in x2 to see if it makes much a difference but I doubt that would ever happen.
  16. I appreciate the game for what it was trying to be. The thing is, it didn't have potential to begin with. They had to base it off a cell phone game of all things. Other games that attempted a more grandiose plot I felt fell short of the mark such as days. Its not like anything was bad about it unless you get lost in olympus collesium, (but how does that work, you have a map?). The gameplay I also thought was the best in the series. It refined what I thought was already the best in BbS. Maybe this is just because I didn't have any expectations to begin with? The worst part was getting all the stickers lol.
  17. You can't seriously be on kh13 that much the time. *Looks at your profile* OH MY GOSH! Well I hope your read goes well.
  18. I was sorta hoping to catch up with this generation... man am I behind.
  19. Just completed Ventus's story at lvl 1 critical! So satisfying!

    1. keystrike


      The final boss was about as hard as the secret bosses near level 99 so if you can beat them you should be fine. A lot of it is spamming commands like tornado and magnet and not geting hit so if you want to, then go for it.

    2. Vortex_Nite


      alright !! :P ill see if i can do it :D **Wish me luck xD**

    3. keystrike


      Luck wished!

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  20. I'm pretty sure the last one is the true kingdom hearts. That aside I don't see colors working. Maybe a sort of pulsating red heart casting a dire red tint on the battlefield? Or just white? Its interesting to think about.
  21. I think the thing I will be most excited about is that I won't have to buy a new system for it! Nonetheless it looks awesome (and cute)!
  22. Thats more along the lines of what I was thinking. If Xehanort was old enough to know his day was coming I doubt any experienced master would still be alive, unless its disney magic but nevermind that.
  23. I can't believe I'm ten years late to this, but in the FM version when Destiny Islands is being restored, Kairi says something, but what is it? Here is a video if you don't know what I'm talking about: (32:20)
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