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Posts posted by Maffy

  1. I honestly don't understand the big hype or the big hate towards the game. I didn't even see anyone hating it, but there's too much praise to go around for reasons I can't completely fathom. The game was kind of disappointment for me. I adore the franchise and it's true I was hyped about KH3 (even though most of it had died while waiting for years), but it just kinda felt... empty? Everything looks REALLY nice, I loved the textures and details (and I prefer gameplay Sora to animated Sora, he has better hair) and loved how big the maps were, but... were they really used right? I mean, apart from searching for emblems and chests, you literally do nothing with most places. Port Royale was big with 3 places and underwater stuff, but at most, you could just spin on a barrel and maybe eavesdrop on someone for something unrelated. At least Thebes had a mini game with the Hercules dolls gathering, but all in all, every map was big, but essentially useless.

    Then, it was the story for each world and for the first time it felt like a non-story almost. Half the time in the worlds we were not even involved in the story, other than trying to reach the main characters of each world and we just had to walk, walk, walk. I really didn't feel involved in most of them, which is sad. I'd expand more on that, but "spoilers".

    And then, the main story felt so little. If you take our the filler that was each world, you're left with almost nothing, but the ending of the game, which was completely rushed. Events that spun decades (literal decades, even) and plans and games and almost everything seemed to pass in matter of seconds or minutes with no questions asked. For all we've been waiting for, I really wanted some events to unfold more realistically. Of course, I didn't and don't expect good writing in terms of dialogue or anything (we love the charas for who they are), but the franchise has sold itself so much throughout the years and it was just really fast in some places. Even Sora sounded out of character for me at some point.

    In retrospect, I really enjoyed the game, but I don't feel the same as when I finished KH2 (though ok, it has been many many years) or BBS or even Days, for that matter. We got too few answers and even more questions... It had a couple great twists, but in the end, this game feels half-finished or to be more precise, a prologue for a "real" game and that just makes me sad. Maybe we'll get a few dlc to fill some stuff, but eh, I guess we have to start hoping the next game won't take 10 years...

  2. On 12/21/2018 at 4:34 AM, PrinceNoctis said:

    The official summaries are...very poetic? What I mean is, from what I saw, they're very vague and don't explain much. If you have a lot of time on your hands, Everglow on Youtube has created a full "cinematic playthrough" of the KH series in chronological order. All the details are there. Here's the link: 


    A bit late, but I wanted to say that this is really great! I'm still catching up, but I love how well done it is. I think I'm even learning about stuff that I hadn't noticed haha. Again, thanks for the help :D I probably wouldn't have found it on my own!

  3. Hello! Not sure if this is a bug, but when going on my profile, the activity tab doesn't show anything but a notice: " [[Template core/front/profile/profileActivity is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] "

    I'm not sure what to do with that? I think it was working before I uploaded a new avatar (that I hadn't changed for yeaaars) if that helps. Thank you in advance :)

  4. 16 hours ago, PrinceNoctis said:

    The official summaries are...very poetic? What I mean is, from what I saw, they're very vague and don't explain much. If you have a lot of time on your hands, Everglow on Youtube has created a full "cinematic playthrough" of the KH series in chronological order. All the details are there. Here's the link: 


    If you just want a single video though, the best I've seen is Game Trailers' KH timeline but it was made in 2013 and hasn't been updated since then so it's missing story elements from KH0.2 and the KH X sub series. KH0.2 is very short though so you can just watch a playthrough or the cutscenes on Youtube. As for KH X...we still don't know how relevant it is to KHIII but you can watch the KHX Back Cover movie and some KHUX cutscenes to catch up.

    Here's the link to GT's timeline.


    Thank you very much xD I have enough time, so I think I will go with Everglow; the more details the better :D Really thank you for the links! I will check the official videos as well, just to see if they complement it somehow, but if they are as you described, I will probably stay away in the end, haha.

    Also, I doubt we are missing that much about UX. The story is definitely not complete, but I'd guess what will remain after KH3 is out won't impact the grand scale of things to an important extent. Then again, if they want the game to survive for some time after KH3 and after the CRAZY power creep that's been happening now, maybe they are holding an ace. We'll see!

    PS: I'm SO happy someone answered! After the first couple days, I started thinking that maybe no one will ever reply to this, haha.

  5. With KH3 coming, I want to refresh my memory with every single event that happened (well, the most important ones) and everything that leads up to KH3. I own most of the games (I have no idea of 2.8 content only), but since they are so many, I can't bring myself to play the entire entire series again just for that since it may take weeks. It's been yeaaars since I've started being a fan and with so much waiting, I think I'm not fully ready detail-wise anymore since I probably have forgotten some stuff. Does anyone have a complete and good "story so far" (not the bundle, haha) to share? I think KH13 had some news with the official channel making some summary videos, but I'm not sure if those were done?

    Thank you :)

  6. Weird I could access the us link ofcourse they couldn't ship it they may have fixed it.

    So the rest of Europe can't get to the link?

    The link from the article here you mean? That was the US link, thus no UK or France there in the country choices. The Europe link is another one (the one that Marcomax tried, I suppose) and only people with IP from UK/France can see the CE :I The rest only get to see the LE.

    Yup, the rest of poor souls that didn't happen to be born there, cannot pre-order it :I

  7. You mean except for the parts when he saved the universe twice, picked up the slack for everyone else's mistakes and failures, and generally made the world a better place? Yeah, what a slacker.

    Well, thank you, I probably missed that while playing every game! My whole kh history is a lie :P

    I don't mean that (obviously - though not obviously for everyone :P). I never even said he was lazy. I'm talking about everything that has nothing to do with him saving the world but just his existence. Everything in the story is connected through Sora for some reason. I know he's the main and of course he has to be in the middle but in every single thing/plan, he's involved even when he doesn't know it (hence, doing nothing other than just existing. He just breathes and he gets involved into more plans). So the more games came out and the more we learnt, it just annoyed me. And it was even more annoying when it was apparent that having a keyblade wasn't as special as kh1 made it to seem xD He somehow happened to help Ventus (yes, pure heart and all but I don't think he was the only one in every universe but I know, hes the main, I'm not arguing that, just that it wasn't that special) and in that moment, it was like everything was decided.


    There are stories about how the main saves the world but not eeeeverything has to do with him. I just don't like how everyone and everything blindly follows Sora.But that's another topic and I'm not going to delve deepe into it. I just answered to justify my opinion (which won't change). I never diminished Sora's skill in fighting. If the argument rose from me saying "useless pair" it was meant for other stuff and not battle!

    Though, I'll never reaaaally dislike him. I feel nostalgic towards him and I kinda see him like silly pet dog xD

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