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Posts posted by Maffy

  1. Hahaha, for now I'm the sole vote for the last option :3


    I mean sure, it's nice that we get hd remasters but I can't say I care much. The difference from kh1 to kh1 remix isn't all that huge. If we were talking about a game like ff7 that was to get a real remake in hd then yes, that'd be something to be excited about cause everything is going to be soooo much better. Hd for kh... mehh~ I didn't find it bad to begin with. Much less about bbs which came out less than 3 years ago. Though to be honest, it'd be fun to play bbs on ps3 so ok, I understand that. It is the best kh game :3 Re:Coded I'm completely indifferent about and I like kh2 as it is a lot sooo yeah. Plus they didn't even make Days a game which was the only thing I'd rly want to see a remake of :<So yeah, I don't rly case much. I guess it's better than nothing while we wait for that legendary kh3 (of course as long the remasters don't take any time out of the making of it)

  2. I'll go with BBS. It unvailed the past and things I should have predicted but didn't and a whole lot more I wouldn't have guessed. For me, it is the best game of the series so far xD Though my fav is a dif one <:I see 3D is winning the poll though. I'm kind of surprised. I don't really remember being very surprised at it. Apart from the end and the few more details about how the war will be, I honestly don't remember anything else that was surprising. But oh well :D

  3. Yes, I'd wait. It is my favorite game so I'd prefer playing it on hd than just cutscenes. We've been waiting ages for this, we could have waited more but I'll take what I can get xD


    EDIT: Since I've read some other replies, I agree that the gameplay wasn't my favorite either though I did get used to it in the end, but yes, I love the story and that's why its my fav game xD

  4. Why most of the ppl have voted that it's more awesome than you expected? What did you expect to make this more awesome? o_o It has hardly anything new on it. I at least expected some awesome new art and this is pretty much used pictures. Well, I don't know. I think they could have done a much better job at it. This seems kinda amateur-ish to me, something I could do myself (sure, apart from the few things they redrew). It's ok, I guess~

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