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Everything posted by Oathion

  1. Wow. I never noticed that! You're one smart guy (or girl). idk Anyway that's surprising and cool. Who knew they could hide the ending in the intro
  2. Got it the first day it came out but... I didn't have a DS:'(. I had to wait a week or so untill my mom finally got me one. It felt like the longest week ever but it was worth it:D
  3. August 31...>_< Oh well, atleast I'll be able to play three diffrent ways when I get it: on the bus:P... after homework:|... and on weekends8)...
  4. I have all the themes thanks to you! Oh and I like the crossed chains one, it's my favorite theme so far! But still, might change when all the US PSP themes come on the website.
  5. A little late there... There was already a thread on this... :|
  6. I'm half 'n' half:| I'm being calm playing other KH and FF games8), but... I'm lossing my mind when I look at stuff from BbS!!!:x What to do, what to do...?:s
  7. A spot obviously deserved! In my opnion, KH BbS is the best KH game to come out since KHII As a bonus, Dissidia and Crisis Core made the top 25!
  8. Cool Find! I am in the US but luckily I speak and read Spanish a little
  9. I got KHII for $20 (Same goes for KH1) $15 for COM and $40 for 358/2 Days, RE:COM, and probably Birth by Sleep
  10. ........... I don't think someone from Star Wars would be in a KH game. I mean, no offense but, when you think about it it wouldn't fit and it would be kinda weird. I mean I can't imagine people from SW in KH. Can you? Sorry :s
  11. Simply put, your given a requirement of GP and you need to reach that maximum GP before everybody else and reach the keyhole from where you started.
  12. true but what about the prize pots and the mirage arena matches?
  13. I was just wacthing a walkthrough of BbS on YouTube and when I saw treasure chests being opened, Mirage Arena missions being done and Prize Pots being fought, I thought... Will the english release change the way BbS was in the jap release? I mean will they change the treasure chests prizes and thier locations? Will they change the Prize Pot locations? Or change the ways the matches are fought in the Mirage Arena? Do you think so?...
  14. Plus he also sees an illusion of Ven when he's fighting Xion.
  15. Well when I downloaded all the cutscenes in KH1 I added up to 3 hours 53 minutes and 26 seconds so when I comes down to Birth by Sleep, it can't be any longer than 4 hours and a half. Hope this helps
  16. That's hard... Me... Ven... and... I guess... Aqua...
  17. I'm kind of mixed... With summons you play along side them which is cool (I like Genie, Mushu, Tinker Bell, and Cloud's) but... D-Links let you use their abilities which is awesome to use (I like Cinderella, Zack, and Snow White's) P.S. Lookin foward to Pete's D-Link in the NA release of Birth by Sleep, looks like fun
  18. It was on the front page of the site, but hey you didn't know. Happens to the best of us.
  19. 23) Countless battles make the game boring 24) You have to finish both stories and KHII to get the best cards (RE:COM) 25) Neoshadows were a pain in both COM and RE:COM 26) Darkside took way too long to take out (COM) 27) Lack of cutscenes (COM)
  20. Finally, someone who gets what i'm saying!!!
  21. That's not what I meant. What I meant was I'm glad were getting features that wouldn't normally be in the English releases but would be in Jap re-releases aka Final Mix. I mean how many times do we get critical mode and new areas?
  22. (Very First Thread) Isn't it cool how Birth by Sleep is our version of Final Mix!!! I mean look at all the cool features were getting in BbS: -New Keyblades -New Optional Boss -New D-Link -New Areas in the Mirage Arena and Disney Town -More Abilities, Minigames Maps and Songs -Critical Mode (Orginally from KHII:FM+) Maybe Square Enix is trying to give us the feel of Final Mix through Birth by Sleep. Eitherway it's still cool! Are you guys as excited as I am?! Cause I can't wait!!!
  23. Plus Genesis was the only one with a black wing at the time
  24. Awesome!!! Plus if you look closely at the end (When Terra's does the final move in the Bladecharge CS) two ingredients for the ICE CREAM Keyblade were shown: Thundercracker and Nutty Nut:o HaHaHa!!! nutty nut... funny
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