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Everything posted by Maffy

  1. I went there and it was nice but well that's that. Can't say I care much abt it
  2. Well that sux :v I'm in my exam period :v Gl to the rest, I guess~
  3. I find it normal that they return :v It's pretty much their job ; So yeah, I went with another option~
  4. ... I still prefer the MoM wayyy more than this. I already have a Roxas keychain :
  5. Saikano isn't what I had in my mind...

  6. None of them but I'll proly get a ps3 at some point!
  7. Currently only a DS and a PSP but waiting for kh3D to be out and maybeeee we get that totally pretty 3DS... I know it won't happen but maybe T^T
  8. I said yes for games that won't come out locally and though I haven't got anything yet, if Mark of Mastery doesn't come in my region, I do plan on getting it from America
  9. Probably not! It's not every cutscene I like from a game and those I can either find in the "theater" or just watch on youtube.
  10. I WILL get this I just hope it reaches Europe. If not, I have good friends in America! I'll have it shipped to them and them to me And I'll get a normal game as well x)
  11. Been normal rly~ Whatever I do, the game won't arrive earlier, will it? So I'm just being patient.
  12. Shouldn't be there a "Not good" option? I didn't rly like it all that much. Voices sounded dif than other games. Joshua's voice... was dif in his own game (a lot more badass than this girly voice) and there were some mistranslations from the jap trailer kinda and just couldn't get into the atmosphere... I can't believe I'm saying this, but I prefer the jap version any time (and I'm way too used to english voices to suddenly like jap but it's true!).
  13. I didn't rly wanna be spoiled abt 3D so only the small part in the homepage which is rly fine by me cause yeah!
  14. I should finish American McGee's Alice at some point ~.~

  15. I would if I knew how Nothing much, just better stuff for me
  16. From the moment I decided to read the manga, I fell in love with kh I bought a ps2 for the games and finished them in arnd 3 days each. Then consequently I bought everything else I needed with time, a ds and a psp. And I'm planning to get a 3ds and a ps3/4 when kh3 is out. From the moment I discovered this site, I keep checking everyday for news, tell my friends and talk abt kh with them in general. I've been trying to make my roommate finish kh2 and I can talk hours abt the story So the answer is definitely no. I loved it the same for arnd 4 years (except a small break when there were no real news before Days and let it be for a while) and there is no way I'll forget it. If I ever get a kid, it's gonna learn to love it as well Plus even if I wanted to, since there are talks abt a new saga, I wouldn't be able to
  17. What's the point of playing a game without getting to the end? O: I try to beat every game I have but not with exploring every side secret!
  18. I was going for the dedicated consoles but tbh I don't think mobile phone games will ever rise much so I'm not worrying!
  19. Yes it was rly nice o/ No Vita games o/ (can't rly afford to buy a vita as well) But it worries me that he delves into iOS. I have no apple related anything and I just hope it won't be kh what he's searching for it ~.~ Also, again no news on ffvs13... What is so wrong with it?! And then another game before kh3 ^-^ Nice! I hope it's good<3
  20. I'd prefer them waorking on newer titles (cause I wouldn't be able to play it either way )
  21. I voted for no but not cause I prefer on the internet (at least in this case) but cause I don't think I'll listening to the random 3D sountracks more than once or even at all except liek 1-2 melodies
  22. Avengers were pretty firetruckING. AMAZING! <3

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