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Everything posted by Maffy

  1. Shouldn't there be an option of mixing them? I don't rly have a liking to a certain kind! But oh well either way, I use a lot sometimes
  2. Actually, it could have been better I RLYYYY like it BUY those Riku arms just haunt me Same with his hand Just no
  3. I have done that but mainly cause I was bored and wanted to generally play games and lazy arnd I didn't do it often and not too rarely either so yeah
  4. Mostly in my bedroom but there are times when I gotta play in the living room (like on Christmas since bro took the tv from my room in my parents' house so had to play ps2 elsewhere! ) And then usually in waiting rooms like at the airport or the 12 hour long trip with the ship so thank god for psp and ds c:
  5. Have played some, still playing some But 10 is like my fav<3 Then I'm kinda torn between 7 and Crisis Core. Crisis Core seemed kidna rushed at some points but cried my eyes out at the end so dunno T.T
  6. I guess we are talking abt xehanort saga right? Hmmm I don't mind rly. I prefer it than being alone. They are my scapegoats. Goofy is a must for me. Donald... not so much.... I'm not paying for your ethers anymore Donald >_> And I liked kh2's choice to have anothe member in so I'll with that one yah c:
  7. I usually buy books from amazon and some rare times clothes and I plan to get the new snow miku nendoroid which will be out in 1-2 weeks o/
  8. Depends. When it comes to kh I wouldn't have a 2nd thought abt it but for some other game I'd check arnd for half an hour to be sure to not waste my money
  9. It's ok... I guess but rly useless to me. I already own the games, why would I want to buy them again? I'd rly like to get the cards and maybe the protective cover but that exp only for that? Thank you but no thank you. I rly did expect something great for the 10th anniversary =/ This is just crappy imo~
  10. Who cares if you are young or old?! Videos games are FUN! So no, I don't think I'll ever stop. I'm so gonna introduve my future kids to some awesome old games
  11. I do believe a bbs v2 will be announced! We are waiting for so long! But I don't think anything else will come out. I'd hope for a Days remake but I don't rly think that's happening. And I'm pretty sure khIII will be delayed T.T Cause of Versus T.T The more you wish for kh3, the further it goes so no I don't even expect a trailer. At most maybe a sneakpeak cause of 3D's ending and stuff but nahh not anything else. EDIT: It'd also be fun if they like announced for their 10th anniversary like a movie or an ova or something It'd also cheer me up c:
  12. No but then again I've never cosplayed I just live in a place where such events are kinda rare so I'd be kinda embarrassed indeed T^T But rly I'm looking forward to it one day c:
  13. Well actually it depends on the game I'm playing currently. Sometimes it's DS, sometimes it's PSP, sometimes it's both
  14. Nope, I love my games and I'm very careful with them Even when other ppl touch them, I eye them to be sure they are doing it right!
  15. FF10 ;-; I was laughing just till the end scene started and suddenly tears started falling ;-; Then at the 358/days towards the end with Xion and Roxassss T.T At kh2 with Roxas' final days ;-; And Axel's death ;-;
  16. Only when I replay the game and even then only if it's a rly boring scene. Then ofc, if I loss to a boss and it has a scene before it... No, I'm not gonna watch it again and again
  17. Well I mostly have 1p games so gotta play alone but when I have the chance, I'll play with my rl friend
  18. Wish they did ;-; If it weren't for my bro I'd never have a NES as a kid ;-; My parents never even tried it ;-; And cause I didn't have any gamer friends, my urge for video-gaming was non-existant till late elementary school when I bought a gba but didn't rly know much for ps1 and stuff T.T
  19. Well 2 months ago I got ff4 complete series and ff7 crisis core and this month my friend bought me ff7,8,9 but I wanted to pay for them though he doesn't let me /o/ But oh well, I guess they still count as past month /o/
  20. I will get a tattoo sooner or later but I haven't found something that means something for me (since you know, tattoos are for a rlyyyyyyyy long time, I want it to have some meaning!). Though I have thought abt a game tattoo, like a small kh heart or there was this one moogle tattoo I had found, it was soooo pretty but yeah proly won't get that but yeah, I could get a symbol from kh or something =/
  21. Never rly o,o Only if I'm bored or preoccupied otherwise I play till I turn off the machine itself 8D
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