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Everything posted by RoxasTheWolf

  1. To be honest, I don't think you can use clothes as a basis for what year it takes place in. I'd say the 2000s.
  2. Tuweni opened her eyes. "Dammit..." she whispered, since her face stung a bit, and blinked until the blurs cleared, "Who are you?" she asked with a bit of a growl to the young man in front of her. She stood and walked over to her stuff, gathered it up, and neatly put it away in the flute case. Just in case, she slid the keiken into the right sleeve of her sweatjacket, angling her hand just right to keep the knife from falling out. The flute case disappeared in a brilliant blue and white flame, which died out as soon as it began, so she did not have to carry it. Tuweni walked back to the bench and the stranger, who she had never kept her eyes off of. She sat down beside MrPeterson, who had woken up in a daze and was struggling to keep her golden-yellow eyes open. Tuweni stroked the cat as she glared up at the young man. Using her peripheral vision, she figured out whether or not she had been to this world before. Luckily she had, albeit by accident, and was somewhat used to its layout.
  3. Tuweni moved on to the next page, having finished her third song. The next page was a notecard. Both sides held handwritten songs. She played through the first song, then flipped the notecard over to play the second song. Halfway through it, her fingers fluttered for just a moment, and she messed up. The black cat, MrPeterson, twitched her ears and looked up at the sky. The clouds had stopped moving. She let out a loud yowl to alert Tuweni. "Meh?" Tuweni answered the cat. She noticed what the cat saw. Her eyes widened as she realized which song she just played. It was a spell of sorts; what she used to go from world to world. If she messed up, however, she and MrPeterson would be sent to some random world. "Crap," she sighed as everything went black. Tuweni and the cat layed unconsious with sheet music scattered around them in front of the train station in Twilight Town.
  4. Tuweni wasn't sure where she was. There was no one around as far as she knew, but all that meant to her was that it was quiet. She looked around at the oddly shaped ruins and the neat paths they formed. "These ruins... Or maybe... Are these... weapons?" she asked, mostly to herself, but partially to the black cat beside her. The cat let out a meow as an answer. Tuweni picked her up. "Silly MrPeterson," she laughed, "I can't understand you when I'm in this form." The black cat meowed in the tone of a question. "I'm guessing you said 'Why aren't you in your true form, anyway?'" Tuweni replied as she placed the cat down, "I wanna play the flute, thats why! C'mon, let's find a good place to sit." Tuweni sat down, and a flute case appeared in her hand. She opened it and put the long, silver instrument together. Removing the protective padding revealed a secret compartment. On top of several folded sheets of paper lay a special bayonet and a keiken knife. She unfolded the papers and flipped through them. Picking one of her favorite songs, she placed the sheet music on the ground, using the keiken as a paperweight. The black cat had fallen asleep, with her tail touching her noise, by the time Tuweni began to play the music. ((Heh... Do I write too much? there is no such thing as posting too much on a role-play. o-o))
  5. Name: Tuweni (to-when-knee) Appearance: Medium length, messy light blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, 5'3. Usually wears a light blue, black, or white t-shirt, and always wears jean shorts, a black, hooded sweatjacket, and two pendants on separate box-link chains. Is actually a white wolf who can turn into a human and only goes human in cities. Travels with MrPeterson, a female housecat with jet black fur and yellow eyes, at her side. http://i33.tinypic.com/2ur5fmx.jpg Gender: Female Weapon: Flute with a bayonet attached to the end and a keiken knife. Using her teeth, fights alongside MrPeterson when a wolf. Personality: Quiet, fairly hostile around strangers, usually either sketches or plays the flute when bored. Reliability: Strength
  6. Thanks everyone for all the welcomes!
  7. My real name is Marissa. I live Irvine, California (known as the fifth(?) time, number one safest big city in the US). I have a female cat named MrPeterson, two female dogs (golden retrievers) named Lila (born Oct. 31 2001) and Violet (born July 1 2010), and a male guinea pig named Sam. I love wolves to the point where almost everything I write or draw has something wolf related. I'm against the Twilight saga (if you can even call it a saga) and Anti-Yaoi. I first got into Kingdom Hearts when I saw the commercial for KH2 on TV. Until June of this year, I've only been able to play 358/2 Days, but now I have my brother-in-law's PS2. I'm hoping to get a PSP by September. Right now I'm writing two original stories, attempting to write KH fanfic (gotta say its hard to someone else's characters), and have two other original story ideas stuck in my head, so I get really bad writers block. Oh and in the picture of my cat, she's not blind, it's just the camera's flash. I'm pretty bad at introducing myself (if you noticed the scattered sentences) so if you wanna ask me something about myself, I'll gladly answer.
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